panthema / 2006 / SDIOS06 / sdios06 / if / ifmemory.idl (Download File)
// $Id$
// Description: Interface for memory server / pager
// Author: Timo

#include <types.idl>

interface IF_MEMORY
	/// talks the kernel's page fault IPC protocol
	void	pagefault(in long address,
					  in long ip,
					  in long privileges,
					  out fpage page);

	// *** Exception

	exception out_of_memory {};
	exception unknown_task {};
	exception generic {};

	// *** Generic Function

	/// request an anonymous memory area of the given size, which will be
	/// placed into page via a grant-mapping and the pager releases control of
	/// the page. the caller need not be managed by the pager.
	void	GetPageGrant(in L4_Word_t size,
						 out fpage page)

	/// request a special (bios, bootloader, architecture specific) memory page
	/// (address and size encoded in the fpage) and return it into the
	/// page. the caller need not be managed by the pager.
	void	GetSpecialPhysicalPage(in L4_Fpage_t phyaddr,
								   out fpage page);

	// *** Task Creation

	/// create a new paged task - creates an address space and initializes new
	/// management structures. if thread == L4_nilthread then a new thread id
	/// is chosen.
	void	CreateTask(inout L4_ThreadId_t thread)

	/// request an fpage, which is shared with the destination task at the
	/// given address. the shared area must be a valid continuos fpage region,
	/// but it may not yet exist in the destination task and will be mapped
	/// there on-demand. this function is primarily used to fill a new memory
	/// space. if the caller is managed by the pager, then page can be
	/// L4_Nilpage or L4_CompleteAddress in which case the pager decides where
	/// to put the page.
	void	GetSharedRegion(in L4_ThreadId_t destthread,
							in L4_Word_t destaddress,
							in L4_Word_t pagesize,
							out fpage page)

	/// return the fpage to the destination task's memory area
	void	FreeSharedRegion(in L4_ThreadId_t destthread,
							 in L4_Word_t destaddress,
							 in L4_Fpage_t page);

	/// sends the kick-start IPC to the thread, sp is currently initialized by crt0.
	void	StartTask(in L4_ThreadId_t thread,
					  in L4_Word_t ip,
					  in L4_Word_t sp)

	/// kill the address space and return all pages allocated by the task to
	/// the free pool.
	void	KillTask(in L4_ThreadId_t thread)

	/// kill the caller's address space and notify waiting threads.
	void	KillMe(in L4_Word_t retcode)

	/// wait for a pid to complete: returns true if the thread has finished and
	/// sets the retcode. if (flags & WAIT_FOREVER) the call block until the
	/// process ends.
	boolean	WaitFor(in L4_ThreadId_t thread, in L4_Word_t flags,
					out L4_Word_t retcode)

	const L4_Word_t WAIT_FOREVER = 1;

	// *** Task Memory Layout

	/// request anonymous memory of the given size. if available the page will
	/// be placed "somewhere" into the caller's address space. the caller must
	/// managed by the pager. the return type is not (idl4_)"fpage".
	void	GetPageAny(in L4_Word_t size,
					   out L4_Fpage_t page)

	/// enlarge the calling task's valid heap area up to endheap. anonymous
	/// memory is allocated on demand.
	void	brk(in L4_Word_t endheap)