panthema / 2012 / 1119-eSAIS-Inducing-Suffix-and-LCP-Arrays-in-External-Memory / eSAIS-DC3-LCP-0.5.0 / src / tools / rmq_succinct.h (Download File)
 * src/tools/rmq_succinct.h
 * Simplistic, dynamic and succinct RMQ data structure that only allows querys
 * to the left of the current end of the array.
 * Fischer, J., & Heun, V. (2007). A new succinct representation of
 * RMQ-information and improvements in the enhanced suffix array. ESCAPE'07,
 * pages 459-470.
 * Copyright (C) 2007 Johannes Fischer
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program.  If not, see <>.

#ifndef _RMQ_succinct_hpp_
#define _RMQ_succinct_hpp_

// #define MEM_COUNT

//typedef int DT;                 // use long for 64bit-version (but take care of fast log!)
//typedef unsigned int DTidx;     // for indexing in arrays

template <typename DT, typename DTidx>
class RMQ_succinct
    typedef unsigned char DTsucc;
    typedef unsigned short DTsucc2;

    // liefert RMQ[i,j]
    DTidx       query(DTidx, DTidx);

    RMQ_succinct(const DT* a, DTidx n);

    /// Destructor. Deletes allocated space.
        if (ARRAY_VERY_SMALL) return;

	delete[] type;
	for (DTidx i = 0; i < Catalan(s,s); i++) delete[] Prec[i];
	delete[] Prec;
	for (DTidx i = 0; i < M_depth; i++) delete[] M[i];
	delete[] M;
	for (DTidx i = 0; i < Mprime_depth; i++) delete[] Mprime[i];
	delete[] Mprime;

    // array
    const DT *a;

    // size of array a
    DTidx n;

    // table M for the out-of-block queries (contains indices of block-minima)
    DTsucc** M;

    // because M just stores offsets (rel. to start of block), this method
    // re-calculates the true index:
    inline DTidx m(DTidx k, DTidx block) { return M[k][block]+(block*sprime); }

    // depth of table M:
    DTidx M_depth;

    // table M' for superblock-queries (contains indices of block-minima)
    DTidx** Mprime;

    // depth of table M':
    DTidx Mprime_depth;

    // type of blocks
    DTsucc2 *type;

    // precomputed in-block queries
    DTsucc** Prec;

    // microblock size
    DTidx s;

    // block size
    DTidx sprime;

    // superblock size
    DTidx sprimeprime;

    // number of blocks (always n/sprime)
    DTidx nb;

    // number of superblocks (always n/sprimeprime)
    DTidx nsb;

    // number of microblocks (always n/s)
    DTidx nmb;

    // return microblock-number of entry i:
    inline DTidx microblock(DTidx i) { return i/s; }

    // return block-number of entry i:
    inline DTidx block(DTidx i) { return i/sprime; }

    // return superblock-number of entry i:
    inline DTidx superblock(DTidx i) { return i/sprimeprime; }

    // precomputed Catalan triangle (17 is enough for 64bit computing):
    static inline DTidx Catalan(DTidx a, DTidx b)
        static const DTidx catalan[17][17] = {
        return catalan[a][b];

    // stuff for clearing the least significant x bits (change for 64-bit computing)
    static inline DTsucc clearbits(DTsucc n, DTidx x)
        static const DTsucc HighestBitsSet[8] =
            { ~0, ~1, ~3, ~7, ~15, ~31, ~63, ~127 };
	return n & HighestBitsSet[x];

    // return least signigicant bit in constant time (change for 64bit version)
    static inline DTidx lsb(DTsucc v) {

        // Least Significant Bits for 8-bit-numbers:
        static const char LSBTable256[256] = {

	return LSBTable256[v];

    // the following stuff is for fast base 2 logarithms:
    // (currently only implemented for 32 bit numbers)
    //static const char LogTable256[256];

    inline DTidx log2fast(DTidx v)
	DTidx c = 0;          // c will be lg(v)
	register DTidx t, tt; // temporaries

        static const char LogTable256[256] = {

	if ((tt = v >> 16))
            c = (t = v >> 24) ? 24 + LogTable256[t] : 16 + LogTable256[tt & 0xFF];
            c = (t = v >> 8) ? 8 + LogTable256[t] : LogTable256[v];
	return c;

    // set if input array a is very small, so that naive scanning is better:

 * Standard Constructor. a is the array to be prepared for RMQ.
 * n is the size of the array.
template <typename DT, typename DTidx>
RMQ_succinct<DT,DTidx>::RMQ_succinct(const DT* a, DTidx n)
    this->a = a;
    this->n = n;
    s = 1 << 3;	                // microblock-size
    sprime = 1 << 4;            // block-size
    sprimeprime = 1 << 8;	// superblock-size
    nb = block(n-1)+1;          // number of blocks
    nsb = superblock(n-1)+1;    // number of superblocks
    nmb = microblock(n-1)+1;    // number of microblocks

    // The following is necessary because we've fixed s, s' and s'' according to the computer's
    // word size and NOT according to the input size. This may cause the (super-)block-size
    // to be too big, or, in other words, the array too small. If this code is compiled on
    // a 32-bit computer, this happens iff n < 113. For such small instances it isn't 
    // advisable anyway to use this data structure, because simpler methods are faster and 
    // less space consuming.
    ARRAY_VERY_SMALL = false;
    if (nb<sprimeprime/(2*sprime)) { ARRAY_VERY_SMALL = true; return; }

    // Type-calculation for the microblocks and pre-computation of in-microblock-queries:
    type = new DTsucc2[nmb];
#ifdef MEM_COUNT
    unsigned long mem = sizeof(DTsucc2)*nmb;
    Prec = new DTsucc*[Catalan(s,s)];
    for (DTidx i = 0; i < Catalan(s,s); i++) {
        Prec[i] = new DTsucc[s];
#ifdef MEM_COUNT
        mem += sizeof(DTsucc)*s;
        Prec[i][0] = 1; // init with impossible value

    DT* rp = new DT[s+1];   // rp: rightmost path in Cart. tree
    DTidx z = 0;            // index in array a
    DTidx start;            // start of current block
    DTidx end;              // end of current block
    DTidx q;                // position in Catalan triangle
    DTidx p;                // --------- " ----------------
    rp[0] = std::numeric_limits<DT>::min(); // stopper (minus infinity)

    // prec[i]: the jth bit is 1 iff j is 1. pos. to the left of i where a[j] < a[i] 
    DTidx* gstack = new DTidx[s];
    DTidx gstacksize;
    DTidx g; // first position to the left of i where a[g[i]] < a[i]

    for (DTidx i = 0; i < nmb; i++) { // step through microblocks
        start = z;              // init start
        end = start + s;        // end of block (not inclusive!)
        if (end > n) end = n;   // last block could be smaller than s!

        // compute block type as in Fischer/Heun CPM'06:
        q = s;                  // init q
        p = s-1;                // init p
        type[i] = 0;            // init type (will be increased!)
        rp[1] = a[z];           // init rightmost path

        while (++z < end) {     // step through current block:
            while (rp[q-p-1] > a[z]) {
                type[i] += Catalan(p,q); // update type
            rp[q-p] = a[z];     // add last element to rightmost path

        // precompute in-block-queries for this microblock (if necessary)
        // as in Alstrup et al. SPAA'02:
        if (Prec[type[i]][0] == 1) {
            Prec[type[i]][0] = 0;
            gstacksize = 0;
            for (DTidx j = start; j < end; j++) {
                while(gstacksize > 0 && (a[j] < a[gstack[gstacksize-1]])) {
                if(gstacksize > 0) {
                    g = gstack[gstacksize-1];
                    Prec[type[i]][j-start] = Prec[type[i]][g-start] | (1 << (g % s));
                else Prec[type[i]][j-start] = 0;
                gstack[gstacksize++] = j;
    delete[] rp;
    delete[] gstack;

    // space for out-of-block- and out-of-superblock-queries:
    M_depth = (DTidx) floor(log2(((double) sprimeprime / (double) sprime)));
    M = new DTsucc*[M_depth];
    M[0] = new DTsucc[nb];
#ifdef MEM_COUNT
    mem += sizeof(DTsucc)*nb;
    Mprime_depth = (DTidx) floor(log2(nsb)) + 1;
    Mprime = new DTidx*[Mprime_depth];
    Mprime[0] = new DTidx[nsb];
#ifdef MEM_COUNT
    mem += sizeof(DTidx)*nsb;

    // fill 0'th rows of M and Mprime:
    z = 0; // minimum in current block
    q = 0; // pos. of min in current superblock
    g = 0; // number of current superblock
    for (DTidx i = 0; i < nb; i++) { // step through blocks
        start = z;              // init start
        p = start;              // init minimum
        end = start + sprime;   // end of block (not inclusive!)
        if (end > n) end = n;   // last block could be smaller than sprime!
        if (a[z] < a[q]) q = z; // update minimum in superblock

        while (++z < end) { // step through current block:
            if (a[z] < a[p]) p = z; // update minimum in block
            if (a[z] < a[q]) q = z; // update minimum in superblock
        M[0][i] = p-start;                     // store index of block-minimum (offset!)
        if (z % sprimeprime == 0 || z == n) {  // reached end of superblock?
            Mprime[0][g++] = q;                // store index of superblock-minimum
            q = z;

    // fill M:
    DTidx dist = 1; // always 2^(j-1)
    for (DTidx j = 1; j < M_depth; j++) {
        M[j] = new DTsucc[nb];
#ifdef MEM_COUNT
        mem += sizeof(DTsucc)*nb;
        for (DTidx i = 0; i < nb - dist; i++) { // be careful: loop may go too far
            M[j][i] = a[m(j-1, i)] <= a[m(j-1,i+dist)] ?
                M[j-1][i] : M[j-1][i+dist] + (dist*sprime); // add 'skipped' elements in a
        for (DTidx i = nb - dist; i < nb; i++) M[j][i] = M[j-1][i]; // fill overhang
        dist *= 2;

    // fill M':
    dist = 1; // always 2^(j-1)
    for (DTidx j = 1; j < Mprime_depth; j++) {
        Mprime[j] = new DTidx[nsb];
#ifdef MEM_COUNT
        mem += sizeof(DTidx)*nsb;
        for (DTidx i = 0; i < nsb - dist; i++) {
            Mprime[j][i] = a[Mprime[j-1][i]] <= a[Mprime[j-1][i+dist]] ?
                Mprime[j-1][i] : Mprime[j-1][i+dist];
        for (DTidx i = nsb - dist; i < nsb; i++) Mprime[j][i] = Mprime[j-1][i]; // overhang
        dist *= 2;
#ifdef MEM_COUNT
    std::cout << "allocated " << mem << " bytes\n";

template <typename DT, typename DTidx>
DTidx RMQ_succinct<DT,DTidx>::query(DTidx i, DTidx j)
    DTidx mb_i = microblock(i);     // i's microblock
    DTidx mb_j = microblock(j);     // j's microblock
    DTidx min, min_tmp;             // min: to be returned
    DTidx s_mi = mb_i * s;          // start of i's microblock
    DTidx i_pos = i - s_mi;         // pos. of i in its microblock

    if (ARRAY_VERY_SMALL) { // scan naively
        min = i;
        for (DTidx x = i+1; x <= j; x++) if (a[x] < a[min]) min = x;
    else if (mb_i == mb_j) { // only one in-microblock-query
        min_tmp = clearbits(Prec[type[mb_i]][j-s_mi], i_pos);
        min = min_tmp == 0 ? j : s_mi + lsb(min_tmp);
    else { 
        DTidx b_i = block(i);      // i's block
        DTidx b_j = block(j);      // j's block
        DTidx s_mj = mb_j * s;     // start of j's microblock
        DTidx j_pos = j - s_mj;    // position of j in its microblock
        min_tmp = clearbits(Prec[type[mb_i]][s-1], i_pos);
        min = min_tmp == 0 ? s_mi + s - 1 : s_mi + lsb(min_tmp); // left in-microblock-query

        if (mb_j > mb_i + 1) { // otherwise only 2 in-microblock-queries
            DTidx s_bi = b_i * sprime;      // start of i's block
            DTidx s_bj = b_j * sprime;      // start of j's block
            if (s_bi+s > i) { // do another microblock-query to compensate for missing block-layer
                mb_i++;   // go one microblock to the right
                min_tmp = Prec[type[mb_i]][s-1] == 0 ?
                    s_bi + sprime - 1 : s_mi + s + lsb(Prec[type[mb_i]][s-1]);
                if (a[min_tmp] < a[min]) min = min_tmp;

            if (b_j > b_i + 1) { // otherwise no out-of-block-queries
                DTidx k, t, b;  // temporary variables
                b_i++; // block where out-of-block-query starts
                if (s_bj - s_bi - sprime <= sprimeprime) { // just one out-of-block-query
                    k = log2fast(b_j - b_i - 1);
                    t = 1 << k; // 2^k
                    i = m(k, b_i); b = m(k, b_j-t); // i can be overwritten!
                    min_tmp = a[i] <= a[b] ? i : b;
                    if (a[min_tmp] < a[min]) min = min_tmp;
                else { // here we have two out-of-block-queries:
                    DTidx sb_i = superblock(i); // i's superblock
                    DTidx sb_j = superblock(j); // j's superblock

                    b = block((sb_i+1)*sprimeprime); // end of left out-of-block-query
                    k = log2fast(b - b_i);
                    t = 1 << k; // 2^k
                    i = m(k, b_i); i_pos = m(k, b+1-t); // i & i_pos can be overwritten!
                    min_tmp = a[i] <= a[i_pos] ? i : i_pos;
                    if (a[min_tmp] < a[min]) min = min_tmp;

                    if (sb_j > sb_i + 1) { // the superblock-query
                        k = log2fast(sb_j - sb_i - 2);
                        t = 1 << k;
                        i = Mprime[k][sb_i+1]; i_pos = Mprime[k][sb_j-t];
                        min_tmp = a[i] <= a[i_pos] ? i : i_pos;
                        if (a[min_tmp] < a[min]) min = min_tmp;

                    b = block(sb_j*sprimeprime); // start of right out-of-block-query
                    k = log2fast(b_j - b);
                    t = 1 << k; // 2^k
                    b--; // going one block to the left doesn't harm and saves some tests
                    i = m(k, b); i_pos = m(k, b_j-t);
                    min_tmp = a[i] <= a[i_pos] ? i : i_pos;
                    if (a[min_tmp] < a[min]) min = min_tmp;

            if (j >= s_bj+s) { // another microblock-query to compensate for missing block-layer
                min_tmp = Prec[type[mb_j-1]][s-1] == 0 ?
                    s_mj - 1 : s_bj + lsb(Prec[type[mb_j-1]][s-1]);
                if (a[min_tmp] < a[min]) min = min_tmp;

        min_tmp = Prec[type[mb_j]][j_pos] == 0 ?
            j : s_mj + lsb(Prec[type[mb_j]][j_pos]);     // right in-microblock-query
        if (a[min_tmp] < a[min]) min = min_tmp;


    return min;
