panthema / 2013 / sound-of-sorting / sound-of-sorting-0.6.5 / src / algorithms / wikisort.cpp (Download File)
 * src/algorithms/wikisort.cpp
 * Implementation of "WikiSort". Written by Mike McFadden (BonzaiThePenguin).
 * Taken from
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 * Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute
 * this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any
 * purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.
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#include "../SortAlgo.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>

namespace WikiSortNS {

// structure to represent ranges within the array
template <typename IteratorType>
class RangeI {
    typedef IteratorType iterator;
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type value_type;

    iterator start;
    iterator end;

    RangeI() {}
    RangeI(iterator start, iterator end) : start(start), end(end) {}
    inline ssize_t length() const { return end - start; }

// toolbox functions used by the sorter

// 63 -> 32, 64 -> 64, etc.
// apparently this comes from Hacker's Delight?
size_t FloorPowerOfTwo (const size_t value) {
    size_t x = value;
    x = x | (x >> 1);
    x = x | (x >> 2);
    x = x | (x >> 4);
    x = x | (x >> 8);
    x = x | (x >> 16);
#if __LP64__
    x = x | (x >> 32);
    return x - (x >> 1);

// n^2 sorting algorithm used to sort tiny chunks of the full array
template <typename Iterator, typename Comparison>
void InsertionSort(Iterator begin, Iterator end, const Comparison compare) {
    std::__insertion_sort(begin, end, compare);

// swap a series of values in the array
template <typename Iterator>
void BlockSwap(Iterator start1, Iterator start2, const size_t block_size) {
    std::swap_ranges(start1, start1 + block_size, start2);

// rotate the values in an array ([0 1 2 3] becomes [1 2 3 0] if we rotate by 1)
template <typename Iterator>
void Rotate(Iterator begin, Iterator end, const ssize_t amount,
            typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type* cache, const size_t cache_size)
    if (begin >= end) return;

    Iterator split;
    if (amount >= 0) split = begin + amount;
    else split = end + amount;

    size_t r1 = split - begin;
    size_t r2 = end - split;

    if (0) { // tb: disabled for more display output

        // if the smaller of the two ranges fits into the cache, it's *slightly* faster copying it there and shifting the elements over
        if (r1 <= r2) {
            if (r1 <= cache_size) {
                std::copy(begin, split, cache);
                std::copy(split, end, begin);
                std::copy(cache, cache + r1, begin + r2);
        } else {
            if (r2 <= cache_size) {
                std::copy(split, end, cache);
                std::copy_backward(begin, split, end);
                std::copy(cache, cache + r2, begin);

    std::rotate(begin, split, end);

// standard merge operation using an internal or external buffer
template <typename Iterator, typename Comparison>
void Merge(const RangeI<Iterator>& buffer, const RangeI<Iterator>& A, const RangeI<Iterator>& B,
           const Comparison compare, typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type* cache, const size_t cache_size)
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type value_type;

    // if A fits into the cache, use that instead of the internal buffer
    if (A.length() <= cache_size) {
        value_type *A_index = cache, *A_last = cache + A.length();
        Iterator B_index = B.start, B_last = B.end;
        Iterator insert_index = A.start;

        if (B.length() > 0 && A.length() > 0) {
            while (true) {
                if (!compare(*B_index, *A_index)) {
                    *insert_index = *A_index;
                    if (A_index == A_last) break;
                } else {
                    *insert_index = *B_index;
                    if (B_index == B_last) break;

        // copy the remainder of A into the final array
        std::copy(A_index, A_last, insert_index);
    } else {
        // whenever we find a value to add to the final array, swap it with the value that's already in that spot
        // when this algorithm is finished, 'buffer' will contain its original contents, but in a different order
        Iterator A_index = buffer.start, B_index = B.start;
        Iterator A_last = buffer.start + A.length(), B_last = B.end;
        Iterator insert_index = A.start;

        if (B.length() > 0 && A.length() > 0) {
            while (true) {
                if (!compare(*B_index, *A_index)) {
                    std::swap(*insert_index, *A_index);
                    if (A_index == A_last) break;
                } else {
                    std::swap(*insert_index, *B_index);
                    if (B_index == B_last) break;

        std::swap_ranges(A_index, A_last, insert_index);

// bottom-up merge sort combined with an in-place merge algorithm for O(1) memory use
template <typename Iterator, typename Comparison>
void Sort(Iterator first, Iterator last, const Comparison compare)
    // map first and last to a C-style array, so we don't have to change the rest of the code
    // (bit of a nasty hack, but it's good enough for now...)
    const size_t size = last - first;

    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type value_type;
    typedef RangeI<Iterator> Range;

    // if there are 32 or fewer items, just insertion sort the entire array
    if (0 && size <= 32) {
        InsertionSort(first, last, compare);

    // use a small cache to speed up some of the operations
    // since the cache size is fixed, it's still O(1) memory!
    // just keep in mind that making it too small ruins the point (nothing will fit into it),
    // and making it too large also ruins the point (so much for "low memory"!)
    // removing the cache entirely still gives 70% of the performance of a standard merge

    // also, if you change this to dynamically allocate a full-size buffer,
    // the algorithm seamlessly degenerates into a standard merge sort!
    const size_t cache_size = 8;
    value_type cache[cache_size];

    // calculate how to scale the index value to the range within the array
    // (this is essentially fixed-point math, where we manually check for and handle overflow)
    const size_t base_size = 8;
    const size_t power_of_two = FloorPowerOfTwo(size);
    const size_t fractional_base = power_of_two / base_size;
    size_t fractional_step = size % fractional_base;
    size_t decimal_step = size / fractional_base;

    // first insertion sort everything the lowest level, which is 16-31 items at a time
    Iterator start = first, mid, end = first;
    size_t fractional = 0;
    while (end < last) {

        end += decimal_step;

        fractional += fractional_step;
        if (fractional >= fractional_base) {
            fractional -= fractional_base;

        InsertionSort(start, end, compare);

        start = end;

    // then merge sort the higher levels, which can be 32-63, 64-127, 128-255, etc.
    for (size_t merge_size = base_size; merge_size < power_of_two; merge_size += merge_size) {
        size_t block_size = sqrt(decimal_step);
        size_t buffer_size = decimal_step / block_size + 1;

        // as an optimization, we really only need to pull out an internal buffer once for each level of merges
        // after that we can reuse the same buffer over and over, then redistribute it when we're finished with this level
        Range level1 = Range(first, first), level2, levelA, levelB;

        size_t decimal = fractional = 0;
        while (decimal < size) {
            start = first + decimal;

            decimal += decimal_step;
            fractional += fractional_step;
            if (fractional >= fractional_base) {
                fractional -= fractional_base;

            mid = first + decimal;

            decimal += decimal_step;
            fractional += fractional_step;
            if (fractional >= fractional_base) {
                fractional -= fractional_base;

            end = first + decimal;

            if (compare(*(end - 1), *start)) {
                // the two ranges are in reverse order, so a simple rotation should fix it
                Rotate(start, end, mid - start, cache, cache_size);

            } else if (compare(*mid, *(mid - 1))) {
                // these two ranges weren't already in order, so we'll need to merge them!
                Range A = Range(start, mid), B = Range(mid, end);

                if (A.length() <= cache_size) {
                    std::copy(A.start, A.end, cache);
                    Merge(Range(first, first), A, B, compare, cache, cache_size);

                // try to fill up two buffers with unique values in ascending order
                Range bufferA, bufferB, buffer1, buffer2;

                if (level1.length() > 0) {
                    // reuse the buffers we found in a previous iteration
                    bufferA = Range(A.start, A.start);
                    bufferB = Range(B.end, B.end);
                    buffer1 = level1;
                    buffer2 = level2;

                } else {
                    // the first item is always going to be the first unique value, so let's start searching at the next index
                    size_t count = 1;
                    for (buffer1.start = A.start + 1; buffer1.start < A.end; buffer1.start++)
                        if (compare(*(buffer1.start - 1), *buffer1.start) || compare(*buffer1.start, *(buffer1.start - 1)))
                            if (++count == buffer_size)
                    buffer1.end = buffer1.start + count;

                    // if the size of each block fits into the cache, we only need one buffer for tagging the A blocks
                    // this is because the other buffer is used as a swap space for merging the A blocks into the B values that follow it,
                    // but we can just use the cache as the buffer instead. this skips some memmoves and an insertion sort
                    if (buffer_size <= cache_size) {
                        buffer2 = Range(A.start, A.start);

                        if (buffer1.length() == buffer_size) {
                            // we found enough values for the buffer in A
                            bufferA = Range(buffer1.start, buffer1.start + buffer_size);
                            bufferB = Range(B.end, B.end);
                            buffer1 = Range(A.start, A.start + buffer_size);

                        } else {
                            // we were unable to find enough unique values in A, so try B
                            bufferA = Range(buffer1.start, buffer1.start);
                            buffer1 = Range(A.start, A.start);

                            // the last value is guaranteed to be the first unique value we encounter, so we can start searching at the next index
                            count = 1;
                            for (buffer1.start = B.end - 2; buffer1.start >= B.start; buffer1.start--)
                                if (compare(*buffer1.start, *(buffer1.start + 1)) || compare(*(buffer1.start + 1), *buffer1.start))
                                    if (++count == buffer_size)
                            buffer1.end = buffer1.start + count;

                            if (buffer1.length() == buffer_size) {
                                bufferB = Range(buffer1.start, buffer1.start + buffer_size);
                                buffer1 = Range(B.end - buffer_size, B.end);
                    } else {
                        // the first item of the second buffer isn't guaranteed to be the first unique value, so we need to find the first unique item too
                        count = 0;
                        for (buffer2.start = buffer1.start + 1; buffer2.start < A.end; buffer2.start++)
                            if (compare(*(buffer2.start - 1), *buffer2.start) || compare(*buffer2.start, *(buffer2.start - 1)))
                                if (++count == buffer_size)
                        buffer2.end = buffer2.start + count;

                        if (buffer2.length() == buffer_size) {
                            // we found enough values for both buffers in A
                            bufferA = Range(buffer2.start, buffer2.start + buffer_size * 2);
                            bufferB = Range(B.end, B.end);
                            buffer1 = Range(A.start, A.start + buffer_size);
                            buffer2 = Range(A.start + buffer_size, A.start + buffer_size * 2);

                        } else if (buffer1.length() == buffer_size) {
                            // we found enough values for one buffer in A, so we'll need to find one buffer in B
                            bufferA = Range(buffer1.start, buffer1.start + buffer_size);
                            buffer1 = Range(A.start, A.start + buffer_size);

                            // like before, the last value is guaranteed to be the first unique value we encounter, so we can start searching at the next index
                            count = 1;
                            for (buffer2.start = B.end - 2; buffer2.start >= B.start; buffer2.start--)
                                if (compare(*buffer2.start, *(buffer2.start + 1)) || compare(*(buffer2.start + 1), *buffer2.start))
                                    if (++count == buffer_size)
                            buffer2.end = buffer2.start + count;

                            if (buffer2.length() == buffer_size) {
                                bufferB = Range(buffer2.start, buffer2.start + buffer_size);
                                buffer2 = Range(B.end - buffer_size, B.end);

                            } else buffer1.end = buffer1.start; // failure
                        } else {
                            // we were unable to find a single buffer in A, so we'll need to find two buffers in B
                            count = 1;
                            for (buffer1.start = B.end - 2; buffer1.start >= B.start; buffer1.start--)
                                if (compare(*buffer1.start, *(buffer1.start + 1)) || compare(*(buffer1.start + 1), *buffer1.start))
                                    if (++count == buffer_size)
                            buffer1.end = buffer1.start + count;

                            count = 0;
                            for (buffer2.start = buffer1.start - 1; buffer2.start >= B.start; buffer2.start--)
                                if (compare(*buffer2.start, *(buffer2.start + 1)) || compare(*(buffer2.start + 1), *buffer2.start))
                                    if (++count == buffer_size)
                            buffer2.end = buffer2.start + count;

                            if (buffer2.length() == buffer_size) {
                                bufferA = Range(A.start, A.start);
                                bufferB = Range(buffer2.start, buffer2.start + buffer_size * 2);
                                buffer1 = Range(B.end - buffer_size, B.end);
                                buffer2 = Range(buffer1.start - buffer_size, buffer1.start);

                            } else buffer1.end = buffer1.start; // failure

                    if (buffer1.length() < buffer_size) {
                        // we failed to fill both buffers with unique values, which implies we're merging two subarrays with a lot of the same values repeated
                        // we can use this knowledge to write a merge operation that is optimized for arrays of repeating values
                        while (A.length() > 0 && B.length() > 0) {
                            // find the first place in B where the first item in A needs to be inserted
                            Iterator mid = std::lower_bound(B.start, B.end, *A.start, compare);

                            // rotate A into place
                            ssize_t amount = mid - A.end;
                            Rotate(A.start, mid, -amount, cache, cache_size);

                            // calculate the new A and B ranges
                            B.start = mid;
                            A = Range(std::upper_bound(A.start, A.end, *(A.start + amount), compare), B.start);


                    // move the unique values to the start of A if needed
                    size_t length = bufferA.length(); count = 0;
                    for (Iterator index = bufferA.start; count < length; index--) {
                        if (index == A.start || compare(*(index - 1), *index) || compare(*index, *(index - 1))) {
                            Rotate(index + 1, bufferA.start + 1, -count, cache, cache_size);
                            bufferA.start = index + count; count++;
                    bufferA = Range(A.start, A.start + length);

                    // move the unique values to the end of B if needed
                    length = bufferB.length(); count = 0;
                    for (Iterator index = bufferB.start; count < length; index++) {
                        if (index == B.end - 1 || compare(*index, *(index + 1)) || compare(*(index + 1), *index)) {
                            Rotate(bufferB.start, index, count, cache, cache_size);
                            bufferB.start = index - count; count++;
                    bufferB = Range(B.end - length, B.end);

                    // reuse these buffers next time!
                    level1 = buffer1;
                    level2 = buffer2;
                    levelA = bufferA;
                    levelB = bufferB;

                // break the remainder of A into blocks. firstA is the uneven-sized first A block
                Range blockA = Range(bufferA.end, A.end);
                Range firstA = Range(bufferA.end, bufferA.end + blockA.length() % block_size);

                // swap the second value of each A block with the value in buffer1
                for (Iterator index = buffer1.start, indexA = firstA.end + 1; indexA < blockA.end; index++, indexA += block_size)
                    std::swap(*index, *indexA);

                // start rolling the A blocks through the B blocks!
                // whenever we leave an A block behind, we'll need to merge the previous A block with any B blocks that follow it, so track that information as well
                Range lastA = firstA;
                Range lastB = Range(first, first);
                Range blockB = Range(B.start, B.start + std::min<size_t>(block_size, B.length() - bufferB.length()));
                blockA.start += firstA.length();

                Iterator minA = blockA.start, indexA = buffer1.start;
                value_type min_value = *minA;

                if (lastA.length() <= cache_size)
                    std::copy(lastA.start, lastA.end, cache);
                    std::swap_ranges(lastA.start, lastA.end, buffer2.start);

                while (true) {
                    // if there's a previous B block and the first value of the minimum A block is <= the last value of the previous B block,
                    // then drop that minimum A block behind. or if there are no B blocks left then keep dropping the remaining A blocks.
                    if ((lastB.length() > 0 && !compare(*(lastB.end - 1), min_value)) || blockB.length() == 0) {
                        // figure out where to split the previous B block, and rotate it at the split
                        Iterator B_split = std::lower_bound(lastB.start, lastB.end, min_value, compare);
                        size_t B_remaining = lastB.end - B_split;

                        // swap the minimum A block to the beginning of the rolling A blocks
                        BlockSwap(blockA.start, minA, block_size);

                        // we need to swap the second item of the previous A block back with its original value, which is stored in buffer1
                        // since the firstA block did not have its value swapped out, we need to make sure the previous A block is not unevenly sized
                        std::swap(*(blockA.start + 1), *(indexA++));

                        // locally merge the previous A block with the B values that follow it, using the buffer as swap space
                        Merge(buffer2, lastA, Range(lastA.end, B_split), compare, cache, cache_size);

                        // copy the previous A block into the cache or buffer2, since that's where we need it to be when we go to merge it anyway
                        if (block_size <= cache_size)
                            std::copy(blockA.start, blockA.start + block_size, cache);
                            BlockSwap(blockA.start, buffer2.start, block_size);

                        // this is equivalent to rotating, but faster
                        // the area normally taken up by the A block is either the contents of buffer2, or data we don't need anymore since we memcopied it
                        // either way, we don't need to retain the order of those items, so instead of rotating we can just block swap B to where it belongs
                        BlockSwap(B_split, blockA.start + block_size - B_remaining, B_remaining);

                        // now we need to update the ranges and stuff
                        lastA = Range(blockA.start - B_remaining, blockA.start - B_remaining + block_size);
                        lastB = Range(lastA.end, lastA.end + B_remaining);

                        blockA.start += block_size;
                        if (blockA.length() == 0)

                        // search the second value of the remaining A blocks to find the new minimum A block (that's why we wrote unique values to them!)
                        minA = blockA.start + 1;
                        for (Iterator findA = minA + block_size; findA < blockA.end; findA += block_size)
                            if (compare(*findA, *minA)) minA = findA;
                        minA = minA - 1; // decrement once to get back to the start of that A block
                        min_value = *minA;

                    } else if (blockB.length() < block_size) {
                        // move the last B block, which is unevenly sized, to before the remaining A blocks, by using a rotation
                        // (using the cache is disabled since we have the contents of the previous A block in it!)
                        Rotate(blockA.start, blockB.end, -blockB.length(), cache, 0);
                        lastB = Range(blockA.start, blockA.start + blockB.length());
                        blockA.start += blockB.length();
                        blockA.end += blockB.length();
                        minA += blockB.length();
                        blockB.end = blockB.start;
                    } else {
                        // roll the leftmost A block to the end by swapping it with the next B block
                        BlockSwap(blockA.start, blockB.start, block_size);
                        lastB = Range(blockA.start, blockA.start + block_size);
                        if (minA == blockA.start)
                            minA = blockA.end;

                        blockA.start += block_size;
                        blockA.end += block_size;
                        blockB.start += block_size;
                        blockB.end += block_size;

                        if (blockB.end > bufferB.start)
                            blockB.end = bufferB.start;

                // merge the last A block with the remaining B blocks
                Merge(buffer2, lastA, Range(lastA.end, B.end - bufferB.length()), compare, cache, cache_size);

        if (level1.length() > 0) {
            // when we're finished with this step we should have b1 b2 left over, where one of the buffers is all jumbled up
            // insertion sort the jumbled up buffer, then redistribute them back into the array using the opposite process used for creating the buffer
            InsertionSort(level2.start, level2.end, compare);

            // redistribute bufferA back into the array
            Iterator level_start = levelA.start;
            for (Iterator index = levelA.end; levelA.length() > 0; index++) {
                if (index == levelB.start || !compare(*index, *levelA.start)) {
                    ssize_t amount = index - levelA.end;
                    Rotate(levelA.start, index, -amount, cache, cache_size);
                    levelA.start += amount + 1;
                    levelA.end += amount;

            // redistribute bufferB back into the array
            for (Iterator index = levelB.start; levelB.length() > 0; index--) {
                if (index == level_start || !compare(*(levelB.end - 1), *(index - 1))) {
                    ssize_t amount = levelB.start - index;
                    Rotate(index, levelB.end, amount, cache, cache_size);
                    levelB.start -= amount;
                    levelB.end -= amount + 1;

        decimal_step += decimal_step;
        fractional_step += fractional_step;
        if (fractional_step >= fractional_base) {
            fractional_step -= fractional_base;

} // namespace WikiSortNS

struct ColoringComparator
    WSortView& m_array;
    const ArrayItem *m_begin, *m_end;

    ColoringComparator(WSortView& A)
        : m_array(A),
          m_begin( &( ),
          m_end( &( )
    { }

    void touch(const ArrayItem* x) const
        if (x < m_begin || x > m_end) return;

        unsigned int index = x - m_begin;
        m_array.touch(index, 16, 1, 10);

    bool operator()(const ArrayItem& a, const ArrayItem& b) const

        return a < b;

void WikiSort(WSortView& A)
    ColoringComparator cmp(A);

    WikiSortNS::Sort(MyIterator(&A,0), MyIterator(&A,A.size()), cmp);

// ****************************************************************************