panthema / 2013 / parallel-string-sorting / parallel-string-sorting-0.6.5 / minitbb / tbb / atomic.h (Download File)
    Copyright 2005-2012 Intel Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.

    This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.

    Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it
    and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

    Threading Building Blocks is distributed in the hope that it will be
    useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the Free Software
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    the GNU General Public License.

#ifndef __TBB_atomic_H
#define __TBB_atomic_H

#include "tbb_stddef.h"
#include <cstddef>

#if _MSC_VER
#define __TBB_LONG_LONG __int64
#define __TBB_LONG_LONG long long
#endif /* _MSC_VER */

#include "tbb_machine.h"

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
    // Workaround for overzealous compiler warnings
    #pragma warning (push)
    #pragma warning (disable: 4244 4267)

namespace tbb {

//! Specifies memory semantics.
enum memory_semantics {
    //! Sequential consistency
    //! Acquire
    //! Release
    //! No ordering

//! @cond INTERNAL
namespace internal {

    #define __TBB_DECL_ATOMIC_FIELD(t,f,a) t f  __attribute__ ((aligned(a)));
    #define __TBB_DECL_ATOMIC_FIELD(t,f,a) __declspec(align(a)) t f;
    #error Do not know syntax for forcing alignment.

template<size_t S>
struct atomic_rep;           // Primary template declared, but never defined.

struct atomic_rep<1> {       // Specialization
    typedef int8_t word;
    int8_t value;
struct atomic_rep<2> {       // Specialization
    typedef int16_t word;
struct atomic_rep<4> {       // Specialization
#if _MSC_VER && !_WIN64
    // Work-around that avoids spurious /Wp64 warnings
    typedef intptr_t word;
    typedef int32_t word;
struct atomic_rep<8> {       // Specialization
    typedef int64_t word;

template<size_t Size, memory_semantics M>
struct atomic_traits;        // Primary template declared, but not defined.

#define __TBB_DECL_FENCED_ATOMIC_PRIMITIVES(S,M)                                                         \
    template<> struct atomic_traits<S,M> {                                                               \
        typedef atomic_rep<S>::word word;                                                                \
        inline static word compare_and_swap( volatile void* location, word new_value, word comparand ) { \
            return __TBB_machine_cmpswp##S##M(location,new_value,comparand);                             \
        }                                                                                                \
        inline static word fetch_and_add( volatile void* location, word addend ) {                       \
            return __TBB_machine_fetchadd##S##M(location,addend);                                        \
        }                                                                                                \
        inline static word fetch_and_store( volatile void* location, word value ) {                      \
            return __TBB_machine_fetchstore##S##M(location,value);                                       \
        }                                                                                                \

#define __TBB_DECL_ATOMIC_PRIMITIVES(S)                                                                  \
    template<memory_semantics M>                                                                         \
    struct atomic_traits<S,M> {                                                                          \
        typedef atomic_rep<S>::word word;                                                                \
        inline static word compare_and_swap( volatile void* location, word new_value, word comparand ) { \
            return __TBB_machine_cmpswp##S(location,new_value,comparand);                                \
        }                                                                                                \
        inline static word fetch_and_add( volatile void* location, word addend ) {                       \
            return __TBB_machine_fetchadd##S(location,addend);                                           \
        }                                                                                                \
        inline static word fetch_and_store( volatile void* location, word value ) {                      \
            return __TBB_machine_fetchstore##S(location,value);                                          \
        }                                                                                                \

template<memory_semantics M>
struct atomic_load_store_traits;    // Primary template declaration

#define __TBB_DECL_ATOMIC_LOAD_STORE_PRIMITIVES(M)                      \
    template<> struct atomic_load_store_traits<M> {                     \
        template <typename T>                                           \
        inline static T load( const volatile T& location ) {            \
            return __TBB_load_##M( location );                          \
        }                                                               \
        template <typename T>                                           \
        inline static void store( volatile T& location, T value ) {     \
            __TBB_store_##M( location, value );                         \
        }                                                               \

#endif /* !__TBB_USE_FENCED_ATOMICS */


//! Additive inverse of 1 for type T.
/** Various compilers issue various warnings if -1 is used with various integer types.
    The baroque expression below avoids all the warnings (we hope). */
#define __TBB_MINUS_ONE(T) (T(T(0)-T(1)))

//! Base class that provides basic functionality for atomic<T> without fetch_and_add.
/** Works for any type T that has the same size as an integral type, has a trivial constructor/destructor,
    and can be copied/compared by memcpy/memcmp. */
template<typename T>
struct atomic_impl {
    atomic_rep<sizeof(T)> rep;
    //! Union type used to convert type T to underlying integral type.
    union converter {
        T value;
        typename atomic_rep<sizeof(T)>::word bits;
    typedef T value_type;

    template<memory_semantics M>
    value_type fetch_and_store( value_type value ) {
        converter u, w;
        u.value = value;
        w.bits = internal::atomic_traits<sizeof(value_type),M>::fetch_and_store(&rep.value,u.bits);
        return w.value;

    value_type fetch_and_store( value_type value ) {
        return fetch_and_store<full_fence>(value);

    template<memory_semantics M>
    value_type compare_and_swap( value_type value, value_type comparand ) {
        converter u, v, w;
        u.value = value;
        v.value = comparand;
        w.bits = internal::atomic_traits<sizeof(value_type),M>::compare_and_swap(&rep.value,u.bits,v.bits);
        return w.value;

    value_type compare_and_swap( value_type value, value_type comparand ) {
        return compare_and_swap<full_fence>(value,comparand);

    operator value_type() const volatile {                // volatile qualifier here for backwards compatibility
        converter w;
        w.bits = __TBB_load_with_acquire( rep.value );
        return w.value;

    template<memory_semantics M>
    value_type load () const {
        converter u;
        u.bits = internal::atomic_load_store_traits<M>::load( rep.value );
        return u.value;

    value_type load () const {
        return load<acquire>();

    template<memory_semantics M>
    void store ( value_type value ) {
        converter u;
        u.value = value;
        internal::atomic_load_store_traits<M>::store( rep.value, u.bits );

    void store ( value_type value ) {
        store<release>( value );

    value_type store_with_release( value_type rhs ) {
        converter u;
        u.value = rhs;
        return rhs;

//! Base class that provides basic functionality for atomic<T> with fetch_and_add.
/** I is the underlying type.
    D is the difference type.
    StepType should be char if I is an integral type, and T if I is a T*. */
template<typename I, typename D, typename StepType>
struct atomic_impl_with_arithmetic: atomic_impl<I> {
    typedef I value_type;

    template<memory_semantics M>
    value_type fetch_and_add( D addend ) {
        return value_type(internal::atomic_traits<sizeof(value_type),M>::fetch_and_add( &this->rep.value, addend*sizeof(StepType) ));

    value_type fetch_and_add( D addend ) {
        return fetch_and_add<full_fence>(addend);

    template<memory_semantics M>
    value_type fetch_and_increment() {
        return fetch_and_add<M>(1);

    value_type fetch_and_increment() {
        return fetch_and_add(1);

    template<memory_semantics M>
    value_type fetch_and_decrement() {
        return fetch_and_add<M>(__TBB_MINUS_ONE(D));

    value_type fetch_and_decrement() {
        return fetch_and_add(__TBB_MINUS_ONE(D));

    value_type operator+=( D value ) {
        return fetch_and_add(value)+value;

    value_type operator-=( D value ) {
        // Additive inverse of value computed using binary minus,
        // instead of unary minus, for sake of avoiding compiler warnings.
        return operator+=(D(0)-value);

    value_type operator++() {
        return fetch_and_add(1)+1;

    value_type operator--() {
        return fetch_and_add(__TBB_MINUS_ONE(D))-1;

    value_type operator++(int) {
        return fetch_and_add(1);

    value_type operator--(int) {
        return fetch_and_add(__TBB_MINUS_ONE(D));

} /* Internal */
//! @endcond

//! Primary template for atomic.
/** See the Reference for details.
    @ingroup synchronization */
template<typename T>
struct atomic: internal::atomic_impl<T> {
    T operator=( T rhs ) {
        // "this" required here in strict ISO C++ because store_with_release is a dependent name
        return this->store_with_release(rhs);
    atomic<T>& operator=( const atomic<T>& rhs ) {this->store_with_release(rhs); return *this;}

#define __TBB_DECL_ATOMIC(T) \
    template<> struct atomic<T>: internal::atomic_impl_with_arithmetic<T,T,char> {  \
        T operator=( T rhs ) {return store_with_release(rhs);}  \
        atomic<T>& operator=( const atomic<T>& rhs ) {store_with_release(rhs); return *this;}  \

// test_atomic will verify that sizeof(long long)==8
__TBB_DECL_ATOMIC(unsigned long)

#if _MSC_VER && !_WIN64
/* Special version of __TBB_DECL_ATOMIC that avoids gratuitous warnings from cl /Wp64 option.
   It is identical to __TBB_DECL_ATOMIC(unsigned) except that it replaces operator=(T)
   with an operator=(U) that explicitly converts the U to a T.  Types T and U should be
   type synonyms on the platform.  Type U should be the wider variant of T from the
   perspective of /Wp64. */
#define __TBB_DECL_ATOMIC_ALT(T,U) \
    template<> struct atomic<T>: internal::atomic_impl_with_arithmetic<T,T,char> {  \
        T operator=( U rhs ) {return store_with_release(T(rhs));}  \
        atomic<T>& operator=( const atomic<T>& rhs ) {store_with_release(rhs); return *this;}  \
#endif /* _MSC_VER && !_WIN64 */

__TBB_DECL_ATOMIC(unsigned short)
__TBB_DECL_ATOMIC(signed char)
__TBB_DECL_ATOMIC(unsigned char)

#endif /* _MSC_VER||!defined(_NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED) */

//! Specialization for atomic<T*> with arithmetic and operator->.
template<typename T> struct atomic<T*>: internal::atomic_impl_with_arithmetic<T*,ptrdiff_t,T> {
    T* operator=( T* rhs ) {
        // "this" required here in strict ISO C++ because store_with_release is a dependent name
        return this->store_with_release(rhs);
    atomic<T*>& operator=( const atomic<T*>& rhs ) {
        this->store_with_release(rhs); return *this;
    T* operator->() const {
        return (*this);

//! Specialization for atomic<void*>, for sake of not allowing arithmetic or operator->.
template<> struct atomic<void*>: internal::atomic_impl<void*> {
    void* operator=( void* rhs ) {
        // "this" required here in strict ISO C++ because store_with_release is a dependent name
        return this->store_with_release(rhs);
    atomic<void*>& operator=( const atomic<void*>& rhs ) {
        this->store_with_release(rhs); return *this;

// Helpers to workaround ugly syntax of calling template member function of a
// template class with template argument dependent on template parameters.

template <memory_semantics M, typename T>
T load ( const atomic<T>& a ) { return a.template load<M>(); }

template <memory_semantics M, typename T>
void store ( atomic<T>& a, T value ) { return a.template store<M>(value); }

namespace interface6{
//! Make an atomic for use in an initialization (list), as an alternative to zero-initializaton or normal assignment.
template<typename T>
atomic<T> make_atomic(T t) {
    atomic<T> a;
    return a;
using interface6::make_atomic;

namespace internal {

// only to aid in the gradual conversion of ordinary variables to proper atomics
template<typename T>
inline atomic<T>& as_atomic( T& t ) {
    return (atomic<T>&)t;
} // namespace tbb::internal

} // namespace tbb

    #pragma warning (pop)
#endif // warnings 4244, 4267 are back

#endif /* __TBB_atomic_H */