panthema / 2007 / flex-bison-cpp-example / flex-bison-cpp-example-0.1 / src / parser.yy (Download File)
/* $Id: parser.yy 19 2007-08-19 20:36:24Z tb $ -*- mode: c++ -*- */
/** \file parser.yy Contains the example Bison parser source */

%{ /*** C/C++ Declarations ***/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "expression.h"


/*** yacc/bison Declarations ***/

/* Require bison 2.3 or later */
%require "2.3"

/* add debug output code to generated parser. disable this for release
 * versions. */

/* start symbol is named "start" */
%start start

/* write out a header file containing the token defines */

/* use newer C++ skeleton file */
%skeleton ""

/* namespace to enclose parser in */

/* set the parser's class identifier */
%define "parser_class_name" "Parser"

/* keep track of the current position within the input */
    // initialize the initial location object
    @$.begin.filename = @$.end.filename = &driver.streamname;

/* The driver is passed by reference to the parser and to the scanner. This
 * provides a simple but effective pure interface, not relying on global
 * variables. */
%parse-param { class Driver& driver }

/* verbose error messages */

 /*** BEGIN EXAMPLE - Change the example grammar's tokens below ***/

%union {
    int  			integerVal;
    double 			doubleVal;
    std::string*		stringVal;
    CalcNode*			calcnode;

%token			END	     0	"end of file"
%token			EOL		"end of line"
%token <integerVal> 	INTEGER		"integer"
%token <doubleVal> 	DOUBLE		"double"
%token <stringVal> 	STRING		"string"

%type <calcnode>	constant variable
%type <calcnode>	atomexpr powexpr unaryexpr mulexpr addexpr expr

%destructor { delete $$; } STRING
%destructor { delete $$; } constant variable
%destructor { delete $$; } atomexpr powexpr unaryexpr mulexpr addexpr expr

 /*** END EXAMPLE - Change the example grammar's tokens above ***/


#include "driver.h"
#include "scanner.h"

/* this "connects" the bison parser in the driver to the flex scanner class
 * object. it defines the yylex() function call to pull the next token from the
 * current lexer object of the driver context. */
#undef yylex
#define yylex driver.lexer->lex


%% /*** Grammar Rules ***/

 /*** BEGIN EXAMPLE - Change the example grammar rules below ***/

constant : INTEGER
	       $$ = new CNConstant($1);
         | DOUBLE
	       $$ = new CNConstant($1);

variable : STRING
	       if (!driver.calc.existsVariable(*$1)) {
		   error(yyloc, std::string("Unknown variable \"") + *$1 + "\"");
		   delete $1;
	       else {
		   $$ = new CNConstant( driver.calc.getVariable(*$1) );
		   delete $1;

atomexpr : constant
	       $$ = $1;
         | variable
	       $$ = $1;
         | '(' expr ')'
	       $$ = $2;

powexpr	: atomexpr
	      $$ = $1;
        | powexpr '^' atomexpr
	      $$ = new CNPower($1, $3);

unaryexpr : powexpr
		$$ = $1;
          | '+' powexpr
		$$ = $2;
          | '-' powexpr
		$$ = new CNNegate($2);

mulexpr : unaryexpr
	      $$ = $1;
        | mulexpr '*' unaryexpr
	      $$ = new CNMultiply($1, $3);
        | mulexpr '/' unaryexpr
	      $$ = new CNDivide($1, $3);
        | mulexpr '%' unaryexpr
	      $$ = new CNModulo($1, $3);

addexpr : mulexpr
	      $$ = $1;
        | addexpr '+' mulexpr
	      $$ = new CNAdd($1, $3);
        | addexpr '-' mulexpr
	      $$ = new CNSubtract($1, $3);

expr	: addexpr
	      $$ = $1;

assignment : STRING '=' expr
		 driver.calc.variables[*$1] = $3->evaluate();
		 std::cout << "Setting variable " << *$1
			   << " = " << driver.calc.variables[*$1] << "\n";
		 delete $1;
		 delete $3;

start	: /* empty */
        | start ';'
        | start EOL
	| start assignment ';'
	| start assignment EOL
	| start assignment END
        | start expr ';'
        | start expr EOL
        | start expr END

 /*** END EXAMPLE - Change the example grammar rules above ***/

%% /*** Additional Code ***/

void example::Parser::error(const Parser::location_type& l,
			    const std::string& m)
    driver.error(l, m);