panthema / 2006 / SDIOS06 / sdios06 / src / sdljump / skins / xjump / config.theme (Download File)

## SDLjump theme file
## ==================
## Important:
## - You can't alter the order in which these values are present.
## - The string length can't be larger than 512 characters
## - String variables must go between ""

# ===========
#   General
# ===========

format = "0.2"

comment = "Language: English
Description: This theme tries to evocate the appereance of the original Xjump."

window_width = 540
window_height = 592

# None -> 0, Full -> 1, Original -> 2
default_rotation = 1

# ===========
#    Menu 
# ===========

menu_bg = "menu.png"

# The fonts
menu_font  = "xjumpfont.png"
tip_font = "tipfont.png"

# Define the text alignment for the meny entries and the tips
# Left -> 0;  Center -> 1; Right -> 2;
menu_align = 1
tip_align = 1

# Define the menu rectangle
menu_x = 14
menu_y = 158
menu_width = 512
menu_height = 300

# Gap between items
menu_gap = 0

# Define the tips rectangle
tip_x = 30
tip_y = 102
tip_width = 490
tip_height = 40

# Higligthed item color 
hl_red = 255
hl_green = 0
hl_blue = 0
hl_alpha = 128

# ============
#    In-game
# ============

# The background of the in-game screen
game_bg = "gamebg.png"

# The live picture
live_pic = "live.png"
# 0: Horizontal; 1: Vertical
live_align = 1

# The scoreboard font
score_font = "xjumpfont.png"

# The in-game text font
game_font = "fixed.png"

# Un-game text square color 
g_red = 0
g_green = 0
g_blue = 0
g_alpha = 190

# Where the match grid starts
game_x = 14
game_y = 149

# Postition of the score boards (remember: 4!)
score_x = 27
score_y = 103
lives_x = 4
lives_y = 91

score_x = 160
score_y = 103
lives_x = 136
lives_y = 91

score_x = 293
score_y = 103
lives_x = 269
lives_y = 91

score_x = 426
score_y = 103
lives_x = 402
lives_y = 91

# The floor bricks
floor_left   = "floor.png"
floor_right  = "floor.png"
floor_center = "floor.png"

# The hero sprite
hero_stand_anim  = "hero0.anim"
hero_run_anim  = "hero0.anim"
hero_jump_anim  = "hero0.anim"

hero_stand_anim  = "hero1.anim"
hero_run_anim  = "hero1.anim"
hero_jump_anim  = "hero1.anim"

hero_stand_anim  = "hero2.anim"
hero_run_anim  = "hero2.anim"
hero_jump_anim  = "hero2.anim"

hero_stand_anim  = "hero3.anim"
hero_run_anim  = "hero3.anim"
hero_jump_anim  = "hero3.anim"

# ============
# Translations
# ============


txt_name = "Name"
txt_floor = "Floor"
txt_mode = "Mode"
txt_time = "Time"

txt_hscnote = "Press any key to continue. Read the README or the 'man' page to learn the meaning of the 'mode' column."
txt_newhsc = "Congratulations! You have made a new high score. Do you want to play again (Y/n)"
txt_gameover = "You all are dead. Do you want to play again (Y/n)."
txt_askquit = "Are you sure you want to end this match? (Y/n)"
txt_pause = "PAUSED"


msg_newgame = "New Game"
msg_options = "Options"
msg_highscores = "High Scores"
msg_themes = "Themes"
msg_quit = "Quit"

msg_back = "Back"

msg_themefolders = "Theme folders"
msg_choostheme = "Choose Theme"
msg_addthemefolder = "Add"
msg_deletefolder = "Delete"
msg_editfolder = "Modify"

msg_1playergame = "Single player game"
msg_2playergame = "Two players game"
msg_3playergame = "Three players game"
msg_4playergame = "Four players game"

msg_gameoptions = "Game Options"
msg_graphicoptions = "Graphic Options"
msg_playernames = "Player Names"
msg_redefinekeys = "Redefine Keys"

msg_fpslimit = "FPS limit"
msg_jumpingrot = "Jumping Rotation"
msg_scrollmode = "Scroll Mode"
msg_mplives = "Lives"

msg_40fps = "40 fps (Xjump)"
msg_100fps = "100 fps"
msg_300fps = "300 fps"
msg_nolimit = "No limit"

msg_norot = "No rotation"
msg_orginalrot = "Xjump"
msg_fullrot = "Full"
msg_fullrotaa = "Full AA"

msg_softscroll = "Soft Scroll"
msg_hardscroll = "Hard Scroll (Xjump)"

msg_opengl = "OpenGL Rendering"
msg_bpp = "Screen Colour Depth"
msg_fullscreen = "Fulscreen"

msg_8bpp = "8 bpp"
msg_16bpp = "16 bpp"
msg_24bpp = "24 bpp"
msg_32bpp = "32 bpp"

msg_yes = "Yes"
msg_no = "No"

msg_player1name = "Player 1 name"
msg_player2name = "Player 2 name"
msg_player3name = "Player 3 name"
msg_player4name = "Player 4 name"

msg_player1keys = "Player 1 keys"
msg_player2keys = "Player 2 keys"
msg_player3keys = "Player 3 keys"
msg_player4keys = "Player 4 keys"

msg_redefkeyleft = "Left"
msg_redefkeyright = "Right"
msg_redefkeyup = "Jump"


tip_newgame = "Start a new game"
tip_options = "Configure different options related to the gameplay, graphics, players..."
tip_highscores = "Lets have a look at the hall of fame"
tip_themes = "Change the game look."
tip_quit = "Are you sure you want to leave this great game?"

tip_back = "Get me outta here!"

tip_themefolders = "Choose where the themes are located."
tip_choostheme = "Choose the theme to use."
tip_addthemefolder = "Add a theme folder to the list."
tip_themefolder = "View more options about this folder."
tip_deletefolder = "Delete the folder from the list"
tip_editfolder = "Change this folders path"
tip_writefolder = "Write the full path where the themes are stored."

tip_1playergame = "Play on your own in a cruel figth against the falling tower"
tip_2playergame = "Play against 1 people in the falling tower"
tip_3playergame = "Play against 2 people, who will survive more time?"
tip_4playergame = "Oh man, keep your hands in the keyboard or you'll be punching each other"

tip_gameoptions = "Modify options related to the game play. The XJump advice in some options means thats how it works in Xjump"
tip_graphicoptions = "Modify options related to the game visuals"
tip_playernames = "Change the player names. These names are the ones that will be stored in the records"
tip_redefinekeys = "If you don't like the current keys, change them here"

tip_fpslimit = "The original Xjump worked at 40 fps, but limiting to higher number is also good if you don't want to use all your CPU"
tip_jumpingrot = "If you want to change how the player rotates when jumping"
tip_scrollmode = "How do you want the tower to fall"
tip_mplives = "Select the number of lives in multiplayer games. Remember that your final score will be divided by this number"

tip_40fps = "If you want to the feeling of Xjump"
tip_100fps =  "If you don't want to eat all your CPU"
tip_300fps = "If your computer is quite fast but you still want to save some CPU"
tip_nolimit = "Who cares? Keep on rolling baby!"

tip_norot = "You look like a circus man when rotating, stop!"
tip_orginalrot = "I like the original feeling of Xjump and its 90ยบ rotations"
tip_fullrot = "Rotate all around! Yeah, you are the washing-machine boy"
tip_fullrotaa = "I want the washing machine boy with some nice antialiasing"

tip_softscroll = "I want its original Xjump feeling with its 16 pixel falling. This might make it a little bit more difficult"
tip_hardscroll = "If you prefer a nice soft falling, choose this one!"

tip_opengl = "Use OpenGL if you've got a 3d accelerator card. In most cases it will improve the performance and use less CPU"
tip_bpp = "How many colours you want? The less colours, the ugliest I look but the faster I go."
tip_fullscreen = "If you want to play in a window or feel the overwhelming sensation of falling in all your screen!"

tip_8bpp = "256 colours. Do you really want this?"
tip_16bpp = "Around 16.000 colors. This way it looks better"
tip_24bpp = "More than 4.000.000 colors, this rules!"
tip_32bpp = "Same as above, but works fastest."

tip_yes = "Of course!"
tip_no = "Never!"

tip_redefkeyleft = "The player will move to the left when you press that key"
tip_redefkeyright = "Same as before, but to the right"
tip_redefkeyup = "The jump key. Trust me, you can't survive without this one :) "

tip_inputname = "Yeah, gimme a nice fancy name!"