panthema / 2018 / 0912-Boost-Spirit-Tutorial
First slide of the talk

Tutorial on Boost.Spirit at C++ User Group Karlsruhe

Posted on 2018-09-12 19:30 by Timo Bingmann at Permlink with 0 Comments. Tags: #talk #c++ #parsing

On September 12th, 2018, I gave another 90min talk with live-coding examples in German at the C++ User Group Karlsruhe in rooms of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

This time I was asked to present a more advanced topic around C++ and libraries and I chose to present a tutorial on Boost.Spirit.

Boost.Spirit is a parser and generator template meta-programming framework and maybe one of the most crazy and advanced uses of C++. It enables one to write context-free grammars inline as C++ code, which are translated into recursive descent parsers and fully optimized by the compiler.

This powerful framework is however not easy to get started with. I hope my tutorial helps more people to skip the steep learning curve and use Boost.Spirit for securely parsing user input and other structure data.

The tutorial consisted of a set of introduction slides: slides-2018-09-12-Cpp-Meetup.pdf slides-2018-09-12-Cpp-Meetup.pdf. Followed by a live-coding session in German which was recorded by the KIT (see below for the youtube video).

Download slides-2018-09-12-Cpp-Meetup.pdf

The extensive code examples presented in the live coding session are available on this webpage
or on github:

The examples can be seen as instructive templates and copy & paste sources for new development. The examples are:

  1. Learn to walk and parse simple integers and lists.
    Parse 5, [5, 42, 69, 256].
  2. Create a parser for a simple arithmetic grammar (and part two).
    Parse 5 + 6 * 9 + 42 and evaluate correctly.
  3. Parse CSV data directly into a C++ struct.
    Parse AAPL;Apple;252.50; into a struct.
  4. Create an abstract syntax tree (AST) from arithmetic (and part two).
    Parse y = 6 * 9 + 42 * x and evaluate with variables.
  5. Ogle some more crazy examples, e.g. how to parse.
    <h1>Example for <b>C++ HTML Parser<b></h1>
    This HTML <b>snippet</b> parser can also interpret
    *Markdown* style and enables additional tags
    to <% invoke("C++", 42) %> functions.

Furthermore, a recording of the live-coding in German is available on Youtube:

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