panthema / 2012 / 1119-eSAIS-Inducing-Suffix-and-LCP-Arrays-in-External-Memory / eSAIS-DC3-LCP-0.5.2 / stxxl / include / stxxl / bits / mng / block_alloc.h (Download File)
 *  include/stxxl/bits/mng/block_alloc.h
 *  Part of the STXXL. See
 *  Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Roman Dementiev <>
 *  Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andreas Beckmann <>
 *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 *  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


#include <algorithm>
#include <stxxl/bits/parallel.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/common/rand.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/mng/config.h>


//! \ingroup mnglayer

//! \weakgroup alloc Allocation functors
//! Standard allocation strategies encapsulated in functors
//! \{

//! \brief example disk allocation scheme functor
//! \remarks model of \b allocation_strategy concept
struct basic_allocation_strategy
    basic_allocation_strategy(int disks_begin, int disks_end);
    int operator () (int i) const;
    static const char * name();

//! \brief striping disk allocation scheme functor
//! \remarks model of \b allocation_strategy concept
struct striping
    int begin, diff;

    striping(int b, int e) : begin(b), diff(e - b)
    { }

    striping() : begin(0)
        diff = config::get_instance()->disks_number();

    int operator () (int i) const
        return begin + i % diff;

    static const char * name()
        return "striping";

//! \brief fully randomized disk allocation scheme functor
//! \remarks model of \b allocation_strategy concept
struct FR : public striping
    random_number<random_uniform_fast> rnd;

    FR(int b, int e) : striping(b, e)
    { }

    FR() : striping()
    { }

    int operator () (int /*i*/) const
        return begin + rnd(diff);

    static const char * name()
        return "fully randomized striping";

//! \brief simple randomized disk allocation scheme functor
//! \remarks model of \b allocation_strategy concept
struct SR : public striping
    int offset;

    void init()
        random_number<random_uniform_fast> rnd;
        offset = rnd(diff);

    SR(int b, int e) : striping(b, e)

    SR() : striping()

    int operator () (int i) const
        return begin + (i + offset) % diff;

    static const char * name()
        return "simple randomized striping";

//! \brief randomized cycling disk allocation scheme functor
//! \remarks model of \b allocation_strategy concept
struct RC : public striping
    std::vector<int> perm;

    void init()
        for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++)
            perm[i] = i;

        stxxl::random_number<random_uniform_fast> rnd;
        std::random_shuffle(perm.begin(), perm.end(), rnd _STXXL_FORCE_SEQUENTIAL);

    RC(int b, int e) : striping(b, e), perm(diff)

    RC() : striping(), perm(diff)

    int operator () (int i) const
        return begin + perm[i % diff];

    static const char * name()
        return "randomized cycling striping";

struct RC_disk : public RC
    RC_disk(int b, int e) : RC(b, e)
    { }

    RC_disk() : RC(config::get_instance()->regular_disk_range().first, config::get_instance()->regular_disk_range().second)
    { }

    static const char * name()
        return "Randomized cycling striping on regular disks";

struct RC_flash : public RC
    RC_flash(int b, int e) : RC(b, e)
    { }

    RC_flash() : RC(config::get_instance()->flash_range().first, config::get_instance()->flash_range().second)
    { }

    static const char * name()
        return "Randomized cycling striping on flash devices";

//! \brief 'single disk' disk allocation scheme functor
//! \remarks model of \b allocation_strategy concept
struct single_disk
    const int disk;
    single_disk(int d, int = 0) : disk(d)
    { }

    single_disk() : disk(0)
    { }

    int operator () (int /*i*/) const
        return disk;

    static const char * name()
        return "single disk";

//! \brief Allocator functor adaptor

//! Gives offset to disk number sequence defined in constructor
template <class BaseAllocator_>
struct offset_allocator
    BaseAllocator_ base;
    int_type offset;

    //! \brief Creates functor based on instance of \c BaseAllocator_ functor
    //! with offset \c offset_
    //! \param offset_ offset
    //! \param base_ used to create a copy
    offset_allocator(int_type offset_, const BaseAllocator_ & base_) : base(base_), offset(offset_)
    { }

    //! \brief Creates functor based on instance of \c BaseAllocator_ functor
    //! \param base_ used to create a copy
    offset_allocator(const BaseAllocator_ & base_) : base(base_), offset(0)
    { }

    //! \brief Creates functor based on default \c BaseAllocator_ functor
    offset_allocator() : offset(0)
    { }

    int operator () (int_type i) const
        return base(offset + i);

    int_type get_offset() const
        return offset;

    void set_offset(int_type i)
        offset = i;


//! \}


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