panthema / 2012 / 1119-eSAIS-Inducing-Suffix-and-LCP-Arrays-in-External-Memory / eSAIS-DC3-LCP-0.5.2 / stxxl / include / stxxl / bits / stream / sort_stream.h (Download File)
 *  include/stxxl/bits/stream/sort_stream.h
 *  Part of the STXXL. See
 *  Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roman Dementiev <>
 *  Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Johannes Singler <>
 *  Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Andreas Beckmann <>
 *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 *  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


 #include <boost/config.hpp>

#include <stxxl/bits/stream/stream.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/mng/mng.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/algo/sort_base.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/algo/sort_helper.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/algo/adaptor.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/algo/run_cursor.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/algo/losertree.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/stream/sorted_runs.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/counting_ptr.h>


namespace stream
    //! \addtogroup streampack Stream package
    //! \{

    //     CREATE RUNS                                                    //

    //! \brief Forms sorted runs of data from a stream
    //! \tparam Input_ type of the input stream
    //! \tparam CompareType_ type of comparison object used for sorting the runs
    //! \tparam BlockSize_ size of blocks used to store the runs (in bytes)
    //! \tparam AllocStr_ functor that defines allocation strategy for the runs
    template <
        class Input_,
        class CompareType_,
        unsigned BlockSize_ = STXXL_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE(typename Input_::value_type),
        class AllocStr_ = STXXL_DEFAULT_ALLOC_STRATEGY>
    class basic_runs_creator : private noncopyable
        typedef Input_ input_type;
        typedef CompareType_ cmp_type;
        static const unsigned block_size = BlockSize_;
        typedef AllocStr_ allocation_strategy_type;

        typedef typename Input_::value_type value_type;
        typedef typed_block<BlockSize_, value_type> block_type;
        typedef sort_helper::trigger_entry<block_type> trigger_entry_type;
        typedef sorted_runs<trigger_entry_type,cmp_type> sorted_runs_data_type;
        typedef typename sorted_runs_data_type::run_type run_type;
        typedef counting_ptr<sorted_runs_data_type> sorted_runs_type;

        Input_ & m_input;               /// reference to the input stream
        CompareType_ m_cmp;              /// comparator used to sort block groups


        sorted_runs_type m_result;      /// stores the result (sorted runs) as smart pointer
        unsigned_type m_memsize;        /// memory for internal use in blocks
        bool m_result_computed;         /// true iff result is already computed (used in 'result()' method)

        /// Fetch data from input into blocks[first_idx,last_idx).
        unsigned_type fetch(block_type * blocks, unsigned_type first_idx, unsigned_type last_idx)
            typename element_iterator_traits<block_type>::element_iterator output =
                make_element_iterator(blocks, first_idx);
            unsigned_type curr_idx = first_idx;
            while (!m_input.empty() && curr_idx != last_idx) {
                *output = *m_input;
            return curr_idx;

        ///  fill the rest of the block with max values
        void fill_with_max_value(block_type * blocks, unsigned_type num_blocks, unsigned_type first_idx)
            unsigned_type last_idx = num_blocks * block_type::size;
            if (first_idx < last_idx) {
                typename element_iterator_traits<block_type>::element_iterator curr =
                    make_element_iterator(blocks, first_idx);
                while (first_idx != last_idx) {
                    *curr = m_cmp.max_value();

        /// Sort a specific run, contained in a sequences of blocks.
        void sort_run(block_type * run, unsigned_type elements)
            potentially_parallel::sort(make_element_iterator(run, 0),
                                       make_element_iterator(run, elements),

        void compute_result();

        //! \brief Create the object
        //! \param i input stream
        //! \param c comparator object
        //! \param memory_to_use memory amount that is allowed to used by the sorter in bytes
        basic_runs_creator(Input_ & input, CompareType_ cmp, unsigned_type memory_to_use)
            : m_input(input),
              m_result(new sorted_runs_data_type),
              m_memsize(memory_to_use / BlockSize_ / sort_memory_usage_factor()),
            if (!(2 * BlockSize_ * sort_memory_usage_factor() <= memory_to_use)) {
                throw bad_parameter("stxxl::runs_creator<>:runs_creator(): INSUFFICIENT MEMORY provided, please increase parameter 'memory_to_use'");
            assert(m_memsize > 0);

        //! \brief Returns the sorted runs object
        //! \return Sorted runs object. The result is computed lazily, i.e. on the first call
        //! \remark Returned object is intended to be used by \c runs_merger object as input
        sorted_runs_type & result()
            if (!m_result_computed)
                m_result_computed = true;
            return m_result;

    //! \brief Finish the results, i. e. create all runs.
    //! This is the main routine of this class.
    template <class Input_, class CompareType_, unsigned BlockSize_, class AllocStr_>
    void basic_runs_creator<Input_, CompareType_, BlockSize_, AllocStr_>::compute_result()
        unsigned_type i = 0;
        unsigned_type m2 = m_memsize / 2;
        const unsigned_type el_in_run = m2 * block_type::size; // # el in a run
        STXXL_VERBOSE1("basic_runs_creator::compute_result m2=" << m2);
        unsigned_type blocks1_length = 0, blocks2_length = 0;
        block_type * Blocks1 = NULL;

        Blocks1 = new block_type[m2 * 2];
        // push input element into small_run vector in result until it is full
        while (!input.empty() && blocks1_length != block_type::size)

        if (blocks1_length == block_type::size && !input.empty())
            Blocks1 = new block_type[m2 * 2];
            std::copy(m_result->small_run.begin(), m_result->small_run.end(), Blocks1[0].begin());
            STXXL_VERBOSE1("basic_runs_creator: Small input optimization, input length: " << blocks1_length);
            m_result->elements = blocks1_length;
            potentially_parallel::sort(m_result->small_run.begin(), m_result->small_run.end(), cmp);

        // the first block may be there already, now fetch until memsize is filled.
        blocks1_length = fetch(Blocks1, blocks1_length, el_in_run);

        // sort first run
        sort_run(Blocks1, blocks1_length);

        if (blocks1_length <= block_type::size && m_input.empty())
            // small input, do not flush it on the disk(s)
            STXXL_VERBOSE1("basic_runs_creator: Small input optimization, input length: " << blocks1_length);
            m_result->small_run.assign(Blocks1[0].begin(), Blocks1[0].begin() + blocks1_length);
            m_result->elements = blocks1_length;
            delete[] Blocks1;

        block_type * Blocks2 = Blocks1 + m2;
        block_manager * bm = block_manager::get_instance();
        request_ptr * write_reqs = new request_ptr[m2];
        run_type run;

        unsigned_type cur_run_size = div_ceil(blocks1_length, block_type::size);  // in blocks
        bm->new_blocks(AllocStr_(), make_bid_iterator(run.begin()), make_bid_iterator(run.end()));


        // fill the rest of the last block with max values
        fill_with_max_value(Blocks1, cur_run_size, blocks1_length);

        for (i = 0; i < cur_run_size; ++i)
            run[i].value = Blocks1[i][0];
            write_reqs[i] = Blocks1[i].write(run[i].bid);
        m_result->elements += blocks1_length;

        if (m_input.empty())
            // return
            wait_all(write_reqs, write_reqs + cur_run_size);
            delete[] write_reqs;
            delete[] Blocks1;

        STXXL_VERBOSE1("Filling the second part of the allocated blocks");
        blocks2_length = fetch(Blocks2, 0, el_in_run);

        if (m_input.empty())
            // optimization if the whole set fits into both halves
            // (re)sort internally and return
            blocks2_length += el_in_run;
            sort_run(Blocks1, blocks2_length);  // sort first an second run together
            wait_all(write_reqs, write_reqs + cur_run_size);
            bm->delete_blocks(make_bid_iterator(run.begin()), make_bid_iterator(run.end()));

            cur_run_size = div_ceil(blocks2_length, block_type::size);
            bm->new_blocks(AllocStr_(), make_bid_iterator(run.begin()), make_bid_iterator(run.end()));

            // fill the rest of the last block with max values
            fill_with_max_value(Blocks1, cur_run_size, blocks2_length);

            assert(cur_run_size > m2);

            for (i = 0; i < m2; ++i)
                run[i].value = Blocks1[i][0];
                write_reqs[i] = Blocks1[i].write(run[i].bid);

            request_ptr * write_reqs1 = new request_ptr[cur_run_size - m2];

            for ( ; i < cur_run_size; ++i)
                run[i].value = Blocks1[i][0];
                write_reqs1[i - m2] = Blocks1[i].write(run[i].bid);

            m_result->runs[0] = run;
            m_result->runs_sizes[0] = blocks2_length;
            m_result->elements = blocks2_length;

            wait_all(write_reqs, write_reqs + m2);
            delete[] write_reqs;
            wait_all(write_reqs1, write_reqs1 + cur_run_size - m2);
            delete[] write_reqs1;

            delete[] Blocks1;


        // more than 2 runs can be filled, i. e. the general case

        sort_run(Blocks2, blocks2_length);

        cur_run_size = div_ceil(blocks2_length, block_type::size);  // in blocks
        bm->new_blocks(AllocStr_(), make_bid_iterator(run.begin()), make_bid_iterator(run.end()));

        for (i = 0; i < cur_run_size; ++i)
            run[i].value = Blocks2[i][0];
            write_reqs[i] = Blocks2[i].write(run[i].bid);
        assert((blocks2_length % el_in_run) == 0);

        m_result->add_run(run, blocks2_length);

        while (!m_input.empty())
            blocks1_length = fetch(Blocks1, 0, el_in_run);
            sort_run(Blocks1, blocks1_length);
            cur_run_size = div_ceil(blocks1_length, block_type::size);  // in blocks
            bm->new_blocks(AllocStr_(), make_bid_iterator(run.begin()), make_bid_iterator(run.end()));

            // fill the rest of the last block with max values (occurs only on the last run)
            fill_with_max_value(Blocks1, cur_run_size, blocks1_length);

            for (i = 0; i < cur_run_size; ++i)
                run[i].value = Blocks1[i][0];
                write_reqs[i] = Blocks1[i].write(run[i].bid);
            m_result->add_run(run, blocks1_length);

            std::swap(Blocks1, Blocks2);
            std::swap(blocks1_length, blocks2_length);

        wait_all(write_reqs, write_reqs + m2);
        delete[] write_reqs;
        delete[] ((Blocks1 < Blocks2) ? Blocks1 : Blocks2);

    //! \brief Forms sorted runs of data from a stream
    //! \tparam Input_ type of the input stream
    //! \tparam CompareType_ type of omparison object used for sorting the runs
    //! \tparam BlockSize_ size of blocks used to store the runs
    //! \tparam AllocStr_ functor that defines allocation strategy for the runs
    template <
        class Input_,
        class CompareType_,
        unsigned BlockSize_ = STXXL_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE(typename Input_::value_type),
        class AllocStr_ = STXXL_DEFAULT_ALLOC_STRATEGY>
    class runs_creator : public basic_runs_creator<Input_, CompareType_, BlockSize_, AllocStr_>
        typedef basic_runs_creator<Input_, CompareType_, BlockSize_, AllocStr_> base;

        typedef typename base::cmp_type cmp_type;
        typedef typename base::value_type value_type;
        typedef typename base::block_type block_type;
        typedef typename base::sorted_runs_data_type sorted_runs_data_type;
        typedef typename base::sorted_runs_type sorted_runs_type;
        //! \brief Creates the object
        //! \param i input stream
        //! \param c comparator object
        //! \param memory_to_use memory amount that is allowed to used by the sorter in bytes
        runs_creator(Input_ & input, CompareType_ cmp, unsigned_type memory_to_use)
            : base(input, cmp, memory_to_use)
        { }

    //! \brief Input strategy for \c runs_creator class
    //! This strategy together with \c runs_creator class
    //! allows to create sorted runs
    //! data structure usable for \c runs_merger
    //! pushing elements into the sorter
    //! (using runs_creator::push())
    template <class ValueType_>
    struct use_push
        typedef ValueType_ value_type;

    //! \brief Forms sorted runs of elements passed in push() method
    //! A specialization of \c runs_creator that
    //! allows to create sorted runs
    //! data structure usable for \c runs_merger from
    //! elements passed in sorted push() method. <BR>
    //! \tparam ValueType_ type of values (parameter for \c use_push strategy)
    //! \tparam CompareType_ type of comparison object used for sorting the runs
    //! \tparam BlockSize_ size of blocks used to store the runs
    //! \tparam AllocStr_ functor that defines allocation strategy for the runs
    template <
        class ValueType_,
        class CompareType_,
        unsigned BlockSize_,
        class AllocStr_>
    class runs_creator<
        : private noncopyable
        typedef CompareType_ cmp_type;
        typedef ValueType_ value_type;
        typedef typed_block<BlockSize_, value_type> block_type;
        typedef sort_helper::trigger_entry<block_type> trigger_entry_type;
        typedef sorted_runs<trigger_entry_type,cmp_type> sorted_runs_data_type;
        typedef counting_ptr<sorted_runs_data_type> sorted_runs_type;
        typedef sorted_runs_type result_type;

        /// comparator object to sort runs
        CompareType_ m_cmp;

        typedef typename sorted_runs_data_type::run_type run_type;

        /// stores the result (sorted runs) in a reference counted object
        sorted_runs_type m_result;

        /// memory size in bytes to use
        const unsigned_type m_memory_to_use;
        /// memory size in numberr of blocks for internal use
        const unsigned_type m_memsize;
        /// m_memsize / 2
        const unsigned_type m_m2;

        /// true after the result() method was called for the first time
        bool m_result_computed;              

        /// total number of elements in a run
        const unsigned_type m_el_in_run;

        /// current number of elements in the run m_blocks1
        unsigned_type m_cur_el;

        /// accumulation buffer of size m_m2 blocks, half the available memory size
        block_type * m_blocks1;

        /// accumulation buffer that is currently being written to disk
        block_type * m_blocks2;

        /// reference to write requests transporting the last accumulation buffer to disk
        request_ptr * m_write_reqs;

        /// run object containing block ids of the run being written to disk
        run_type run;

        ///  fill the rest of the block with max values
        void fill_with_max_value(block_type * blocks, unsigned_type num_blocks, unsigned_type first_idx)
            unsigned_type last_idx = num_blocks * block_type::size;
            if (first_idx < last_idx) {
                typename element_iterator_traits<block_type>::element_iterator curr =
                    make_element_iterator(blocks, first_idx);
                while (first_idx != last_idx) {
                    *curr = m_cmp.max_value();

        /// Sort a specific run, contained in a sequences of blocks.
        void sort_run(block_type * run, unsigned_type elements)
            potentially_parallel::sort(make_element_iterator(run, 0),
                                       make_element_iterator(run, elements),

        void compute_result()
            if (m_cur_el == 0)

            sort_run(m_blocks1, m_cur_el);

            if (m_cur_el <= block_type::size && m_result->elements == 0)
                // small input, do not flush it on the disk(s)
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("runs_creator(use_push): Small input optimization, input length: " << m_cur_el);
                m_result->small_run.assign(m_blocks1[0].begin(), m_blocks1[0].begin() + m_cur_el);
                m_result->elements = m_cur_el;

            const unsigned_type cur_run_size = div_ceil(m_cur_el, block_type::size);     // in blocks
            block_manager * bm = block_manager::get_instance();
            bm->new_blocks(AllocStr_(), make_bid_iterator(run.begin()), make_bid_iterator(run.end()));


            // fill the rest of the last block with max values
            fill_with_max_value(m_blocks1, cur_run_size, m_cur_el);

            unsigned_type i = 0;
            for ( ; i < cur_run_size; ++i)
                run[i].value = m_blocks1[i][0];
                if (m_write_reqs[i].get())

                m_write_reqs[i] = m_blocks1[i].write(run[i].bid);
            m_result->add_run(run, m_cur_el);

            for (i = 0; i < m_m2; ++i)
                if (m_write_reqs[i].get())

        //! \brief Creates the object
        //! \param c comparator object
        //! \param memory_to_use memory amount that is allowed to used by the sorter in bytes
        runs_creator(CompareType_ cmp, unsigned_type memory_to_use) :
            m_memsize(memory_to_use / BlockSize_ / sort_memory_usage_factor()),
            m_m2(m_memsize / 2),
            m_el_in_run(m_m2 * block_type::size),
            m_blocks1(NULL), m_blocks2(NULL),
            if (!(2 * BlockSize_ * sort_memory_usage_factor() <= m_memory_to_use)) {
                throw bad_parameter("stxxl::runs_creator<>:runs_creator(): INSUFFICIENT MEMORY provided, please increase parameter 'memory_to_use'");
            assert(m_m2 > 0);


            m_result_computed = 1;

        //! \brief Clear current state and remove all items
        void clear()
            if (!m_result)
                m_result = new sorted_runs_data_type;

            m_result_computed = false;
            m_cur_el = 0;

            for (unsigned_type i = 0; i < m_m2; ++i)
                if (m_write_reqs[i].get())

        //! \brief Allocates input buffers and clears result.
        void allocate()
            if (!m_blocks1)
                m_blocks1 = new block_type[m_m2 * 2];
                m_blocks2 = m_blocks1 + m_m2;

                m_write_reqs = new request_ptr[m_m2];


        //! \brief Deallocates input buffers but not the current result.
        void deallocate()
            result();   // finishes result

            if (m_blocks1)
                delete[] ((m_blocks1 < m_blocks2) ? m_blocks1 : m_blocks2);
                m_blocks1 = m_blocks2 = NULL;

                delete[] m_write_reqs;
                m_write_reqs = NULL;

        //! \brief Adds new element to the sorter
        //! \param val value to be added
        void push(const value_type & val)
            assert(m_result_computed == false);
            if (LIKELY(m_cur_el < m_el_in_run))
                m_blocks1[m_cur_el / block_type::size][m_cur_el % block_type::size] = val;

            assert(m_el_in_run == m_cur_el);
            m_cur_el = 0;

            // sort and store m_blocks1
            sort_run(m_blocks1, m_el_in_run);

            const unsigned_type cur_run_blocks = div_ceil(m_el_in_run, block_type::size);    // in blocks
            block_manager * bm = block_manager::get_instance();
            bm->new_blocks(AllocStr_(), make_bid_iterator(run.begin()), make_bid_iterator(run.end()));


            for (unsigned_type i = 0; i < cur_run_blocks; ++i)
                run[i].value = m_blocks1[i][0];
                if (m_write_reqs[i].get())

                m_write_reqs[i] = m_blocks1[i].write(run[i].bid);

            m_result->add_run(run, m_el_in_run);

            std::swap(m_blocks1, m_blocks2);


        //! \brief Returns the sorted runs object
        //! \return Sorted runs object.
        //! \remark Returned object is intended to be used by \c runs_merger object as input
        sorted_runs_type & result()
            if (!m_result_computed)
                m_result_computed = true;
            return m_result;

        //! \brief number of items currently inserted.
        unsigned_type size() const
            return m_result->elements + m_cur_el;

        //! \brief return comparator object
        const cmp_type& cmp() const
            return m_cmp;

        //! \brief return memory size used (in bytes)
        unsigned_type memory_used() const
            return m_memory_to_use;

    //! \brief Input strategy for \c runs_creator class
    //! This strategy together with \c runs_creator class
    //! allows to create sorted runs
    //! data structure usable for \c runs_merger from
    //! sequences of elements in sorted order
    template <class ValueType_>
    struct from_sorted_sequences
        typedef ValueType_ value_type;

    //! \brief Forms sorted runs of data taking elements in sorted order (element by element)
    //! A specialization of \c runs_creator that
    //! allows to create sorted runs
    //! data structure usable for \c runs_merger from
    //! sequences of elements in sorted order. <BR>
    //! \tparam ValueType_ type of values (parameter for \c from_sorted_sequences strategy)
    //! \tparam CompareType_ type of comparison object used for sorting the runs
    //! \tparam BlockSize_ size of blocks used to store the runs
    //! \tparam AllocStr_ functor that defines allocation strategy for the runs
    template <
        class ValueType_,
        class CompareType_,
        unsigned BlockSize_,
        class AllocStr_>
    class runs_creator<
        : private noncopyable
        typedef ValueType_ value_type;
        typedef typed_block<BlockSize_, value_type> block_type;
        typedef sort_helper::trigger_entry<block_type> trigger_entry_type;
        typedef AllocStr_ alloc_strategy_type;

        typedef CompareType_ cmp_type;
        typedef sorted_runs<trigger_entry_type,cmp_type> sorted_runs_data_type;
        typedef counting_ptr<sorted_runs_data_type> sorted_runs_type;
        typedef sorted_runs_type result_type;

        typedef typename sorted_runs_data_type::run_type run_type;

        CompareType_ cmp;

        sorted_runs_type result_; // stores the result (sorted runs)
        unsigned_type m_;         // memory for internal use in blocks
        buffered_writer<block_type> writer;
        block_type * cur_block;
        unsigned_type offset;
        unsigned_type iblock;
        unsigned_type irun;
        alloc_strategy_type alloc_strategy;  // needs to be reset after each run

        //! \brief Creates the object
        //! \param c comparator object
        //! \param memory_to_use memory amount that is allowed to used by the sorter in bytes.
        //! Recommended value: 2 * block_size * D
        runs_creator(CompareType_ c, unsigned_type memory_to_use) :
            result_(new sorted_runs_data_type),
            m_(memory_to_use / BlockSize_ / sort_memory_usage_factor()),
            writer(m_, m_ / 2),
            assert(m_ > 0);
            if (!(2 * BlockSize_ * sort_memory_usage_factor() <= memory_to_use)) {
                throw bad_parameter("stxxl::runs_creator<>:runs_creator(): INSUFFICIENT MEMORY provided, please increase parameter 'memory_to_use'");

        //! \brief Adds new element to the current run
        //! \param val value to be added to the current run
        void push(const value_type & val)
            assert(offset < block_type::size);

            (*cur_block)[offset] = val;

            if (offset == block_type::size)
                // write current block

                block_manager * bm = block_manager::get_instance();
                // allocate space for the block
                result_->runs.resize(irun + 1);
                result_->runs[irun].resize(iblock + 1);
                    make_bid_iterator(result_->runs[irun].begin() + iblock),

                result_->runs[irun][iblock].value = (*cur_block)[0];         // init trigger
                cur_block = writer.write(cur_block, result_->runs[irun][iblock].bid);

                offset = 0;


        //! \brief Finishes current run and begins new one
        void finish()
            if (offset == 0 && iblock == 0) // current run is empty

            result_->runs_sizes.resize(irun + 1);
            result_->runs_sizes.back() = iblock * block_type::size + offset;

            if (offset)    // if current block is partially filled
                while (offset != block_type::size)
                    (*cur_block)[offset] = cmp.max_value();
                offset = 0;

                block_manager * bm = block_manager::get_instance();
                // allocate space for the block
                result_->runs.resize(irun + 1);
                result_->runs[irun].resize(iblock + 1);
                    make_bid_iterator(result_->runs[irun].begin() + iblock),

                result_->runs[irun][iblock].value = (*cur_block)[0];         // init trigger
                cur_block = writer.write(cur_block, result_->runs[irun][iblock].bid);
            { }

            alloc_strategy = alloc_strategy_type();  // reinitialize block allocator for the next run
            iblock = 0;

        //! \brief Returns the sorted runs object
        //! \return Sorted runs object
        //! \remark Returned object is intended to be used by \c runs_merger object as input
        sorted_runs_type & result()

            return result_;

    //! \brief Checker for the sorted runs object created by the \c runs_creator .
    //! \param sruns sorted runs object
    //! \param cmp comparison object used for checking the order of elements in runs
    //! \return \c true if runs are sorted, \c false otherwise
    template <class RunsType_, class CompareType_>
    bool check_sorted_runs(const RunsType_ & sruns, CompareType_ cmp)
        typedef typename RunsType_::element_type::block_type block_type;
        typedef typename block_type::value_type value_type;
        STXXL_VERBOSE2("Elements: " << sruns->elements);
        unsigned_type nruns = sruns->runs.size();
        STXXL_VERBOSE2("Runs: " << nruns);
        unsigned_type irun = 0;
        for (irun = 0; irun < nruns; ++irun)
            const unsigned_type nblocks = sruns->runs[irun].size();
            block_type * blocks = new block_type[nblocks];
            request_ptr * reqs = new request_ptr[nblocks];
            for (unsigned_type j = 0; j < nblocks; ++j)
                reqs[j] = blocks[j].read(sruns->runs[irun][j].bid);
            wait_all(reqs, reqs + nblocks);
            for (unsigned_type j = 0; j < nblocks; ++j)
                if (cmp(blocks[j][0], sruns->runs[irun][j].value) ||
                    cmp(sruns->runs[irun][j].value, blocks[j][0])) //!=
                    STXXL_ERRMSG("check_sorted_runs  wrong trigger in the run");
                    return false;
            if (!stxxl::is_sorted(make_element_iterator(blocks, 0),
                                  make_element_iterator(blocks, sruns->runs_sizes[irun]),
                STXXL_ERRMSG("check_sorted_runs  wrong order in the run");
                return false;

            delete[] reqs;
            delete[] blocks;

        STXXL_MSG("Checking runs finished successfully");

        return true;

    //     MERGE RUNS                                                     //

    //! \brief Merges sorted runs
    //! \tparam RunsType_ type of the sorted runs, available as \c runs_creator::sorted_runs_type ,
    //! \tparam CompareType_ type of comparison object used for merging
    //! \tparam AllocStr_ allocation strategy used to allocate the blocks for
    //! storing intermediate results if several merge passes are required
    template <class RunsType_,
              class CompareType_,
              class AllocStr_ = STXXL_DEFAULT_ALLOC_STRATEGY>
    class basic_runs_merger : private noncopyable
        typedef RunsType_ sorted_runs_type;
        typedef CompareType_ value_cmp;
        typedef AllocStr_ alloc_strategy;

        typedef typename sorted_runs_type::element_type sorted_runs_data_type;
        typedef typename sorted_runs_data_type::size_type size_type;
        typedef typename sorted_runs_data_type::run_type run_type;
        typedef typename sorted_runs_data_type::block_type block_type;
        typedef block_type out_block_type;
        typedef typename run_type::value_type trigger_entry_type;
        typedef block_prefetcher<block_type, typename run_type::iterator> prefetcher_type;
        typedef run_cursor2<block_type, prefetcher_type> run_cursor_type;
        typedef sort_helper::run_cursor2_cmp<block_type, prefetcher_type, value_cmp> run_cursor2_cmp_type;
        typedef loser_tree<run_cursor_type, run_cursor2_cmp_type> loser_tree_type;
        typedef stxxl::int64 diff_type;
        typedef std::pair<typename block_type::iterator, typename block_type::iterator> sequence;
        typedef typename std::vector<sequence>::size_type seqs_size_type;

        //! \brief Standard stream typedef
        typedef typename sorted_runs_data_type::value_type value_type;

        /// comparator object to sort runs
        value_cmp m_cmp;

        /// memory size in bytes to use
        unsigned_type   m_memory_to_use;
        /// smart pointer to sorted_runs object
        sorted_runs_type m_sruns;

        /// items remaining in input
        size_type       m_elements_remaining;

        /// memory buffer for merging from external streams
        out_block_type*  m_buffer_block;

        /// pointer into current memory buffer: this is either m_buffer_block or the small_runs vector
        const value_type* m_current_ptr;
        /// pointer into current memory buffer: end after range of current values
        const value_type* m_current_end;

        /// sequence of block needed for merging
        run_type        m_consume_seq;
        /// precalculated order of blocks in which they are prefetched
        int_type*       m_prefetch_seq;

        /// prefetcher object
        prefetcher_type * m_prefetcher;

        /// loser tree used for native merging
        loser_tree_type * m_losers;

        std::vector<sequence> * seqs;
        std::vector<block_type *> * buffers;
        diff_type num_currently_mergeable;

        /// previous element to ensure the current output ordering
        value_type      m_last_element;

        void merge_recursively();

        void deallocate_prefetcher()
            if (m_prefetcher)
                delete m_losers;
                delete seqs;
                delete buffers;
                delete m_prefetcher;
                delete[] m_prefetch_seq;
                m_prefetcher = NULL;

        void fill_buffer_block()
            if (do_parallel_merge())
// begin of STL-style merging
                diff_type rest = out_block_type::size;          // elements still to merge for this output block

                do                                              // while rest > 0 and still elements available
                    if (num_currently_mergeable < rest)
                        if (!m_prefetcher || m_prefetcher->empty())
                            // anything remaining is already in memory
                            num_currently_mergeable = m_elements_remaining;
                            num_currently_mergeable = sort_helper::count_elements_less_equal(
                                *seqs, m_consume_seq[m_prefetcher->pos()].value, m_cmp);

                    diff_type output_size = STXXL_MIN(num_currently_mergeable, rest);     // at most rest elements

                    STXXL_VERBOSE1("before merge " << output_size);

                    stxxl::parallel::multiway_merge((*seqs).begin(), (*seqs).end(), m_buffer_block->end() - rest, m_cmp, output_size);
                    // sequence iterators are progressed appropriately

                    rest -= output_size;
                    num_currently_mergeable -= output_size;

                    STXXL_VERBOSE1("after merge");

                    sort_helper::refill_or_remove_empty_sequences(*seqs, *buffers, *m_prefetcher);
                } while (rest > 0 && (*seqs).size() > 0);

                if (!stxxl::is_sorted(m_buffer_block->begin(), m_buffer_block->end(), cmp))
                    for (value_type * i = m_buffer_block->begin() + 1; i != m_buffer_block->end(); ++i)
                        if (cmp(*i, *(i - 1)))
                            STXXL_VERBOSE1("Error at position " << (i - m_buffer_block->begin()));

// end of STL-style merging
// begin of native merging procedure
                m_losers->multi_merge(m_buffer_block->elem, m_buffer_block->elem + STXXL_MIN<size_type>(out_block_type::size, m_elements_remaining));
// end of native merging procedure
            STXXL_VERBOSE1("current block filled");

            m_current_ptr = m_buffer_block->elem;
            m_current_end = m_buffer_block->elem + STXXL_MIN<size_type>(out_block_type::size, m_elements_remaining);

            if (m_elements_remaining <= out_block_type::size)

        //! \brief Creates a runs merger object
        //! \param c comparison object
        //! \param memory_to_use amount of memory available for the merger in bytes
        basic_runs_merger(value_cmp c, unsigned_type memory_to_use)
            : m_cmp(c),
              m_buffer_block(new out_block_type),
              , seqs(NULL),
              , m_last_element(m_cmp.min_value())

        //! \brief Set memory amount to use for the merger in bytes
        void set_memory_to_use(unsigned_type memory_to_use)
            m_memory_to_use = memory_to_use;

        //! \brief Initialize the runs merger object with a new round of sorted_runs
        void initialize(const sorted_runs_type & sruns)
            m_sruns = sruns;
            m_elements_remaining = m_sruns->elements;

            if (empty())

            if (!m_sruns->small_run.empty())
                // we have a small input <= B, that is kept in the main memory
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("basic_runs_merger: small input optimization, input length: " << m_elements_remaining);
                assert(m_elements_remaining == size_type(m_sruns->small_run.size()));

                m_current_ptr = &m_sruns->small_run[0];
                m_current_end = m_current_ptr + m_sruns->small_run.size();


            assert(check_sorted_runs(m_sruns, m_cmp));

            // *** test whether recursive merging is necessary


            int_type disks_number = config::get_instance()->disks_number();
            unsigned_type min_prefetch_buffers = 2 * disks_number;
            unsigned_type input_buffers = (m_memory_to_use > sizeof(out_block_type) ? m_memory_to_use - sizeof(out_block_type) : 0) / block_type::raw_size;
            unsigned_type nruns = m_sruns->runs.size();

            if (input_buffers < nruns + min_prefetch_buffers)
                // can not merge runs in one pass. merge recursively:
                STXXL_WARNMSG_RECURSIVE_SORT("The implementation of sort requires more than one merge pass, therefore for a better");
                STXXL_WARNMSG_RECURSIVE_SORT("efficiency decrease block size of run storage (a parameter of the run_creator)");
                STXXL_WARNMSG_RECURSIVE_SORT("or increase the amount memory dedicated to the merger.");
                STXXL_WARNMSG_RECURSIVE_SORT("m=" << input_buffers << " nruns=" << nruns << " prefetch_blocks=" << min_prefetch_buffers);
                STXXL_WARNMSG_RECURSIVE_SORT("memory_to_use=" << m_memory_to_use << " bytes  block_type::raw_size=" << block_type::raw_size << " bytes");

                // check whether we have enough memory to merge recursively
                unsigned_type recursive_merge_buffers = m_memory_to_use / block_type::raw_size;
                if (recursive_merge_buffers < 2 * min_prefetch_buffers + 1 + 2) {
                    // recursive merge uses min_prefetch_buffers for input buffering and min_prefetch_buffers output buffering
                    // as well as 1 current output block and at least 2 input blocks
                    STXXL_ERRMSG("There are only m=" << recursive_merge_buffers << " blocks available for recursive merging, but "
                                 << min_prefetch_buffers << "+" << min_prefetch_buffers << "+1 are needed read-ahead/write-back/output, and");
                    STXXL_ERRMSG("the merger requires memory to store at least two input blocks internally. Aborting.");
                    throw bad_parameter("basic_runs_merger::sort(): INSUFFICIENT MEMORY provided, please increase parameter 'memory_to_use'");


                nruns = m_sruns->runs.size();

            assert(nruns + min_prefetch_buffers <= input_buffers);

            // *** Allocate prefetcher and merge data structure


            unsigned_type prefetch_seq_size = 0;
            for (unsigned_type i = 0; i < nruns; ++i)
                prefetch_seq_size += m_sruns->runs[i].size();

            m_prefetch_seq = new int_type[prefetch_seq_size];

            typename run_type::iterator copy_start = m_consume_seq.begin();
            for (unsigned_type i = 0; i < nruns; ++i)
                copy_start = std::copy(m_sruns->runs[i].begin(),

            std::stable_sort(m_consume_seq.begin(), m_consume_seq.end(),
                             sort_helper::trigger_entry_cmp<trigger_entry_type, value_cmp>(m_cmp) _STXXL_SORT_TRIGGER_FORCE_SEQUENTIAL);

            const unsigned_type n_prefetch_buffers = STXXL_MAX(min_prefetch_buffers, input_buffers - nruns);

            // heuristic
            const int_type n_opt_prefetch_buffers = min_prefetch_buffers + (3 * (n_prefetch_buffers - min_prefetch_buffers)) / 10;

            for (unsigned_type i = 0; i < prefetch_seq_size; ++i)
                m_prefetch_seq[i] = i;

            m_prefetcher = new prefetcher_type(
                STXXL_MIN(nruns + n_prefetch_buffers, prefetch_seq_size));

            if (do_parallel_merge())
// begin of STL-style merging
                seqs = new std::vector<sequence>(nruns);
                buffers = new std::vector<block_type *>(nruns);

                for (unsigned_type i = 0; i < nruns; ++i)                                       //initialize sequences
                    (*buffers)[i] = m_prefetcher->pull_block();                                   //get first block of each run
                    (*seqs)[i] = std::make_pair((*buffers)[i]->begin(), (*buffers)[i]->end());  //this memory location stays the same, only the data is exchanged
// end of STL-style merging
// begin of native merging procedure
                m_losers = new loser_tree_type(m_prefetcher, nruns, run_cursor2_cmp_type(m_cmp));
// end of native merging procedure


        //! \brief Deallocate temporary structures freeing memory prior to next initialize()
        void deallocate()
            m_sruns = NULL;     // release reference on result object

        //! \brief Standard stream method
        bool empty() const
            return (m_elements_remaining == 0);

        //! \brief Standard size method
        size_type size() const
            return m_elements_remaining;

        //! \brief Standard stream method
        const value_type & operator * () const
            return *m_current_ptr;

        //! \brief Standard stream method
        const value_type * operator -> () const
            return &(operator * ());

        //! \brief Standard stream method
        basic_runs_merger & operator ++ ()  // preincrement operator
            assert(m_current_ptr != m_current_end);


            if (LIKELY(m_current_ptr == m_current_end && !empty()))

                assert(stxxl::is_sorted(m_buffer_block->elem, m_buffer_block->elem + STXXL_MIN<size_type>(m_elements_remaining, m_buffer_block->size), m_cmp));

            if (!empty())
                assert(!m_cmp(operator*(), m_last_element));
                m_last_element = operator*();

            return *this;

        //! \brief Destructor
        //! \remark Deallocates blocks of the input sorted runs object
        virtual ~basic_runs_merger()

            delete m_buffer_block;

    template <class RunsType_, class CompareType_, class AllocStr_>
    void basic_runs_merger<RunsType_, CompareType_, AllocStr_>::merge_recursively()
        block_manager * bm = block_manager::get_instance();
        unsigned_type ndisks = config::get_instance()->disks_number();
        unsigned_type nwrite_buffers = 2 * ndisks;
        unsigned_type memory_for_write_buffers = nwrite_buffers * sizeof(block_type);

        // memory consumption of the recursive merger (uses block_type as out_block_type)
        unsigned_type recursive_merger_memory_prefetch_buffers = 2 * ndisks * sizeof(block_type);
        unsigned_type recursive_merger_memory_out_block = sizeof(block_type);
        unsigned_type memory_for_buffers = memory_for_write_buffers
                                           + recursive_merger_memory_prefetch_buffers
                                           + recursive_merger_memory_out_block;
        // maximum arity in the recursive merger
        unsigned_type max_arity = (m_memory_to_use > memory_for_buffers ? m_memory_to_use - memory_for_buffers : 0) / block_type::raw_size;

        unsigned_type nruns = m_sruns->runs.size();
        const unsigned_type merge_factor = optimal_merge_factor(nruns, max_arity);
        assert(merge_factor > 1);
        assert(merge_factor <= max_arity);

        while (nruns > max_arity)
            unsigned_type new_nruns = div_ceil(nruns, merge_factor);
            STXXL_MSG("Starting new merge phase: nruns: " << nruns <<
                      " opt_merge_factor: " << merge_factor << " max_arity: " << max_arity << " new_nruns: " << new_nruns);

            // construct new sorted_runs data object which will be swapped into m_sruns

            sorted_runs_data_type new_runs;
            new_runs.elements = m_sruns->elements;

            // merge all runs from m_runs into news_runs

            unsigned_type runs_left = nruns;
            unsigned_type cur_out_run = 0;
            size_type elements_left = m_sruns->elements;

            while (runs_left > 0)
                unsigned_type runs2merge = STXXL_MIN(runs_left, merge_factor);
                STXXL_MSG("Merging " << runs2merge << " runs");

                if (runs2merge > 1) // non-trivial merge
                    // count the number of elements in the run
                    unsigned_type elements_in_new_run = 0;
                    for (unsigned_type i = nruns - runs_left; i < (nruns - runs_left + runs2merge); ++i)
                        elements_in_new_run += m_sruns->runs_sizes[i];
                    new_runs.runs_sizes[cur_out_run] = elements_in_new_run;

                    // calculate blocks in run
                    const unsigned_type blocks_in_new_run = div_ceil(elements_in_new_run, block_type::size);

                    // allocate blocks for the new runs
                    bm->new_blocks(alloc_strategy(), make_bid_iterator(new_runs.runs[cur_out_run].begin()), make_bid_iterator(new_runs.runs[cur_out_run].end()));

                    // Construct temporary sorted_runs object as input into recursive merger.
                    // This sorted_runs is copied a subset of the over-large set of runs, which
                    // will be deallocated from external memory once the runs are merged.
                    sorted_runs_data_type cur_runs;
                    cur_runs.inc_ref();     // hold dangling reference

                    std::copy(m_sruns->runs.begin() + nruns - runs_left,
                              m_sruns->runs.begin() + nruns - runs_left + runs2merge,
                    std::copy(m_sruns->runs_sizes.begin() + nruns - runs_left,
                              m_sruns->runs_sizes.begin() + nruns - runs_left + runs2merge,

                    cur_runs.elements = elements_in_new_run;
                    elements_left -= elements_in_new_run;

                    // construct recursive merger

                    basic_runs_merger<RunsType_, CompareType_, AllocStr_> merger(m_cmp, m_memory_to_use - memory_for_write_buffers);

                    {   // make sure everything is being destroyed in right time
                        buf_ostream<block_type, typename run_type::iterator> out(

                        size_type cnt = 0;
                        const size_type cnt_max = cur_runs.elements;

                        while (cnt != cnt_max)
                            *out = *merger;
                            if ((cnt % block_type::size) == 0) // have to write the trigger value
                                new_runs.runs[cur_out_run][cnt / size_type(block_type::size)].value = *merger;

                            ++cnt, ++out, ++merger;

                        while (cnt % block_type::size)
                            *out = m_cmp.max_value();
                            ++out, ++cnt;

                    // deallocate merged runs by destroying cur_runs
                else // runs2merge = 1 -> no merging needed
                    assert( cur_out_run+1 == new_runs.runs.size() );

                    elements_left -= m_sruns->runs_sizes.back();

                    // copy block identifiers into new sorted_runs object
                    new_runs.runs.back() = m_sruns->runs.back();
                    new_runs.runs_sizes.back() = m_sruns->runs_sizes.back();

                runs_left -= runs2merge;

            assert(elements_left == 0);

            m_sruns->runs.clear();      // clear bid vector of m_sruns to skip deallocation of blocks in destructor

            std::swap(nruns, new_nruns);
            m_sruns->swap(new_runs);           // replaces data in referenced counted object m_sruns

        } // end while (nruns > max_arity)

    //! \brief Merges sorted runs
    //! \tparam RunsType_ type of the sorted runs, available as \c runs_creator::sorted_runs_type ,
    //! \tparam CompareType_ type of comparison object used for merging
    //! \tparam AllocStr_ allocation strategy used to allocate the blocks for
    //! storing intermediate results if several merge passes are required
    template <class RunsType_,
              class CompareType_ = typename RunsType_::element_type::cmp_type,
              class AllocStr_ = STXXL_DEFAULT_ALLOC_STRATEGY>
    class runs_merger : public basic_runs_merger<RunsType_, CompareType_, AllocStr_>
        typedef basic_runs_merger<RunsType_, CompareType_, AllocStr_> base;

        typedef RunsType_                       sorted_runs_type;
        typedef typename base::value_cmp        value_cmp;
        typedef typename base::value_cmp        cmp_type;
        typedef typename base::block_type       block_type;

        //! \brief Creates a runs merger object
        //! \param r input sorted runs object
        //! \param c comparison object
        //! \param memory_to_use amount of memory available for the merger in bytes
        runs_merger(sorted_runs_type & sruns, value_cmp cmp, unsigned_type memory_to_use)
            : base(cmp, memory_to_use)

        //! \brief Creates a runs merger object without initializing a round of sorted_runs
        //! \param c comparison object
        //! \param memory_to_use amount of memory available for the merger in bytes
        runs_merger(value_cmp cmp, unsigned_type memory_to_use)
            : base(cmp, memory_to_use)

    //     SORT                                                           //

    //! \brief Produces sorted stream from input stream
    //! \tparam Input_ type of the input stream
    //! \tparam CompareType_ type of comparison object used for sorting the runs
    //! \tparam BlockSize_ size of blocks used to store the runs
    //! \tparam AllocStr_ functor that defines allocation strategy for the runs
    //! \remark Implemented as the composition of \c runs_creator and \c runs_merger .
    template <class Input_,
              class CompareType_,
              unsigned BlockSize_ = STXXL_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE(typename Input_::value_type),
              class AllocStr_ = STXXL_DEFAULT_ALLOC_STRATEGY,
              class runs_creator_type = runs_creator<Input_, CompareType_, BlockSize_, AllocStr_> >
    class sort : public noncopyable
        typedef typename runs_creator_type::sorted_runs_type sorted_runs_type;
        typedef runs_merger<sorted_runs_type, CompareType_, AllocStr_> runs_merger_type;

        runs_creator_type creator;
        runs_merger_type merger;

        //! \brief Standard stream typedef
        typedef typename Input_::value_type value_type;

        //! \brief Creates the object
        //! \param in input stream
        //! \param c comparator object
        //! \param memory_to_use memory amount that is allowed to used by the sorter in bytes
        sort(Input_ & in, CompareType_ c, unsigned_type memory_to_use) :
            creator(in, c, memory_to_use),
            merger(creator.result(), c, memory_to_use)

        //! \brief Creates the object
        //! \param in input stream
        //! \param c comparator object
        //! \param m_memory_to_userc memory amount that is allowed to used by the runs creator in bytes
        //! \param m_memory_to_use memory amount that is allowed to used by the merger in bytes
        sort(Input_ & in, CompareType_ c, unsigned_type m_memory_to_userc, unsigned_type m_memory_to_use) :
            creator(in, c, m_memory_to_userc),
            merger(creator.result(), c, m_memory_to_use)

        //! \brief Standard stream method
        bool empty() const
            return merger.empty();

        //! \brief Standard stream method
        const value_type & operator * () const
            return *merger;

        const value_type * operator -> () const
            return merger.operator -> ();

        //! \brief Standard stream method
        sort & operator ++ ()
            return *this;

    //! \brief Computes sorted runs type from value type and block size
    //! \tparam ValueType_ type of values ins sorted runs
    //! \tparam BlockSize_ size of blocks where sorted runs stored
    template <
        class ValueType_,
        unsigned BlockSize_>
    class compute_sorted_runs_type
        typedef ValueType_ value_type;
        typedef BID<BlockSize_> bid_type;
        typedef sort_helper::trigger_entry<bid_type, value_type> trigger_entry_type;

        typedef sorted_runs<trigger_entry_type,std::less<value_type> > result;

//! \}

//! \addtogroup stlalgo
//! \{

//! \brief Sorts range of any random access iterators externally

//! \param begin iterator pointing to the first element of the range
//! \param end iterator pointing to the last+1 element of the range
//! \param cmp comparison object
//! \param MemSize memory to use for sorting (in bytes)
//! \param AS allocation strategy
//! The \c BlockSize template parameter defines the block size to use (in bytes)
//! \warning Slower than External Iterator Sort
template <unsigned BlockSize,
          class RandomAccessIterator,
          class CmpType,
          class AllocStr>
void sort(RandomAccessIterator begin,
          RandomAccessIterator end,
          CmpType cmp,
          unsigned_type MemSize,
          AllocStr AS)
    typedef typename streamify_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::stream_type InputType;
    typedef __typeof__(stream::streamify(begin, end)) InputType;
#endif //BOOST_MSVC
    InputType Input(begin, end);
    typedef stream::sort<InputType, CmpType, BlockSize, AllocStr> sorter_type;
    sorter_type Sort(Input, cmp, MemSize);
    stream::materialize(Sort, begin);

//! \}


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