panthema / 2013 / parallel-string-sorting / parallel-string-sorting-0.6.5 / src / tools / stringptr.h (Download File)
 * src/tools/stringptr.h
 * StringPtr, StringPtrOut, and NoLcpCalc specializations. Encapsulate string
 * and shadow array pointers.
 * Additionally: LcpStringPtr encapsulates string and lcp arrays, which may be
 * interleaved or separate.
 * StringLcpPtr               -> (string,lcp,size)
 * StringLcpCachePtr          -> (string,lcp,charcache,size)
 * StringShadowPtr            -> (string,shadow,size,flip)
 * StringShadowOutPtr         -> (string,shadow,output,size,flip)
 * StringShadowLcpPtr         -> (string,shadow=lcp,size,flip)
 * StringShadowLcpOutPtr      -> (string,shadow=lcp,output,size,flip)
 * StringShadowLcpCacheOutPtr -> (string,shadow=lcp,charcache,output,size,flip)
 * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Timo Bingmann <>
 * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Andreas Eberle <>
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program.  If not, see <>.

#ifndef STRINGPTR_H_
#define STRINGPTR_H_

#include <assert.h>
#include "debug.h"
#include <numa.h>

namespace stringtools {

typedef uintptr_t lcp_t;


struct LcpCacheStringPtr;

struct LcpStringPtr
    string * strings;
    lcp_t* lcps;
    size_t size;

        : strings(NULL), lcps(NULL), size(0)

    LcpStringPtr(string* _strings, lcp_t* _lcps, size_t _size)
        : strings(_strings), lcps(_lcps), size(_size)

    inline bool empty() const
        return (size == 0);

    inline void
    setFirst(string s, lcp_t lcp) const
        assert(size > 0);
        *strings = s;
        *lcps = lcp;

    inline void
    setFirst(LcpStringPtr& ptr)
        *strings = *ptr.strings;
        *lcps = *ptr.lcps;

    inline string&
    firstString() const
        assert(size > 0);
        return *strings;

    inline lcp_t&
    firstLcp() const
        assert(size > 0);
        return *lcps;

    inline void
    copyFrom(LcpStringPtr& other, size_t length) const
        memcpy(strings, other.strings, length * sizeof(string));
        memcpy(lcps, other.lcps, length * sizeof(lcp_t));

    inline void
    copyStringsTo(string* destination, size_t length) const
        memcpy(destination, strings, length * sizeof(string));

    inline void
    setLcp(size_t position, lcp_t value) const
        assert(position < size);
        lcps[position] = value;

    // preincrement
    inline LcpStringPtr&
        return *this;

    //! return sub-array of (string,lcp) with offset and size
    inline LcpStringPtr
    sub(size_t offset, size_t n) const
        assert(offset + n <= size);
        return LcpStringPtr(strings + offset, lcps + offset, n);

    //! return empty end array.
    inline LcpStringPtr
    end() const
        return sub(size, 0);

    inline size_t
    operator-(const LcpStringPtr& rhs) const
        return strings - rhs.strings;

    inline bool
    operator<(const LcpStringPtr& rhs) const
        return strings < rhs.strings;


struct LcpCacheStringPtr
    string * strings;
    lcp_t* lcps;
    char_type* cachedChars;
    size_t size;

        : strings(NULL), lcps(NULL), cachedChars(NULL), size(0)

    LcpCacheStringPtr(string* _strings, lcp_t* _lcps, char_type* _cachedChars, size_t _size)
           : strings(_strings), lcps(_lcps), cachedChars(_cachedChars), size(_size)

    inline bool empty() const
        return (size == 0);

    inline void
    setFirst(string s, lcp_t lcp) const
        assert(size > 0);
        *strings = s;
        *lcps = lcp;
        *cachedChars = s[lcp];

    inline void
    setFirst(string s, lcp_t lcp, char cachedCharacter) const
       assert(size > 0);
       *strings = s;
       *lcps = lcp;
       *cachedChars = cachedCharacter;

    inline void
    setFirst(LcpCacheStringPtr& ptr)
        *strings = *ptr.strings;
        *lcps = *ptr.lcps;
        *cachedChars = *ptr.cachedChars;

    inline string&
    firstString() const
        assert(size > 0);
        return *strings;

    inline lcp_t&
    firstLcp() const
        assert(size > 0);
        return *lcps;

    inline char_type&
    firstCached() const
        assert(size > 0);
        return *cachedChars;

    inline void
    copyFrom(LcpCacheStringPtr& other, size_t length) const
        memcpy(strings, other.strings, length * sizeof(string));
        memcpy(lcps, other.lcps, length * sizeof(lcp_t));
        memcpy(cachedChars, other.cachedChars, length * sizeof(char));

    inline void
    copyStringsTo(string* destination, size_t length) const
        memcpy(destination, strings, length * sizeof(string));

    inline void
    calculateCache() const
        for(unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i){
            cachedChars[i] = strings[i][lcps[i]];

    inline void
    allocateNumaMemory(int numaNode, size_t length)
#if 0
        strings     = new string[length];
        lcps        = new lcp_t[length];
        cachedChars = new char_type[length];

        numa_tonode_memory(strings,     length * sizeof(string), numaNode);
        numa_tonode_memory(lcps,        length * sizeof(lcp_t), numaNode);
        numa_tonode_memory(cachedChars, length * sizeof(char_type), numaNode);
        strings =     (string*)    numa_alloc_onnode(length * sizeof(string), numaNode);
        lcps =        (lcp_t*)     numa_alloc_onnode(length * sizeof(lcp_t), numaNode);
        cachedChars = (char_type*) numa_alloc_onnode(length * sizeof(char_type), numaNode);
        size = length;

    inline void
#if 0
        delete [] strings;
        delete [] lcps;
        delete [] cachedChars;
        numa_free(strings, size * sizeof(string));
        numa_free(lcps, size * sizeof(string));
        numa_free(cachedChars, size * sizeof(char));

    // preincrement
    inline LcpCacheStringPtr&
        return *this;

    //! return sub-array of (string,lcp) with offset and size
    inline LcpCacheStringPtr
    sub(size_t offset, size_t n) const
        assert(offset + n <= size);
        return LcpCacheStringPtr(strings + offset, lcps + offset, cachedChars + offset, n);

    //! return sub-array of (string,lcp) with offset and size, but remove
    //! cachedChars
    inline LcpStringPtr
    subNoCache(size_t offset, size_t n) const
        assert(offset + n <= size);
        return LcpStringPtr(strings + offset, lcps + offset, n);

    //! return empty end array.
    inline LcpCacheStringPtr
    end() const
        return sub(size, 0);

    inline size_t
    operator-(const LcpCacheStringPtr& rhs) const
        return strings - rhs.strings;

    inline bool
    operator<(const LcpCacheStringPtr& rhs) const
        return strings < rhs.strings;

    inline size_t
    binarySearch(string searched) const
        size_t idx;
        size_t l = 0;
        size_t r = size - 1;
        size_t hl = 0, hr = 0;

        if(scmp(searched, strings[0], hl) <= 0)
            return 0;
        else if(scmp(searched, strings[r], hr) > 0)
            return size;
            while ((r - l) > 1)
                size_t m = (l + r) / 2;

                size_t h = std::min(hl, hr);

                if(scmp(searched, strings[m], h) <= 0)
                    r = m;
                    hr = h;
                    l = m;
                    hl = h;
            idx = r;

        return idx;


//! Objectified string array pointer and shadow pointer array for out-of-place
//! swapping of pointers.
template <bool WithLcp>
class StringShadowPtrBase
    //! strings (front) and temporary shadow (back) array
    string      *m_active, *m_shadow;

    //! length of subarray
    size_t      m_size;

    //! false if m_active is original, true if m_shadow is original
    bool        m_flipped;

    //! constructor specifying all attributes
    inline StringShadowPtrBase(string* original, string* shadow = NULL,
                               size_t size = 0, bool flipped = false)
        : m_active(original), m_shadow(shadow), m_size(size), m_flipped(flipped)

    //! true if flipped to back array
    inline bool flipped() const { return m_flipped; }

    //! return currently active array
    inline string* active() const { return m_active; }

    //! return current shadow array
    inline string* shadow() const { return m_shadow; }

    //! return valid length
    inline size_t size() const { return m_size; }

    //! ostream-able
    friend inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const StringShadowPtrBase& sp)
        return os << '(' << << '/' << sp.shadow() << '|' << sp.flipped() << ':' << sp.size() << ')';

    //! Advance (both) pointers by given offset, return sub-array
    inline StringShadowPtrBase sub(size_t offset, size_t size) const
        assert(offset + size <= m_size);
        return StringShadowPtrBase(m_active + offset, m_shadow + offset, size, m_flipped);

    //! construct a StringShadowPtrBase object specifying a sub-array with flipping to
    //! other array.
    inline StringShadowPtrBase flip(size_t offset, size_t size) const
        assert(offset + size <= m_size);
        return StringShadowPtrBase(m_shadow + offset, m_active + offset, size, !m_flipped);

    //! Return the original for this StringShadowPtr for LCP calculation
    inline StringShadowPtrBase original() const
        return m_flipped ? flip(0, m_size) : *this;

    //! return subarray pointer to n strings in original array, might copy from
    //! shadow before returning.
    inline StringShadowPtrBase copy_back() const
        if (!m_flipped) {
            return *this;
        else {
            memcpy(m_shadow, m_active, m_size * sizeof(string));
            return flip(0, m_size);

    //! check sorted order of strings
    inline bool check() const
        for (size_t i = 1; i < m_size; ++i)
            assert(scmp(out(i-1), out(i)) <= 0);
        return true;

    //! Return i-th string pointer from m_active
    inline string& str(size_t i) const
        assert(i < m_size);
        return m_active[i];

    //! if we want to save the LCPs
    static inline bool with_lcp()
        return WithLcp;

    //! return reference to the i-th lcp
    inline uintptr_t& lcp(size_t i) const
        if (!WithLcp) assert(0);

        assert(i < m_size);
        return ((uintptr_t*)m_shadow)[i];

    //! set the i-th lcp to v and check its value
    inline void set_lcp(size_t i, const uintptr_t& v) const
        if (!WithLcp) return;

        assert(i > 0);
        assert(i < m_size);
        assert(v == calc_lcp(out(i-1), out(i)));

        lcp(i) = v;

    //! Fill whole LCP array with n times the value v, ! excluding the first
    //! LCP[0] position
    inline void fill_lcp(uintptr_t v)
        if (!WithLcp) return;

        for (size_t i = 1; i < m_size; ++i)
            set_lcp(i, v);
            set_cache(i, 0);

    //! set the i-th distinguishing cache charater to c
    inline void set_cache(size_t, const char_type&) const
        // no-op

    //! Return pointer to LCP array
    inline uintptr_t* lcparray() const
        if (!WithLcp) assert(0);

        return (uintptr_t*)m_shadow;

    //! Return the output string array
    inline string* output() const
        assert(!m_flipped); // m_active is original/output array
        return m_active;

    //! Return i-th output string pointer from m_active / output()
    inline string& out(size_t i) const
        assert(!m_flipped); // m_active is original/output array
        return str(i);

typedef StringShadowPtrBase<false> StringShadowPtr;
typedef StringShadowPtrBase<true> StringShadowLcpPtr;


//! Objectified string array pointer and shadow pointer array for out-of-place
//! swapping of pointers. With separate output array. Use class, do not derive
//! from StringShadowPtrBase!, since we must adapt all functions using out()!
template <bool WithLcp>
class StringShadowOutPtrBase
    //! encapsuled StringShadowPtrBase type
    typedef StringShadowPtrBase<WithLcp> base_type;

    //! encapsuled StringShadowPtrBase
    base_type   sp;

    //! output string array
    string      *m_output;

    //! constructor specifying all attributes
    inline StringShadowOutPtrBase(string* original, string* shadow = NULL, string* output = NULL,
                            size_t size = 0, bool flipped = false)
        : sp(original, shadow, size, flipped),
    { }

    //! true if flipped to back array
    inline bool flipped() const { return sp.flipped(); }

    //! return currently active array
    inline string* active() const { return; }

    //! return current shadow array
    inline string* shadow() const { return sp.shadow(); }

    //! return valid length
    inline size_t size() const { return sp.size(); }

    //! ostream-able
    friend inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const StringShadowOutPtrBase& sp)
        return os << '(' << << '/' << sp.shadow() << '/' << sp.output()
                  << '|' << sp.flipped() << ':' << sp.size() << ')';

    //! Advance (both) pointers by given offset, return sub-array
    inline StringShadowOutPtrBase sub(size_t offset, size_t size) const
        assert(offset + size <= sp.size());
        return StringShadowOutPtrBase(active() + offset, shadow() + offset, m_output + offset,
                                size, flipped());

    //! construct a StringShadowOutPtrBase object specifying a sub-array with flipping to
    //! other array.
    inline StringShadowOutPtrBase flip(size_t offset, size_t size) const
        assert(offset + size <= sp.size());
        return StringShadowOutPtrBase(shadow() + offset, active() + offset, m_output + offset,
                                size, !flipped());

    //! Return the original for this StringShadowOutPtr for LCP calculation
    inline StringShadowOutPtrBase original() const
        return flipped() ? flip(0, size()) : *this;

    //! return subarray pointer to n strings in original array, might copy from
    //! shadow before returning.
    inline StringShadowOutPtrBase copy_back() const
        memcpy(m_output, active(), size() * sizeof(string));
        return original();

    //! check sorted order of strings
    inline bool check() const
        for (size_t i = 1; i < size(); ++i)
            assert(scmp(out(i-1), out(i)) <= 0);
        return true;

    //! Return i-th string pointer from m_active
    inline string& str(size_t i) const { return sp.str(i); }

    //! if we want to save the LCPs
    static inline bool with_lcp() { return base_type::with_lcp(); }

    //! return reference to the i-th lcp
    inline uintptr_t& lcp(size_t i) const { return sp.lcp(i); }

    //! set the i-th lcp to v and check its value
    inline void set_lcp(size_t i, const uintptr_t& v) const
        if (!WithLcp) return;

        assert(i > 0);
        assert(i < size());
        assert(v == calc_lcp(out(i-1), out(i)));

        lcp(i) = v;

    //! Fill whole LCP array with n times the value v, ! excluding the first
    //! LCP[0] position
    inline void fill_lcp(uintptr_t v)
        if (!WithLcp) return;

        for (size_t i = 1; i < size(); ++i)
            set_lcp(i, v);
            set_cache(i, 0);

    //! set the i-th distinguishing cache charater to c
    inline void set_cache(size_t, const char_type&) const
        // no-op

    //! Return pointer to LCP array
    inline uintptr_t* lcparray() const { return sp.lcparray(); }

    //! Return the output string array
    inline string* output() const
        return m_output;

    //! Return i-th output string pointer from m_active / output()
    inline string& out(size_t i) const
        assert(i < size());
        return m_output[i];

typedef StringShadowOutPtrBase<false> StringShadowOutPtr;
typedef StringShadowOutPtrBase<true> StringShadowLcpOutPtr;


//! Objectified string array pointer, shadow pointer array for out-of-place
//! swapping of pointers and lcp output, and character cache of distinguishing
//! characters.
class StringShadowLcpCacheOutPtr : public StringShadowLcpOutPtr
    //! our own type
    typedef StringShadowLcpCacheOutPtr self_type;

    //! encapsuled StringShadowLcpOutPtr type
    typedef StringShadowLcpOutPtr super_type;

    //! character cache array
    char_type   *m_cache;

    //! constructor specifying all attributes
    inline StringShadowLcpCacheOutPtr(string* original = NULL, string* shadow = NULL, string* output = NULL,
                                      char_type* cache = NULL,
                                      size_t size = 0, bool flipped = false)
        : super_type(original, shadow, output, size, flipped),
    { }

    //! return character cache of distinguishing chars
    char_type* cache() const { return m_cache; }

    //! Advance (all) pointers by given offset, return sub-array
    inline self_type sub(size_t offset, size_t size) const
        assert(offset + size <= this->size());
        return self_type(active() + offset, shadow() + offset, output() + offset,
                         m_cache + offset, size, flipped());

    //! construct a StringShadowOutPtrBase object specifying a sub-array with
    //! flipping to other array.
    inline self_type flip(size_t offset, size_t size) const
        assert(offset + size <= this->size());
        return self_type(shadow() + offset, active() + offset, m_output + offset,
                         m_cache + offset, size, !flipped());

    //! Return the original of this StringPtr for LCP calculation
    inline self_type original() const
        return flipped() ? flip(0, size()) : *this;

    //! return subarray pointer to n strings in original array, might copy from
    //! shadow before returning.
    inline self_type copy_back() const
        memcpy(super_type::m_output, active(), size() * sizeof(string));
        return original();

    //! set the i-th distinguishing cache charater to c
    inline void set_cache(size_t i, const char_type& c) const
        assert(i < size());
        m_cache[i] = c;

    //! Fill whole LCP array with n times the value v, ! excluding the first
    //! LCP[0] position
    inline void fill_lcp(uintptr_t v)
        if (!with_lcp()) return;

        for (size_t i = 1; i < size(); ++i)
            set_lcp(i, v);
            set_cache(i, 0);


//! verify LCP array against sorted string array by scanning LCPs
template<bool checkCache>
static inline bool
verify_lcp_cache(string* strings, lcp_t* lcps, char_type* cache, size_t n, lcp_t expectedFirstLcp)
    bool allValid = true;

    if (expectedFirstLcp != (lcp_t)-1)
        if (lcps[0] != expectedFirstLcp)
            std::cout << "lcp[0] = " << lcps[0] << " excepted " << expectedFirstLcp << std::endl;
            allValid = false;
        if (checkCache && *cache != strings[0][lcps[0]])
            std::cout << "cache[0] = " << cache[0] << " excepted " <<  strings[0][lcps[0]] << std::endl;
            allValid = false;

    for (size_t i = 1; i < n; ++i)
        string s1 = strings[i-1], s2 = strings[i];
        size_t h = calc_lcp(s1, s2);

        if (h != lcps[i])
            std::cout << "lcp[" << i << "] = " << lcps[i] << " excepted " << h << std::endl;
            allValid = false;
        if (checkCache && cache[i] != s2[lcps[i]])
            std::cout << "cache[" << i << "] = " << cache[i] << " excepted " << s2[lcps[i]] << std::endl;
            allValid = false;

    if (allValid)
        std::cout << "All LCPs and cache values valid!" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Found invalid LCPS and/or cache values!" << std::endl;

    return allValid;

static inline bool
verify_lcp(string* strings, lcp_t* lcps, size_t n, lcp_t expectedFirstLcp){
    return verify_lcp_cache<false>(strings, lcps, NULL, n, expectedFirstLcp);

static inline bool
verify_lcp_cache(string* strings, lcp_t* lcps, char_type* cache, size_t n, lcp_t expectedFirstLcp)
    return verify_lcp_cache<true>(strings, lcps, cache, n, expectedFirstLcp);

} // namespace stringtools

#endif // STRINGPTR_H_