panthema / 2020 / 0128-Youtube-Lecture-Recordings
Cover images of Youtube lecture series

List of Recordings of Lectures and Exercises on YouTube

Posted on 2020-01-28 01:05 by Timo Bingmann at Permlink with 0 Comments. Tags: #university

This post features a list of videos on Youtube of lectures and exercises which I have given at the KIT. The recordings are all in German and were produced semi-automatically by the Center for Media-Learning (Zentrum für Mediales Lernen) at the KIT.

I have listed various entry time points for topics in the lectures for an easier overview. These entry points are only to those parts of the lectures or exercises which I personally presented. The lecture series are mainly presented by Prof Peter Sanders and exercises were jointly given with colleagues.

The main purpose of this article is that I can never seem to find the lectures on Youtube when I am looking for them. And I can now point people to this post if I want to reference some video explanation on a topic I previously gave.

Text Indexing/Stringology Chapters of the Lecture Algorithms 2, WS 2019/20

In the winter of 2019/20 I presented five stringology episodes as part of the lecture series "Algorithms 2" read by Prof Peter Sanders. Link to Youtube playlist of the complete lecture series.

Text Indexing/Stringology Chapters of the Lecture Algorithms 2, WS 2018/19

In the winter of 2018/19 I presented four stringology episodes as part of the lecture series "Algorithms 2" read by Prof Peter Sanders. Link to Youtube playlist of the complete lecture series.

Exercises for the Lecture Algorithms 1, SS 2014

In the summer of 2014, Julian Arz, Sebastian Schlag, and I were teaching assistants for the lecture "Algorithms 1" by Prof Peter Sanders and we managed and presented the exercises. Link to Youtube playlist of the complete lecture series.

Exercises for the Lecture Algorithms 1, SS 2013

In the summer of 2013, Christian Schulz and I were teaching assistants for the lecture "Algorithms 1" by Prof Peter Sanders and we managed and presented the exercises. Link to Youtube playlist of the complete lecture series.

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