panthema / 2013 / parallel-string-sorting / parallel-string-sorting-0.6.5 / src / sequential / bingmann-sample_sortRBTCE.h (Download File)
 * src/sequential/bingmann-sample_sortRBTCE.h
 * Experiments with sequential Super Scalar String Sample-Sort (S^5).
 * Binary tree search with equality branch, recursive subtrees and bucket
 * cache. While constructing the splitter tree from the sample array, the area
 * of equal samples is known. If it is large enough, a subtree is constructed
 * for that equal key and marked as splitter_subtree. Most functions are
 * implemented recursively on SplitterTree.
 * Possible improvements: manage memory of bktsize and bktindex better.
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Timo Bingmann <>
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program.  If not, see <>.

namespace bingmann_sample_sortRBTCE {

using namespace bingmann_sample_sort;

static const bool debug_subtree = false;
static const bool debug_splitter_subtree = false;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

struct SplitterTree
#if 0
    static const size_t numsplitters2 = 16;
    // bounding equations:
    // splitters            + bktsize
    // n * sizeof(key_type) + (2*n+1) * sizeof(size_t) <= l2cache

    static const size_t numsplitters2 = ( l2cache - sizeof(size_t) ) / (2 * sizeof(size_t));

    static const size_t treebits = logfloor_<numsplitters2>::value;
    static const size_t numsplitters = (1 << treebits) - 1;

    static const size_t bktnum = 2 * numsplitters + 1;

    typedef std::pair<key_type, size_t> samplepair_type;

    key_type splitter_tree[numsplitters+1];
    unsigned char splitter_lcp[numsplitters];
    unsigned char splitter_subtree[numsplitters];

    struct Builder
        key_type*       m_tree;
        unsigned char*  m_lcp_iter;
        unsigned char*  m_subtree_iter;
        samplepair_type* m_samples;

        std::vector<SplitterTree*>& m_treelist;
        string* m_strings;
        size_t m_depth;

        inline Builder(SplitterTree& st, samplepair_type* samples, samplepair_type* samples_end,
                std::vector<SplitterTree*>& treelist, string* strings, size_t depth)
            : m_tree( st.splitter_tree ),
              m_lcp_iter( st.splitter_lcp ),
              m_subtree_iter( st.splitter_subtree ),
              m_samples( samples ),
              m_treelist( treelist ),
              m_strings( strings ),
              m_depth( depth )
            size_t treenum = treelist.size()-1;
            DBG(debug_splitter, "Builder for subtree[" << treenum << "] at depth " << depth);

            std::fill(st.splitter_subtree, st.splitter_subtree + numsplitters, 0);

            key_type sentinel = 0;
            recurse(samples, samples_end, 1, sentinel);

            assert(m_lcp_iter == st.splitter_lcp + numsplitters);
            assert(m_subtree_iter == st.splitter_subtree + numsplitters);

            st.splitter_lcp[0] &= 0x80; // overwrite sentinel lcp for first < everything bucket

            DBG(debug_splitter, "done building subtree[" << treenum << "] at depth " << depth);

        inline ptrdiff_t snum(samplepair_type* s) const
            return (ptrdiff_t)(s - m_samples);

        inline void keynode(key_type& prevkey, key_type& mykey,
                            samplepair_type* midlo, samplepair_type* midhi)
            key_type xorSplit = prevkey ^ mykey;

            DBG(debug_splitter, "    lcp: " << toHex(prevkey) << " XOR " << toHex(mykey) << " = "
                << toHex(xorSplit) << " - " << count_high_zero_bits(xorSplit) << " bits = "
                << count_high_zero_bits(xorSplit) / 8 << " chars lcp");

            *m_lcp_iter++ = (count_high_zero_bits(xorSplit) / 8)
                | ((mykey & 0xFF) ? 0 : 0x80); // marker for done splitters

            DBG(debug_splitter, "key range = [" << snum(midlo) << "," << snum(midhi) << ") - " << midhi - midlo);

            // decide whether to build a subtree:
            if ( midhi - midlo >= (ptrdiff_t)(numsplitters/2) // enough samples
                 && (mykey & 0xFF) != 0       // key is not NULL-terminated
                 && m_treelist.size() < 255 ) // not too many subtrees
                DBG(debug_subtree, "creating subtree for equal range of key "
                    << toHex(mykey) << " with " << (midhi - midlo) << " samples");

                for (samplepair_type* s = midlo; s < midhi; ++s)
                    size_t p = s->second;
                    s->first = get_char<key_type>(m_strings[p], m_depth + sizeof(key_type));

                std::sort(midlo, midhi);

                *m_subtree_iter = m_treelist.size();
                m_treelist.push_back( new SplitterTree() );

                SplitterTree::Builder(*m_treelist.back(), midlo, midhi,
                                      m_treelist, m_strings, m_depth + sizeof(key_type));

                DBG(debug_splitter_subtree, "done creating subtree " << int(*m_subtree_iter));

        key_type recurse(samplepair_type* lo, samplepair_type* hi, unsigned int treeidx,
                         key_type& rec_prevkey)
            DBG(debug_splitter, "buildtree(" << snum(lo) << "," << snum(hi)
                << ", treeidx=" << treeidx << ")");

            // pick middle element as splitter
            samplepair_type* mid = lo + (ptrdiff_t)(hi - lo) / 2;

            DBG(debug_splitter, "tree[" << treeidx << "] = samples[" << snum(mid) << "] = "
                << toHex(mid->first));

            key_type mykey = m_tree[treeidx] = mid->first;

            samplepair_type* midlo = mid;
            while (lo < midlo && (midlo-1)->first == mykey) midlo--;

            samplepair_type* midhi = mid;
            while (midhi+1 < hi && midhi->first == mykey) midhi++;

            DBG(debug_splitter, "key range = [" << snum(midlo) << "," << snum(midhi) << ")");

            if (2 * treeidx < numsplitters)
                key_type prevkey = recurse(lo, midlo, 2 * treeidx + 0, rec_prevkey);

                keynode(prevkey, mykey, midlo, midhi);

                return recurse(midhi, hi, 2 * treeidx + 1, mykey);
                keynode(rec_prevkey, mykey, midlo, midhi);

                return mykey;

    static inline std::string binary(uint16_t v) {
        char binstr[17];
        binstr[16] = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
            binstr[15-i] = (v & 1) ? '1' : '0';
            v /= 2;
        return binstr;

    static inline unsigned int
    treeid_to_bkt(unsigned int id, size_t treebits, size_t numsplitters)
        assert(id > 0);
        //std::cout << "index: " << id << " = " << binary(id) << "\n";

        //int treebits = 4;
        //int bitmask = ((1 << treebits)-1);
        static const int bitmask = numsplitters;

        int hi = treebits-32 + count_high_zero_bits<uint32_t>(id); // sdfsdf
        //std::cout << "high zero: " << hi << "\n";

        unsigned int bkt = ((id << (hi+1)) & bitmask) | (1 << hi);

        //std::cout << "bkt: " << bkt << " = " << binary(bkt) << "\n";

        return bkt;

    /// search in splitter tree for bucket number
    inline unsigned int
    find_bkt_tree_equal(const key_type& key)
        // binary tree traversal without left branch

        unsigned int i = 1;

        while ( i <= numsplitters )
            if (key == splitter_tree[i])
                return 2 * treeid_to_bkt(i,treebits,numsplitters) - 1;
            else if (key < splitter_tree[i])
                i = 2*i + 0;
            else // (key > splitter_tree[i])
                i = 2*i + 1;

        i -= numsplitters+1;

        return 2 * i; // < or > bucket

    /// binary search on splitter array for bucket number
    inline unsigned int
    find_bkt_tree_asmequal(const key_type& key)
        unsigned int i;

        // hand-coded assembler binary tree traversal with equality
        asm("mov    $1, %%rax \n"             // rax = i
            // body of while loop
            "1: \n"
            "cmpq	(%[splitter_tree],%%rax,8), %[key] \n"
            "je     2f \n"
            "lea    (%%rax,%%rax), %%rax \n"
            "lea    1(%%rax), %%rcx \n"
            "cmova  %%rcx, %%rax \n"             // CMOV rax = 2 * i + 1
            "cmp    %[numsplitters1], %%rax \n"  // i < numsplitters+1
            "jb     1b \n"
            "sub    %[numsplitters1], %%rax \n"  // i -= numsplitters+1;
            "lea    (%%rax,%%rax), %%rax \n"     // i = i*2
            "jmp    3f \n"
            "2: \n"
            "bsr    %%rax, %%rdx \n"             // dx = bit number of highest one
            "mov    %[treebits], %%rcx \n"
            "sub    %%rdx, %%rcx \n"             // cx = treebits - highest
            "shl    %%cl, %%rax \n"              // shift ax to left
            "and    %[numsplitters], %%rax \n"   // mask off other bits
            "lea    -1(%%rcx), %%rcx \n"
            "mov    $1, %%rdx \n"                // dx = (1 << (hi-1))
            "shl    %%cl, %%rdx \n"              //
            "or     %%rdx, %%rax \n"             // ax = OR of both
            "lea    -1(%%rax,%%rax), %%rax \n"    // i = i * 2 - 1
            "3: \n"
            : "=&a" (i)
            : [key] "r" (key), [splitter_tree] "r" (splitter_tree),
              [numsplitters1] "g" (numsplitters+1),
              [treebits] "g" (treebits),
              [numsplitters] "g" (numsplitters)
            : "rcx", "rdx");

        return i;

    std::vector<uint16_t> bktcache;     // bktcache for all trees != 0

    size_t bktsize[bktnum], bktindex[bktnum];

    inline void calc_bktsize_prefixsum(uint16_t* bktcache, size_t n)
        memset(bktsize, 0, bktnum * sizeof(size_t));

        for (uint16_t* b = bktcache; b != bktcache + n; ++b)
            ++bktsize[ *b ];

        bktindex[0] = 0;
        for (unsigned int i=1; i < bktnum; ++i) {
            bktindex[i] = bktindex[i-1] + bktsize[i-1];
        assert(bktindex[bktnum-1] + bktsize[bktnum-1] == n);

    inline void recursive_permute(string* strings, size_t n, uint16_t* bktcache, string* sorted, std::vector<SplitterTree*>& treelist)
        DBG(debug_recursion, "permuting " << n << " strings @ " << strings);
        // step 4: premute out-of-place

        for (size_t i=0; i < n; ++i)
            sorted[ bktindex[ bktcache[i] ]++ ] = strings[i];

        memcpy(strings, sorted, n * sizeof(string));

            std::vector<uint16_t> bktcache_delete;

        // step 4.5: recursively permute subtrees

        size_t i = 0, bsum = 0;
        while (i < bktnum-1)
            // i is even -> bkt[i] is less-than bucket
            bsum += bktsize[i++];

            // i is odd -> bkt[i] is equal bucket
            if (splitter_subtree[i/2])
                DBG(debug_subtree, "recursively permuting subtree " << int(splitter_subtree[i/2]) << " @ bkt " << i);

                assert( splitter_subtree[i/2] < treelist.size() );
                SplitterTree& t = *treelist[ splitter_subtree[i/2] ];

                assert( bktsize[i] == t.bktcache.size() );
                t.recursive_permute(strings + bsum, bktsize[i],, sorted, treelist);
            bsum += bktsize[i++];
        bsum += bktsize[i++];
        assert(i == bktnum && bsum == n);

    template <unsigned int (SplitterTree::*find_bkt)(const key_type&)>
    inline void recursive_sort(string* strings, size_t n, std::vector<SplitterTree*>& treelist, size_t depth)
        DBG(debug_recursion, "sorting " << n << " strings @ " << strings << " in depth " << depth);

        size_t i = 0, bsum = 0;
        while (i < bktnum-1)
            // i is even -> bkt[i] is less-than bucket
            if (bktsize[i] > 1)
                DBG(debug_recursion, "Recurse[" << depth << "]: < bkt " << bsum << " size " << bktsize[i] << " lcp " << int(splitter_lcp[i/2] & 0x7F));
                sort<find_bkt>(strings+bsum, bktsize[i], depth + (splitter_lcp[i/2] & 0x7F));
            bsum += bktsize[i++];

            // i is odd -> bkt[i] is equal bucket
            if (bktsize[i] > 1)
                if ( splitter_lcp[i/2] & 0x80 ) { // equal-bucket has NULL-terminated key, done.
                    DBG(debug_recursion, "Recurse[" << depth << "]: = bkt " << bsum << " size " << bktsize[i] << " is done!");
                else if ( splitter_subtree[i/2] )
                    assert( splitter_subtree[i/2] < treelist.size() );
                    SplitterTree& t = *treelist[ splitter_subtree[i/2] ];

                    DBG(debug_recursion, "Recurse[" << depth << "]: = bkt " << bsum << " size " << bktsize[i] << " lcp keydepth, into subtree " << int(splitter_subtree[i/2]) << "!");

                    t.recursive_sort<find_bkt>(strings + bsum, bktsize[i], treelist, depth + sizeof(key_type));
                else {
                    DBG(debug_recursion, "Recurse[" << depth << "]: = bkt " << bsum << " size " << bktsize[i] << " lcp keydepth!");
                    sort<find_bkt>(strings+bsum, bktsize[i], depth + sizeof(key_type));
            bsum += bktsize[i++];
        if (bktsize[i] > 0)
            DBG(debug_recursion, "Recurse[" << depth << "]: > bkt " << bsum << " size " << bktsize[i] << " no lcp");
            sort<find_bkt>(strings+bsum, bktsize[i], depth);
        bsum += bktsize[i++];
        assert(i == bktnum && bsum == n);

        //delete [] bktsize;

    /// Variant of string sample-sort: use super-scalar binary search on splitters, with index caching.
    template <unsigned int (SplitterTree::*find_bkt)(const key_type&)>
    static void sort(string* strings, size_t n, size_t depth)
        if (n < g_samplesort_smallsort)
            //return inssort::inssort(strings, n, depth);
            //return bs_mkqs::ssort2(strings, n, depth);
            bingmann_radix_sort::msd_CI5(strings, n, depth);

        // step 1: select splitters with oversampling

        //const size_t oversample_factor = 8;
        const size_t samplesize = oversample_factor * numsplitters;

        static samplepair_type samples[ samplesize ];

        LCGRandom rng(&strings);

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < samplesize; ++i)
            size_t p = rng() % n;
            samples[i] = samplepair_type( get_char<key_type>(strings[p],depth), p );

        std::sort(samples, samples + samplesize);

        // step 1.5: create splitter trees recursively

        std::vector<SplitterTree*> treelist;
        treelist.push_back( new SplitterTree() );
        SplitterTree::Builder(*treelist.back(), samples, samples + samplesize,
                              treelist, strings, depth);

        // step 2.2: classify all strings and count bucket sizes

        // subtree 0 has exactly n strings, the number of strings in other
        // subtrees is not known yet.
        uint16_t* bktcache = new uint16_t[n];

        for (size_t si = 0; si < n; ++si)
            unsigned int t = 0, d = 0;

            // binary search in splitter with equal check
            key_type key = get_char<key_type>(strings[si], depth);

            unsigned int b = (treelist[t]->*find_bkt)(key);
            assert(b < bktnum);

            bktcache[si] = b;

            // if equal bucket and subtree is attached, recursive into subtree
            while ( (b & 1) && (t = treelist[t]->splitter_subtree[b/2]) != 0 )
                d += sizeof(key_type);

                key = get_char<key_type>(strings[si], depth + d);

                b = (treelist[t]->*find_bkt)(key);
                assert(b < bktnum);

                //std::cout << "tree " << t << " -> bkt " << b << "\n";

        // step 3: calculate bktsize on all subtrees and prefix sum

        treelist[0]->calc_bktsize_prefixsum(bktcache, n);

        for (unsigned int ti = 1; ti < treelist.size(); ++ti)
            SplitterTree& t = *treelist[ti];
            t.calc_bktsize_prefixsum(, t.bktcache.size());

        // step 4: permute recursively

        string* sorted = new string[n];
        treelist[0]->recursive_permute(strings, n, bktcache, sorted, treelist);
        delete [] sorted;

        delete [] bktcache;

        // step 5: recursion

        treelist[0]->recursive_sort<find_bkt>(strings, n, treelist, depth);

void bingmann_sample_sortRBTCE(string* strings, size_t n)

CONTESTANT_REGISTER(bingmann_sample_sortRBTCE, "bingmann/sample_sortRBTCE",
                    "bingmann/sample_sortRBTCE (adapt binary tree equal, bkt cache)")

void bingmann_sample_sortRBTCEA(string* strings, size_t n)

CONTESTANT_REGISTER(bingmann_sample_sortRBTCEA, "bingmann/sample_sortRBTCEA",
                    "bingmann/sample_sortRBTCEA (adapt binary tree equal, asm CMOV, bkt cache)")

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

} // namespace bingmann_sample_sortRBTCE