panthema / 2012 / 1119-eSAIS-Inducing-Suffix-and-LCP-Arrays-in-External-Memory / eSAIS-DC3-LCP-0.5.2 / stxxl / include / stxxl / bits / containers / matrix_low_level.h (Download File)
 *  include/stxxl/bits/containers/matrix_low_level.h
 *  Part of the STXXL. See
 *  Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Raoul Steffen <>
 *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 *  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


#ifndef STXXL_BLAS
#define STXXL_BLAS 0

#include <complex>

#include <stxxl/bits/common/types.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/parallel.h>


//forward declaration
template <typename ValueType, unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct matrix_operations;

//generic declaration
template <unsigned BlockSideLength, bool transposed>
struct switch_major_index;

//row-major specialization
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct switch_major_index<BlockSideLength, false>
    inline switch_major_index(const int_type row, const int_type col) : i(row * BlockSideLength + col) {}
    inline operator int_type & () { return i; }
    int_type i;

//column-major specialization
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct switch_major_index<BlockSideLength, true>
    inline switch_major_index(const int_type row, const int_type col) : i(row + col * BlockSideLength) {}
    inline operator int_type & () { return i; }
    int_type i;

//! \brief c = a <op> b; for arbitrary entries
template <typename ValueType, unsigned BlockSideLength, bool a_transposed, bool b_transposed, class Op>
struct low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op
    low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op(ValueType * c, const ValueType * a, const ValueType * b, Op op = Op())
        if (a)
            if (b)
                #if STXXL_PARALLEL
                #pragma omp parallel for
                for (int_type row = 0; row < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++row)
                    for (int_type col = 0; col < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++col)
                        op(c[switch_major_index<BlockSideLength, false>(row, col)],
                                a[switch_major_index<BlockSideLength, a_transposed>(row, col)],
                                b[switch_major_index<BlockSideLength, b_transposed>(row, col)]);
                #if STXXL_PARALLEL
                #pragma omp parallel for
                for (int_type row = 0; row < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++row)
                    for (int_type col = 0; col < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++col)
                        op(c[switch_major_index<BlockSideLength, false>(row, col)],
                                a[switch_major_index<BlockSideLength, a_transposed>(row, col)], 0);
            assert(b /* do not add nothing to nothing */);
            #if STXXL_PARALLEL
            #pragma omp parallel for
            for (int_type row = 0; row < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++row)
                for (int_type col = 0; col < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++col)
                    op(c[switch_major_index<BlockSideLength, false>(row, col)],
                                0, b[switch_major_index<BlockSideLength, b_transposed>(row, col)]);

//! \brief c <op>= a; for arbitrary entries
template <typename ValueType, unsigned BlockSideLength, bool a_transposed, class Op>
struct low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op
    low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op(ValueType * c, const ValueType * a, Op op = Op())
        if (a)
            #if STXXL_PARALLEL
            #pragma omp parallel for
            for (int_type row = 0; row < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++row)
                for (int_type col = 0; col < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++col)
                    op(c[switch_major_index<BlockSideLength, false>(row, col)],
                            a[switch_major_index<BlockSideLength, a_transposed>(row, col)]);

//! \brief c = <op>a; for arbitrary entries
template <typename ValueType, unsigned BlockSideLength, bool a_transposed, class Op>
struct low_level_matrix_unary_op
    low_level_matrix_unary_op(ValueType * c, const ValueType * a, Op op = Op())
        #if STXXL_PARALLEL
        #pragma omp parallel for
        for (int_type row = 0; row < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++row)
            for (int_type col = 0; col < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++col)
                c[switch_major_index<BlockSideLength, false>(row, col)] =
                        op(a[switch_major_index<BlockSideLength, a_transposed>(row, col)]);

//! \brief multiplies matrices A and B, adds result to C, for arbitrary entries
//! param pointer to blocks of A,B,C; elements in blocks have to be in row-major
/* designated usage as:
 * void
 * low_level_matrix_multiply_and_add(const double * a, bool a_in_col_major,
                                     const double * b, bool b_in_col_major,
                                     double * c, const bool c_in_col_major)  */
template <typename ValueType, unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_multiply_and_add
    low_level_matrix_multiply_and_add(const ValueType * a, bool a_in_col_major,
                                      const ValueType * b, bool b_in_col_major,
                                      ValueType * c, const bool c_in_col_major)
        if (c_in_col_major)
            bool a_cm = ! b_in_col_major;
            b_in_col_major = ! a_in_col_major;
            a_in_col_major = a_cm;
        if (! a_in_col_major)
            if (! b_in_col_major)
            {   // => both row-major
                #if STXXL_PARALLEL
                #pragma omp parallel for
                for (int_type i = 0; i < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++i)    //OpenMP does not like unsigned iteration variables
                  for (unsigned_type k = 0; k < BlockSideLength; ++k)
                      for (unsigned_type j = 0; j < BlockSideLength; ++j)
                          c[i * BlockSideLength + j] += a[i * BlockSideLength + k] * b[k * BlockSideLength + j];
            {   // => a row-major, b col-major
                #if STXXL_PARALLEL
                #pragma omp parallel for
                for (int_type i = 0; i < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++i)    //OpenMP does not like unsigned iteration variables
                    for (unsigned_type j = 0; j < BlockSideLength; ++j)
                        for (unsigned_type k = 0; k < BlockSideLength; ++k)
                          c[i * BlockSideLength + j] += a[i * BlockSideLength + k] * b[k + j * BlockSideLength];
            if (! b_in_col_major)
            {   // => a col-major, b row-major
                #if STXXL_PARALLEL
                #pragma omp parallel for
                for (int_type i = 0; i < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++i)    //OpenMP does not like unsigned iteration variables
                  for (unsigned_type k = 0; k < BlockSideLength; ++k)
                      for (unsigned_type j = 0; j < BlockSideLength; ++j)
                          c[i * BlockSideLength + j] += a[i + k * BlockSideLength] * b[k * BlockSideLength + j];
            {   // => both col-major
                #if STXXL_PARALLEL
                #pragma omp parallel for
                for (int_type i = 0; i < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++i)    //OpenMP does not like unsigned iteration variables
                  for (unsigned_type k = 0; k < BlockSideLength; ++k)
                      for (unsigned_type j = 0; j < BlockSideLength; ++j)
                          c[i * BlockSideLength + j] += a[i + k * BlockSideLength] * b[k + j * BlockSideLength];

typedef int_type blas_int;
typedef std::complex<double> blas_double_complex;
typedef std::complex<float> blas_single_complex;

// --- vector add (used as matrix-add) -----------------

extern "C" void daxpy_(const blas_int *n, const double              *alpha, const double              *x, const blas_int *incx, double              *y, const blas_int *incy);
extern "C" void saxpy_(const blas_int *n, const float               *alpha, const float               *x, const blas_int *incx, float               *y, const blas_int *incy);
extern "C" void zaxpy_(const blas_int *n, const blas_double_complex *alpha, const blas_double_complex *x, const blas_int *incx, blas_double_complex *y, const blas_int *incy);
extern "C" void caxpy_(const blas_int *n, const blas_single_complex *alpha, const blas_single_complex *x, const blas_int *incx, blas_single_complex *y, const blas_int *incy);
extern "C" void dcopy_(const blas_int *n, const double              *x, const blas_int *incx, double              *y, const blas_int *incy);
extern "C" void scopy_(const blas_int *n, const float               *x, const blas_int *incx, float               *y, const blas_int *incy);
extern "C" void zcopy_(const blas_int *n, const blas_double_complex *x, const blas_int *incx, blas_double_complex *y, const blas_int *incy);
extern "C" void ccopy_(const blas_int *n, const blas_single_complex *x, const blas_int *incx, blas_single_complex *y, const blas_int *incy);

//! \brief c = a + b; for double entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op<double, BlockSideLength, false, false, typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::addition>
    low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op(double * c, const double * a, const double * b, typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::addition = typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::addition())
        if (a)
            if (b)
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<double, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
                low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<double, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, b);
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<double, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
            assert(b /* do not add nothing to nothing */);
            low_level_matrix_unary_op<double, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                    (c, b);
//! \brief c = a - b; for double entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op<double, BlockSideLength, false, false, typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
    low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op(double * c, const double * a, const double * b,
            typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::subtraction = typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::subtraction())
        if (a)
            if (b)
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<double, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
                low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<double, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
                        (c, b);
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<double, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
            assert(b /* do not add nothing to nothing */);
            low_level_matrix_unary_op<double, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
                    (c, b);
//! \brief c += a; for double entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<double, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::addition>
    low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op(double * c, const double * a,
            typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::addition = typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::addition())
        const blas_int size = BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength;
        const blas_int int_one = 1;
        const double one = 1.0;
        if (a)
            daxpy_(&size, &one, a, &int_one, c, &int_one);
//! \brief c -= a; for double entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<double, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
    low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op(double * c, const double * a,
            typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::subtraction = typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::subtraction())
        const blas_int size = BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength;
        const blas_int int_one = 1;
        const double minusone = -1.0;
        if (a)
            daxpy_(&size, &minusone, a, &int_one, c, &int_one);
//! \brief c = a; for double entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_unary_op<double, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::addition>
    low_level_matrix_unary_op(double * c, const double * a,
            typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::addition = typename matrix_operations<double, BlockSideLength>::addition())
        const blas_int size = BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength;
        const blas_int int_one = 1;
        dcopy_(&size, a, &int_one, c, &int_one);

//! \brief c = a + b; for float entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op<float, BlockSideLength, false, false, typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::addition>
    low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op(float * c, const float * a, const float * b, typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::addition = typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::addition())
        if (a)
            if (b)
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<float, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
                low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<float, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, b);
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<float, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
            assert(b /* do not add nothing to nothing */);
            low_level_matrix_unary_op<float, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                    (c, b);
//! \brief c = a - b; for float entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op<float, BlockSideLength, false, false, typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
    low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op(float * c, const float * a, const float * b,
            typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::subtraction = typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::subtraction())
        if (a)
            if (b)
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<float, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
                low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<float, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
                        (c, b);
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<float, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
            assert(b /* do not add nothing to nothing */);
            low_level_matrix_unary_op<float, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
                    (c, b);
//! \brief c += a; for float entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<float, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::addition>
    low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op(float * c, const float * a,
            typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::addition = typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::addition())
        const blas_int size = BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength;
        const blas_int int_one = 1;
        const float one = 1.0;
        if (a)
            saxpy_(&size, &one, a, &int_one, c, &int_one);
//! \brief c -= a; for float entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<float, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
    low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op(float * c, const float * a,
            typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::subtraction = typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::subtraction())
        const blas_int size = BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength;
        const blas_int int_one = 1;
        const float minusone = -1.0;
        if (a)
            saxpy_(&size, &minusone, a, &int_one, c, &int_one);
//! \brief c = a; for float entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_unary_op<float, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::addition>
    low_level_matrix_unary_op(float * c, const float * a,
            typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::addition = typename matrix_operations<float, BlockSideLength>::addition())
        const blas_int size = BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength;
        const blas_int int_one = 1;
        scopy_(&size, a, &int_one, c, &int_one);

//! \brief c = a + b; for blas_double_complex entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength, false, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
    low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op(blas_double_complex * c, const blas_double_complex * a, const blas_double_complex * b, typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition = typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition())
        if (a)
            if (b)
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
                low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, b);
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
            assert(b /* do not add nothing to nothing */);
            low_level_matrix_unary_op<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                    (c, b);
//! \brief c = a - b; for blas_double_complex entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength, false, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
    low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op(blas_double_complex * c, const blas_double_complex * a, const blas_double_complex * b,
            typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction = typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction())
        if (a)
            if (b)
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
                low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
                        (c, b);
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
            assert(b /* do not add nothing to nothing */);
            low_level_matrix_unary_op<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
                    (c, b);
//! \brief c += a; for blas_double_complex entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
    low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op(blas_double_complex * c, const blas_double_complex * a,
            typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition = typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition())
        const blas_int size = BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength;
        const blas_int int_one = 1;
        const blas_double_complex one = 1.0;
        if (a)
            zaxpy_(&size, &one, a, &int_one, c, &int_one);
//! \brief c -= a; for blas_double_complex entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
    low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op(blas_double_complex * c, const blas_double_complex * a,
            typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction = typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction())
        const blas_int size = BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength;
        const blas_int int_one = 1;
        const blas_double_complex minusone = -1.0;
        if (a)
            zaxpy_(&size, &minusone, a, &int_one, c, &int_one);
//! \brief c = a; for blas_double_complex entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_unary_op<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
    low_level_matrix_unary_op(blas_double_complex * c, const blas_double_complex * a,
            typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition = typename matrix_operations<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition())
        const blas_int size = BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength;
        const blas_int int_one = 1;
        zcopy_(&size, a, &int_one, c, &int_one);

//! \brief c = a + b; for blas_single_complex entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength, false, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
    low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op(blas_single_complex * c, const blas_single_complex * a, const blas_single_complex * b, typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition = typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition())
        if (a)
            if (b)
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
                low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, b);
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
            assert(b /* do not add nothing to nothing */);
            low_level_matrix_unary_op<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                    (c, b);
//! \brief c = a - b; for blas_single_complex entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength, false, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
    low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op(blas_single_complex * c, const blas_single_complex * a, const blas_single_complex * b,
            typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction = typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction())
        if (a)
            if (b)
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
                low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
                        (c, b);
                low_level_matrix_unary_op<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
                        (c, a);
            assert(b /* do not add nothing to nothing */);
            low_level_matrix_unary_op<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
                    (c, b);
//! \brief c += a; for blas_single_complex entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
    low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op(blas_single_complex * c, const blas_single_complex * a,
            typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition = typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition())
        const blas_int size = BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength;
        const blas_int int_one = 1;
        const blas_single_complex one = 1.0;
        if (a)
            caxpy_(&size, &one, a, &int_one, c, &int_one);
//! \brief c -= a; for blas_single_complex entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction>
    low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op(blas_single_complex * c, const blas_single_complex * a,
            typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction = typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::subtraction())
        const blas_int size = BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength;
        const blas_int int_one = 1;
        const blas_single_complex minusone = -1.0;
        if (a)
            caxpy_(&size, &minusone, a, &int_one, c, &int_one);
//! \brief c = a; for blas_single_complex entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_unary_op<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength, false, typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition>
    low_level_matrix_unary_op(blas_single_complex * c, const blas_single_complex * a,
            typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition = typename matrix_operations<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>::addition())
        const blas_int size = BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength;
        const blas_int int_one = 1;
        ccopy_(&size, a, &int_one, c, &int_one);

// --- matrix-matrix multiplication ---------------

extern "C" void dgemm_(const char *transa, const char *transb,
        const blas_int *m, const blas_int *n, const blas_int *k,
        const double *alpha, const double *a, const blas_int *lda,
        const double *b, const blas_int *ldb,
        const double *beta, double *c, const blas_int *ldc);

extern "C" void sgemm_(const char *transa, const char *transb,
        const blas_int *m, const blas_int *n, const blas_int *k,
        const float *alpha, const float *a, const blas_int *lda,
        const float *b, const blas_int *ldb,
        const float *beta, float *c, const blas_int *ldc);

extern "C" void zgemm_(const char *transa, const char *transb,
        const blas_int *m, const blas_int *n, const blas_int *k,
        const blas_double_complex *alpha, const blas_double_complex *a, const blas_int *lda,
        const blas_double_complex *b, const blas_int *ldb,
        const blas_double_complex *beta, blas_double_complex *c, const blas_int *ldc);

extern "C" void cgemm_(const char *transa, const char *transb,
        const blas_int *m, const blas_int *n, const blas_int *k,
        const blas_single_complex *alpha, const blas_single_complex *a, const blas_int *lda,
        const blas_single_complex *b, const blas_int *ldb,
        const blas_single_complex *beta, blas_single_complex *c, const blas_int *ldc);

template <typename ValueType>
void gemm_(const char *transa, const char *transb,
        const blas_int *m, const blas_int *n, const blas_int *k,
        const ValueType *alpha, const ValueType *a, const blas_int *lda,
        const ValueType *b, const blas_int *ldb,
        const ValueType *beta, ValueType *c, const blas_int *ldc);

//! \brief calculates c = alpha * a * b + beta * c
//! \tparam ValueType type of elements
//! \param n height of a and c
//! \param l width of a and height of b
//! \param m width of b and c
//! \param a_in_col_major if a is stored in column-major rather than row-major
//! \param b_in_col_major if b is stored in column-major rather than row-major
//! \param c_in_col_major if c is stored in column-major rather than row-major
template <typename ValueType>
void gemm_wrapper(const blas_int n, const blas_int l, const blas_int m,
        const ValueType alpha, const bool a_in_col_major, const ValueType *a,
                               const bool b_in_col_major, const ValueType *b,
        const ValueType beta,  const bool c_in_col_major,       ValueType *c)
    const blas_int& stride_in_a = a_in_col_major ? n : l;
    const blas_int& stride_in_b = b_in_col_major ? l : m;
    const blas_int& stride_in_c = c_in_col_major ? n : m;
    const char transa = a_in_col_major xor c_in_col_major ? 'T' : 'N';
    const char transb = b_in_col_major xor c_in_col_major ? 'T' : 'N';
    if (c_in_col_major)
        // blas expects matrices in column-major unless specified via transa rsp. transb
        gemm_(&transa, &transb, &n, &m, &l, &alpha, a, &stride_in_a, b, &stride_in_b, &beta, c, &stride_in_c);
        // blas expects matrices in column-major, so we calculate c^T = alpha * b^T * a^T + beta * c^T
        gemm_(&transb, &transa, &m, &n, &l, &alpha, b, &stride_in_b, a, &stride_in_a, &beta, c, &stride_in_c);

template <>
void gemm_(const char *transa, const char *transb,
        const blas_int *m, const blas_int *n, const blas_int *k,
        const double *alpha, const double *a, const blas_int *lda,
        const double *b, const blas_int *ldb,
        const double *beta, double *c, const blas_int *ldc)
{ dgemm_(transa, transb, m, n, k, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, beta, c, ldc); }

template <>
void gemm_(const char *transa, const char *transb,
        const blas_int *m, const blas_int *n, const blas_int *k,
        const float *alpha, const float *a, const blas_int *lda,
        const float *b, const blas_int *ldb,
        const float *beta, float *c, const blas_int *ldc)
{ sgemm_(transa, transb, m, n, k, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, beta, c, ldc); }

template <>
void gemm_(const char *transa, const char *transb,
        const blas_int *m, const blas_int *n, const blas_int *k,
        const blas_double_complex *alpha, const blas_double_complex *a, const blas_int *lda,
        const blas_double_complex *b, const blas_int *ldb,
        const blas_double_complex *beta, blas_double_complex *c, const blas_int *ldc)
{ zgemm_(transa, transb, m, n, k, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, beta, c, ldc); }

template <>
void gemm_(const char *transa, const char *transb,
        const blas_int *m, const blas_int *n, const blas_int *k,
        const blas_single_complex *alpha, const blas_single_complex *a, const blas_int *lda,
        const blas_single_complex *b, const blas_int *ldb,
        const blas_single_complex *beta, blas_single_complex *c, const blas_int *ldc)
{ cgemm_(transa, transb, m, n, k, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, beta, c, ldc); }

//! \brief multiplies matrices A and B, adds result to C, for double entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_multiply_and_add<double, BlockSideLength>
    low_level_matrix_multiply_and_add(const double * a, bool a_in_col_major,
                                      const double * b, bool b_in_col_major,
                                      double * c, const bool c_in_col_major)
        gemm_wrapper<double>(BlockSideLength, BlockSideLength, BlockSideLength,
                1.0, a_in_col_major, a,
                     b_in_col_major, b,
                1.0, c_in_col_major, c);

//! \brief multiplies matrices A and B, adds result to C, for float entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_multiply_and_add<float, BlockSideLength>
    low_level_matrix_multiply_and_add(const float * a, bool a_in_col_major,
                                      const float * b, bool b_in_col_major,
                                      float * c, const bool c_in_col_major)
        gemm_wrapper<float>(BlockSideLength, BlockSideLength, BlockSideLength,
                1.0, a_in_col_major, a,
                     b_in_col_major, b,
                1.0, c_in_col_major, c);

//! \brief multiplies matrices A and B, adds result to C, for complex<float> entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_multiply_and_add<blas_single_complex, BlockSideLength>
    low_level_matrix_multiply_and_add(const blas_single_complex * a, bool a_in_col_major,
                                      const blas_single_complex * b, bool b_in_col_major,
                                      blas_single_complex * c, const bool c_in_col_major)
        gemm_wrapper<blas_single_complex>(BlockSideLength, BlockSideLength, BlockSideLength,
                1.0, a_in_col_major, a,
                     b_in_col_major, b,
                1.0, c_in_col_major, c);

//! \brief multiplies matrices A and B, adds result to C, for complex<double> entries
template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
struct low_level_matrix_multiply_and_add<blas_double_complex, BlockSideLength>
    low_level_matrix_multiply_and_add(const blas_double_complex * a, bool a_in_col_major,
                                      const blas_double_complex * b, bool b_in_col_major,
                                      blas_double_complex * c, const bool c_in_col_major)
        gemm_wrapper<blas_double_complex>(BlockSideLength, BlockSideLength, BlockSideLength,
                1.0, a_in_col_major, a,
                     b_in_col_major, b,
                1.0, c_in_col_major, c);