panthema / 2012 / 1119-eSAIS-Inducing-Suffix-and-LCP-Arrays-in-External-Memory / eSAIS-DC3-LCP-0.5.2 / stxxl / include / stxxl / bits / containers / matrix.h (Download File)
 *  include/stxxl/bits/containers/matrix.h
 *  Part of the STXXL. See
 *  Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Raoul Steffen <>
 *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 *  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


#include <stxxl/bits/containers/vector.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/common/shared_object.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/mng/block_scheduler.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/containers/matrix_arithmetic.h>


/* index-variable naming convention:
 * e.g.:
 * block_row = number of row measured in rows consisting of blocks
 * element_row_in_block = number of row measured in rows consisting of elements in the (row of) block(s)
 * size-variable naming convention:
 * e.g.
 * height_in_blocks

//forward declaration
template <typename ValueType, unsigned BlockSideLength>
class matrix;

//! \brief external column-vector container for matrix multiplication
//! \tparam ValueType type of contained objects (POD with no references to internal memory)
template <typename ValueType>
class column_vector : public vector<ValueType>
    typedef vector<ValueType> vector_type;
    typedef typename vector_type::size_type size_type;

    using vector_type::size;

    //! \param n number of elements
    column_vector(size_type n = 0)
        : vector_type(n) {}

    column_vector operator + (const column_vector & right) const
        assert(size() == right.size());
        column_vector res(size());
        for (size_type i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
            res[i] = (*this)[i] + right[i];
        return res;

    column_vector operator - (const column_vector & right) const
        assert(size() == right.size());
        column_vector res(size());
        for (size_type i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
            res[i] = (*this)[i] - right[i];
        return res;

    column_vector operator * (const ValueType scalar) const
        column_vector res(size());
        for (size_type i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
            res[i] = (*this)[i] * scalar;
        return res;

    column_vector & operator += (const column_vector & right)
        assert(size() == right.size());
        for (size_type i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
            (*this)[i] += right[i];
        return *this;

    column_vector & operator -= (const column_vector & right)
        assert(size() == right.size());
        for (size_type i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
            (*this)[i] -= right[i];
        return *this;

    column_vector & operator *= (const ValueType scalar)
        for (size_type i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
            (*this)[i] *= scalar;
        return *this;

    void set_zero()
        for (typename vector_type::iterator it = vector_type::begin(); it != vector_type::end(); ++it)
            *it = 0;

//! \brief external row-vector container for matrix multiplication
//! \tparam ValueType type of contained objects (POD with no references to internal memory)
template <typename ValueType>
class row_vector : public vector<ValueType>
    typedef vector<ValueType> vector_type;
    typedef typename vector_type::size_type size_type;

    using vector_type::size;

    //! \param n number of elements
    row_vector(size_type n = 0)
        : vector_type(n) {}

    row_vector operator + (const row_vector & right) const
        assert(size() == right.size());
        row_vector res(size());
        for (size_type i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
            res[i] = (*this)[i] + right[i];
        return res;

    row_vector operator - (const row_vector & right) const
        assert(size() == right.size());
        row_vector res(size());
        for (size_type i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
            res[i] = (*this)[i] - right[i];
        return res;

    row_vector operator * (const ValueType scalar) const
        row_vector res(size());
        for (size_type i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
            res[i] = (*this)[i] * scalar;
        return res;

    template <unsigned BlockSideLength>
    row_vector operator * (const matrix<ValueType, BlockSideLength> & right) const
    { return right.multiply_from_left(*this); }

    ValueType operator * (const column_vector<ValueType> & right) const
        ValueType res = 0;
        for (size_type i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
            res += (*this)[i] * right[i];
        return res;

    row_vector & operator += (const row_vector & right)
        assert(size() == right.size());
        for (size_type i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
            (*this)[i] += right[i];
        return *this;

    row_vector & operator -= (const row_vector & right)
        assert(size() == right.size());
        for (size_type i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
            (*this)[i] -= right[i];
        return *this;

    row_vector & operator *= (const ValueType scalar)
        for (size_type i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
            (*this)[i] *= scalar;
        return *this;

    void set_zero()
        for (typename vector_type::iterator it = vector_type::begin(); it != vector_type::end(); ++it)
            *it = 0;

//! \brief Specialized swappable_block that interprets uninitialized as containing zeros.
//! \tparam ValueType type of contained objects (POD with no references to internal memory)
//! \tparam BlockSideLength side length of a matrix block
//! When initializing, all values are set to zero.
template <typename ValueType, unsigned BlockSideLength>
class matrix_swappable_block : public swappable_block<ValueType, BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength>
    typedef typename swappable_block<ValueType, BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength>::internal_block_type internal_block_type;

    using swappable_block<ValueType, BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength>::get_internal_block;

    void fill_default()
        // get_internal_block checks acquired
        internal_block_type & data = get_internal_block();
        #if STXXL_PARALLEL
        #pragma omp parallel for
        for (int_type row = 0; row < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++row)
            for (int_type col = 0; col < int_type(BlockSideLength); ++col)
                data[row * BlockSideLength + col] = 0;

//! \brief External container for a (sub)matrix. Not intended for direct use.
//! \tparam ValueType type of contained objects (POD with no references to internal memory)
//! \tparam BlockSideLength side length of a matrix block
//! Stores blocks only, so all measures (height, width, row, col) are in blocks.
template <typename ValueType, unsigned BlockSideLength>
class swappable_block_matrix : public shared_object
    typedef int_type size_type;
    typedef int_type elem_size_type;
    typedef block_scheduler< matrix_swappable_block<ValueType, BlockSideLength> > block_scheduler_type;
    typedef typename block_scheduler_type::swappable_block_identifier_type swappable_block_identifier_type;
    typedef std::vector<swappable_block_identifier_type> blocks_type;
    typedef matrix_operations<ValueType, BlockSideLength> Ops;

    block_scheduler_type & bs;

    // assigning is not allowed
    swappable_block_matrix & operator = (const swappable_block_matrix & other);

    //! \brief height of the matrix in blocks
    size_type height,
    //! \brief width of the matrix in blocks
    //! \brief height copied from supermatrix in blocks
    //! \brief width copied from supermatrix in blocks
    //! \brief the matrice's blocks in row-major
    blocks_type blocks;
    //! \brief if the elements in each block are in col-major instead of row-major
    bool elements_in_blocks_transposed;
    //! \brief get identifier of the block at (row, col)
    swappable_block_identifier_type & bl(const size_type row, const size_type col)
    { return blocks[row * width + col]; }

    //! \brief Create an empty swappable_block_matrix of given dimensions.
    swappable_block_matrix(block_scheduler_type & bs, const size_type height_in_blocks, const size_type width_in_blocks, const bool transposed = false)
        : bs(bs),
          blocks(height * width),
        for (size_type row = 0; row < height; ++row)
            for (size_type col = 0; col < width; ++col)
                bl(row, col) = bs.allocate_swappable_block();

    //! \brief Create swappable_block_matrix of given dimensions that
    //!        represents the submatrix of supermatrix starting at (from_row_in_blocks, from_col_in_blocks).
    //! If supermatrix is not large enough, the submatrix is padded with empty blocks.
    //! The supermatrix must not be destructed or transposed before the submatrix is destructed.
    swappable_block_matrix(const swappable_block_matrix & supermatrix,
            const size_type height_in_blocks, const size_type width_in_blocks,
            const size_type from_row_in_blocks, const size_type from_col_in_blocks)
        : bs(,
          height_from_supermatrix(std::min(supermatrix.height - from_row_in_blocks, height)),
          width_from_supermatrix(std::min(supermatrix.width - from_col_in_blocks, width)),
          blocks(height * width),
        for (size_type row = 0; row < height_from_supermatrix; ++row)
            for (size_type col = 0; col < width_from_supermatrix; ++col)
                bl(row, col) = supermatrix.block(row + from_row_in_blocks, col + from_col_in_blocks);
            for (size_type col = width_from_supermatrix; col < width; ++col)
                bl(row, col) = bs.allocate_swappable_block();
        for (size_type row = height_from_supermatrix; row < height; ++row)
            for (size_type col = 0; col < width; ++col)
                bl(row, col) = bs.allocate_swappable_block();

    //! \brief Create swappable_block_matrix that represents the combination matrix ul ur
    //!                                                                             dl dr
    //! The submatrices are assumed to be of fitting dimensions and equal transposition.
    //! The submatrices must not be destructed or transposed before the matrix is destructed.
    swappable_block_matrix(const swappable_block_matrix & ul, const swappable_block_matrix & ur,
                           const swappable_block_matrix & dl, const swappable_block_matrix & dr)
        : bs(,
          height(ul.height + dl.height),
          width(ul.width + ur.width),
          blocks(height * width),
        for (size_type row = 0; row < ul.height; ++row)
            for (size_type col = 0; col < ul.width; ++col)
                bl(row, col) = ul.block(row,             col);
            for (size_type col = ul.width; col < width; ++col)
                bl(row, col) = ur.block(row,             col - ul.width);
        for (size_type row = ul.height; row < height; ++row)
            for (size_type col = 0; col < ul.width; ++col)
                bl(row, col) = dl.block(row - ul.height, col);
            for (size_type col = ul.width; col < width; ++col)
                bl(row, col) = dr.block(row - ul.height, col - ul.width);

    swappable_block_matrix(const swappable_block_matrix & other)
        : shared_object(other),
          blocks(height * width),
        for (size_type row = 0; row < height; ++row)
            for (size_type col = 0; col < width; ++col)
                bl(row, col) = bs.allocate_swappable_block();
        // 0 + other is copying
        Ops::element_op(*this, other, typename Ops::addition());

        for (size_type row = 0; row < height_from_supermatrix; ++row)
            for (size_type col = width_from_supermatrix; col < width; ++col)
                bs.free_swappable_block(bl(row, col));
        for (size_type row = height_from_supermatrix; row < height; ++row)
            for (size_type col = 0; col < width; ++col)
                bs.free_swappable_block(bl(row, col));

    static size_type block_index_from_elem(elem_size_type index)
    { return index / BlockSideLength; }

    static int_type elem_index_in_block_from_elem(elem_size_type index)
    { return index % BlockSideLength; }

    // regards transposed
    int_type elem_index_in_block_from_elem(elem_size_type row, elem_size_type col) const
        return (is_transposed())
                 ? row % BlockSideLength + col % BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength
                 : row % BlockSideLength * BlockSideLength + col % BlockSideLength;

    swappable_block_identifier_type block(const size_type row, const size_type col) const
    { return blocks[row * width + col]; }

    swappable_block_identifier_type operator () (const size_type row, const size_type col) const
    { return block(row, col); }

    const size_type & get_height() const
    { return height; }

    const size_type & get_width() const
    { return width; }

    //! \brief if the elements inside the blocks are in transposed order i.e. column-major
    const bool & is_transposed() const
    { return elements_in_blocks_transposed; }

    void transpose()
        // transpose matrix of blocks
        blocks_type bl(blocks.size());
        for (size_type row = 1; row < height; ++row)
            for (size_type col = 0; col < row; ++col)
                bl[col * height + row] = bl(row,col);
        // swap dimensions
        std::swap(height, width);
        std::swap(height_from_supermatrix, width_from_supermatrix);
        elements_in_blocks_transposed = ! elements_in_blocks_transposed;

    void set_zero()
        for (typename blocks_type::iterator it = blocks.begin(); it != blocks.end(); ++it)

//! \brief general iterator type that points to single elements inside a matrix
//! \tparam ValueType type of contained objects (POD with no references to internal memory)
//! \tparam BlockSideLength side length of a matrix block
template <typename ValueType, unsigned BlockSideLength>
class matrix_iterator
    typedef matrix<ValueType, BlockSideLength> matrix_type;
    typedef typename matrix_type::swappable_block_matrix_type swappable_block_matrix_type;
    typedef typename matrix_type::block_scheduler_type block_scheduler_type;
    typedef typename block_scheduler_type::internal_block_type internal_block_type;
    typedef typename matrix_type::elem_size_type elem_size_type;
    typedef typename matrix_type::block_size_type block_size_type;

    template <typename VT, unsigned BSL> friend class matrix;
    template <typename VT, unsigned BSL> friend class const_matrix_iterator;

    matrix_type * m;
    elem_size_type current_row, // \ both indices == -1 <=> empty iterator
                   current_col; // /
    block_size_type current_block_row,
    internal_block_type * current_iblock; // NULL if block is not acquired

    void acquire_current_iblock()
        if (! current_iblock)
            current_iblock = & m->data->bs.acquire(m->data->block(current_block_row, current_block_col));

    void release_current_iblock()
        if (current_iblock)
            m->data->bs.release(m->data->block(current_block_row, current_block_col), true);
            current_iblock = 0;

    //! \brief create iterator pointing to given row and col
    matrix_iterator(matrix_type & matrix, const elem_size_type start_row, const elem_size_type start_col)
        : m(&matrix),
          current_iblock(0) {}

    //! \brief create empty iterator
    matrix_iterator(matrix_type & matrix)
        : m(&matrix),
          current_row(-1), // empty iterator
          current_iblock(0) {}

    void set_empty()
        current_row = -1;
        current_col = -1;
        current_block_row = -1;
        current_block_col = -1;

    matrix_iterator(const matrix_iterator & other)
        : m(other.m),
        if (other.current_iblock)

    matrix_iterator & operator = (const matrix_iterator & other)
        set_pos(other.current_row, other.current_col);
        m = other.m;
        if (other.current_iblock)
        return *this;

    { release_current_iblock(); }

    void set_row(const elem_size_type new_row)
        const block_size_type new_block_row = m->data->block_index_from_elem(new_row);
        if (new_block_row != current_block_row)
            current_block_row = new_block_row;
        current_row = new_row;

    void set_col(const elem_size_type new_col)
        const block_size_type new_block_col = m->data->block_index_from_elem(new_col);
        if (new_block_col != current_block_col)
            current_block_col = new_block_col;
        current_col = new_col;

    void set_pos(const elem_size_type new_row, const elem_size_type new_col)
        const block_size_type new_block_row = m->data->block_index_from_elem(new_row),
                new_block_col = m->data->block_index_from_elem(new_col);
        if (new_block_col != current_block_col || new_block_row != current_block_row)
            current_block_row = new_block_row;
            current_block_col = new_block_col;
        current_row = new_row;
        current_col = new_col;

    void set_pos(const std::pair<elem_size_type, elem_size_type> new_pos)
    { set_pos(new_pos.first, new_pos.second); }

    const elem_size_type & get_row() const
    { return current_row; }

    const elem_size_type & get_col() const
    { return current_col; }

    std::pair<elem_size_type, elem_size_type> get_pos() const
    { return std::make_pair(current_row, current_col); }

    bool empty() const
    { return current_row == -1 && current_col == -1; }

    operator bool () const
    { return ! empty(); }

    bool operator == (const matrix_iterator & other) const
        return current_row == other.current_row && current_col == other.current_col && m == other.m;

    //! \brief Returns reference access to the element referenced by the iterator.
    //! The reference is only valid so long as the iterator is not moved.
    ValueType & operator * ()
        return (*current_iblock)[m->data->elem_index_in_block_from_elem(current_row, current_col)];

//! \brief row-major iterator that points to single elements inside a matrix
//! \tparam ValueType type of contained objects (POD with no references to internal memory)
//! \tparam BlockSideLength side length of a matrix block
template <typename ValueType, unsigned BlockSideLength>
class matrix_row_major_iterator : public matrix_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength>
    typedef matrix_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength> matrix_iterator_type;
    typedef typename matrix_iterator_type::matrix_type matrix_type;
    typedef typename matrix_iterator_type::elem_size_type elem_size_type;

    template <typename VT, unsigned BSL> friend class matrix;

    using matrix_iterator_type::m;
    using matrix_iterator_type::set_empty;

    //! \brief create iterator pointing to given row and col
    matrix_row_major_iterator(matrix_type & matrix, const elem_size_type start_row, const elem_size_type start_col)
        : matrix_iterator_type(matrix, start_row, start_col) {}

    //! \brief create empty iterator
    matrix_row_major_iterator(matrix_type & matrix)
        : matrix_iterator_type(matrix) {}

    //! \brief convert from matrix_iterator
    matrix_row_major_iterator(const matrix_iterator_type & matrix_iterator)
        : matrix_iterator_type(matrix_iterator) {}

    // Has to be not empty, else behavior is undefined.
    matrix_row_major_iterator & operator ++ ()
        if (get_col() + 1 < m->get_width())
            // => not matrix_row_major_iterator the end of row, move right
            set_col(get_col() + 1);
        else if (get_row() + 1 < m->get_height())
            // => at end of row but not last row, move to beginning of next row
            set_pos(get_row() + 1, 0);
            // => at end of matrix, set to empty-state
        return *this;

    // Has to be not empty, else behavior is undefined.
    matrix_row_major_iterator & operator -- ()
        if (get_col() - 1 >= 0)
            // => not at the beginning of row, move left
            set_col(get_col() - 1);
        else if (get_row() - 1 >= 0)
            // => at beginning of row but not first row, move to end of previous row
            set_pos(get_row() - 1, m.get_width() - 1);
            // => at beginning of matrix, set to empty-state
        return *this;

    using matrix_iterator_type::get_row;
    using matrix_iterator_type::get_col;
    using matrix_iterator_type::set_col;
    using matrix_iterator_type::set_pos;

//! \brief column-major iterator that points to single elements inside a matrix
//! \tparam ValueType type of contained objects (POD with no references to internal memory)
//! \tparam BlockSideLength side length of a matrix block
template <typename ValueType, unsigned BlockSideLength>
class matrix_col_major_iterator : public matrix_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength>
    typedef matrix_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength> matrix_iterator_type;
    typedef typename matrix_iterator_type::matrix_type matrix_type;
    typedef typename matrix_iterator_type::elem_size_type elem_size_type;

    template <typename VT, unsigned BSL> friend class matrix;

    using matrix_iterator_type::m;
    using matrix_iterator_type::set_empty;

    //! \brief create iterator pointing to given row and col
    matrix_col_major_iterator(matrix_type & matrix, const elem_size_type start_row, const elem_size_type start_col)
        : matrix_iterator_type(matrix, start_row, start_col) {}

    //! \brief create empty iterator
    matrix_col_major_iterator(matrix_type & matrix)
        : matrix_iterator_type(matrix) {}

    //! \brief convert from matrix_iterator
    matrix_col_major_iterator(const matrix_iterator_type & matrix_iterator)
        : matrix_iterator_type(matrix_iterator) {}

    // Has to be not empty, else behavior is undefined.
    matrix_col_major_iterator & operator ++ ()
        if (get_row() + 1 < m->get_height())
            // => not at the end of col, move down
            set_row(get_row() + 1);
        else if (get_col() + 1 < m->get_width())
            // => at end of col but not last col, move to beginning of next col
            set_pos(0, get_col() + 1);
            // => at end of matrix, set to empty-state
        return *this;

    // Has to be not empty, else behavior is undefined.
    matrix_col_major_iterator & operator -- ()
        if (get_row() - 1 >= 0)
            // => not at the beginning of col, move up
            set_row(get_row() - 1);
        else if (get_col() - 1 >= 0)
            // => at beginning of col but not first col, move to end of previous col
            set_pos(m->get_height() - 1, get_col() - 1);
            // => at beginning of matrix, set to empty-state
        return *this;

    using matrix_iterator_type::get_row;
    using matrix_iterator_type::get_col;
    using matrix_iterator_type::set_row;
    using matrix_iterator_type::set_pos;

//! \brief general const_iterator type that points to single elements inside a matrix
//! \tparam ValueType type of contained objects (POD with no references to internal memory)
//! \tparam BlockSideLength side length of a matrix block
template <typename ValueType, unsigned BlockSideLength>
class const_matrix_iterator
    typedef matrix<ValueType, BlockSideLength> matrix_type;
    typedef typename matrix_type::swappable_block_matrix_type swappable_block_matrix_type;
    typedef typename matrix_type::block_scheduler_type block_scheduler_type;
    typedef typename block_scheduler_type::internal_block_type internal_block_type;
    typedef typename matrix_type::elem_size_type elem_size_type;
    typedef typename matrix_type::block_size_type block_size_type;

    template <typename VT, unsigned BSL> friend class matrix;

    const matrix_type * m;
    elem_size_type current_row, // \ both indices == -1 <=> empty iterator
                   current_col; // /
    block_size_type current_block_row,
    internal_block_type * current_iblock; // NULL if block is not acquired

    void acquire_current_iblock()
        if (! current_iblock)
            current_iblock = & m->data->bs.acquire(m->data->block(current_block_row, current_block_col));

    void release_current_iblock()
        if (current_iblock)
            m->data->bs.release(m->data->block(current_block_row, current_block_col), false);
            current_iblock = 0;

    //! \brief create iterator pointing to given row and col
    const_matrix_iterator(const matrix_type & matrix, const elem_size_type start_row, const elem_size_type start_col)
        : m(&matrix),
          current_iblock(0) {}

    //! \brief create empty iterator
    const_matrix_iterator(const matrix_type & matrix)
        : m(&matrix),
          current_row(-1), // empty iterator
          current_iblock(0) {}

    void set_empty()
        current_row = -1;
        current_col = -1;
        current_block_row = -1;
        current_block_col = -1;
    const_matrix_iterator(const matrix_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength> & other)
        : m(other.m),
        if (other.current_iblock)

    const_matrix_iterator(const const_matrix_iterator & other)
        : m(other.m),
        if (other.current_iblock)

    const_matrix_iterator & operator = (const const_matrix_iterator & other)
        set_pos(other.current_row, other.current_col);
        m = other.m;
        if (other.current_iblock)
        return *this;

    { release_current_iblock(); }

    void set_row(const elem_size_type new_row)
        const block_size_type new_block_row = m->data->block_index_from_elem(new_row);
        if (new_block_row != current_block_row)
            current_block_row = new_block_row;
        current_row = new_row;

    void set_col(const elem_size_type new_col)
        const block_size_type new_block_col = m->data->block_index_from_elem(new_col);
        if (new_block_col != current_block_col)
            current_block_col = new_block_col;
        current_col = new_col;

    void set_pos(const elem_size_type new_row, const elem_size_type new_col)
        const block_size_type new_block_row = m->data->block_index_from_elem(new_row),
                new_block_col = m->data->block_index_from_elem(new_col);
        if (new_block_col != current_block_col || new_block_row != current_block_row)
            current_block_row = new_block_row;
            current_block_col = new_block_col;
        current_row = new_row;
        current_col = new_col;

    void set_pos(const std::pair<elem_size_type, elem_size_type> new_pos)
    { set_pos(new_pos.first, new_pos.second); }

    const elem_size_type & get_row() const
    { return current_row; }

    const elem_size_type & get_col() const
    { return current_col; }

    std::pair<elem_size_type, elem_size_type> get_pos() const
    { return std::make_pair(current_row, current_col); }

    bool empty() const
    { return current_row == -1 && current_col == -1; }

    operator bool () const
    { return ! empty(); }

    bool operator == (const const_matrix_iterator & other) const
        return current_row == other.current_row && current_col == other.current_col && m == other.m;

    //! \brief Returns reference access to the element referenced by the iterator.
    //! The reference is only valid so long as the iterator is not moved.
    const ValueType & operator * ()
        return (*current_iblock)[m->data->elem_index_in_block_from_elem(current_row, current_col)];

//! \brief row-major const_iterator that points to single elements inside a matrix
//! \tparam ValueType type of contained objects (POD with no references to internal memory)
//! \tparam BlockSideLength side length of a matrix block
template <typename ValueType, unsigned BlockSideLength>
class const_matrix_row_major_iterator : public const_matrix_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength>
    typedef const_matrix_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength> const_matrix_iterator_type;
    typedef typename const_matrix_iterator_type::matrix_type matrix_type;
    typedef typename const_matrix_iterator_type::elem_size_type elem_size_type;

    template <typename VT, unsigned BSL> friend class matrix;

    using const_matrix_iterator_type::m;
    using const_matrix_iterator_type::set_empty;

    //! \brief create iterator pointing to given row and col
    const_matrix_row_major_iterator(const matrix_type & matrix, const elem_size_type start_row, const elem_size_type start_col)
        : const_matrix_iterator_type(matrix, start_row, start_col) {}

    //! \brief create empty iterator
    const_matrix_row_major_iterator(const matrix_type & matrix)
        : const_matrix_iterator_type(matrix) {}

    //! \brief convert from matrix_iterator
    const_matrix_row_major_iterator(const const_matrix_row_major_iterator & matrix_iterator)
        : const_matrix_iterator_type(matrix_iterator) {}

    //! \brief convert from matrix_iterator
    const_matrix_row_major_iterator(const const_matrix_iterator_type & matrix_iterator)
        : const_matrix_iterator_type(matrix_iterator) {}

    // Has to be not empty, else behavior is undefined.
    const_matrix_row_major_iterator & operator ++ ()
        if (get_col() + 1 < m->get_width())
            // => not matrix_row_major_iterator the end of row, move right
            set_col(get_col() + 1);
        else if (get_row() + 1 < m->get_height())
            // => at end of row but not last row, move to beginning of next row
            set_pos(get_row() + 1, 0);
            // => at end of matrix, set to empty-state
        return *this;

    // Has to be not empty, else behavior is undefined.
    const_matrix_row_major_iterator & operator -- ()
        if (get_col() - 1 >= 0)
            // => not at the beginning of row, move left
            set_col(get_col() - 1);
        else if (get_row() - 1 >= 0)
            // => at beginning of row but not first row, move to end of previous row
            set_pos(get_row() - 1, m.get_width() - 1);
            // => at beginning of matrix, set to empty-state
        return *this;

    using const_matrix_iterator_type::get_row;
    using const_matrix_iterator_type::get_col;
    using const_matrix_iterator_type::set_col;
    using const_matrix_iterator_type::set_pos;

//! \brief column-major const_iterator that points to single elements inside a matrix
//! \tparam ValueType type of contained objects (POD with no references to internal memory)
//! \tparam BlockSideLength side length of a matrix block
template <typename ValueType, unsigned BlockSideLength>
class const_matrix_col_major_iterator : public const_matrix_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength>
    typedef const_matrix_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength> const_matrix_iterator_type;
    typedef typename const_matrix_iterator_type::matrix_type matrix_type;
    typedef typename const_matrix_iterator_type::elem_size_type elem_size_type;

    template <typename VT, unsigned BSL> friend class matrix;

    using const_matrix_iterator_type::m;
    using const_matrix_iterator_type::set_empty;

    //! \brief create iterator pointing to given row and col
    const_matrix_col_major_iterator(const matrix_type & matrix, const elem_size_type start_row, const elem_size_type start_col)
        : const_matrix_iterator_type(matrix, start_row, start_col) {}

    //! \brief create empty iterator
    const_matrix_col_major_iterator(const matrix_type & matrix)
        : const_matrix_iterator_type(matrix) {}

    //! \brief convert from matrix_iterator
    const_matrix_col_major_iterator(const matrix_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength> & matrix_iterator)
        : const_matrix_iterator_type(matrix_iterator) {}

    //! \brief convert from matrix_iterator
    const_matrix_col_major_iterator(const const_matrix_iterator_type & matrix_iterator)
        : const_matrix_iterator_type(matrix_iterator) {}

    // Has to be not empty, else behavior is undefined.
    const_matrix_col_major_iterator & operator ++ ()
        if (get_row() + 1 < m->get_height())
            // => not at the end of col, move down
            set_row(get_row() + 1);
        else if (get_col() + 1 < m->get_width())
            // => at end of col but not last col, move to beginning of next col
            set_pos(0, get_col() + 1);
            // => at end of matrix, set to empty-state
        return *this;

    // Has to be not empty, else behavior is undefined.
    const_matrix_col_major_iterator & operator -- ()
        if (get_row() - 1 >= 0)
            // => not at the beginning of col, move up
            set_row(get_row() - 1);
        else if (get_col() - 1 >= 0)
            // => at beginning of col but not first col, move to end of previous col
            set_pos(m->get_height() - 1, get_col() - 1);
            // => at beginning of matrix, set to empty-state
        return *this;

    using const_matrix_iterator_type::get_row;
    using const_matrix_iterator_type::get_col;
    using const_matrix_iterator_type::set_row;
    using const_matrix_iterator_type::set_pos;

//! \brief External matrix container.
//! \tparam ValueType type of contained objects (POD with no references to internal memory)
//! \tparam BlockSideLength side length of a matrix block
//! Divides the matrix in square submatrices (blocks).
//! Blocks can be swapped individually to and from external memory.
//! They are only swapped if necessary to minimize I/O.
template <typename ValueType, unsigned BlockSideLength>
class matrix
    typedef matrix<ValueType, BlockSideLength> matrix_type;
    typedef swappable_block_matrix<ValueType, BlockSideLength> swappable_block_matrix_type;
    typedef shared_object_pointer<swappable_block_matrix_type> swappable_block_matrix_pointer_type;
    typedef typename swappable_block_matrix_type::block_scheduler_type block_scheduler_type;
    typedef typename swappable_block_matrix_type::size_type block_size_type;
    typedef typename swappable_block_matrix_type::elem_size_type elem_size_type;
    typedef matrix_operations<ValueType, BlockSideLength> Ops;
    typedef matrix_swappable_block<ValueType, BlockSideLength> swappable_block_type;

    typedef matrix_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength> iterator;
    typedef const_matrix_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength> const_iterator;
    typedef matrix_row_major_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength> row_major_iterator;
    typedef matrix_col_major_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength> col_major_iterator;
    typedef const_matrix_row_major_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength> const_row_major_iterator;
    typedef const_matrix_col_major_iterator<ValueType, BlockSideLength> const_col_major_iterator;
    typedef column_vector<ValueType> column_vector_type;
    typedef row_vector<ValueType> row_vector_type;

    template <typename VT, unsigned BSL> friend class matrix_iterator;
    template <typename VT, unsigned BSL> friend class const_matrix_iterator;

    elem_size_type height,
    swappable_block_matrix_pointer_type data;

    //! \brief Creates a new matrix of given dimensions. Elements' values are set to zero.
    //! \param height height of the created matrix
    //! \param width width of the created matrix
    matrix(block_scheduler_type & bs, const elem_size_type height, const elem_size_type width)
        : height(height),
          data(new swappable_block_matrix_type
                  (bs, div_ceil(height, BlockSideLength), div_ceil(width, BlockSideLength)))

    matrix(block_scheduler_type & bs, const column_vector_type & left, const row_vector_type & right)
        : height(left.size()),
          data(new swappable_block_matrix_type
                  (bs, div_ceil(height, BlockSideLength), div_ceil(width, BlockSideLength)))
    { Ops::recursive_matrix_from_vectors(*data, left, right); }

    ~matrix() {}

    const elem_size_type & get_height() const
    { return height; }

    const elem_size_type & get_width() const
    { return width; }

    iterator begin()
        return iterator(*this, 0, 0);
    const_iterator begin() const
    { return const_iterator(*this, 0, 0); }
    const_iterator cbegin() const
    { return const_iterator(*this, 0, 0); }

    iterator end()
        return iterator(*this);
    const_iterator end() const
    { return const_iterator(*this); }
    const_iterator cend() const
    { return const_iterator(*this); }

    const_iterator operator () (const elem_size_type row, const elem_size_type col) const
    { return const_iterator(*this, row, col); }

    iterator operator () (const elem_size_type row, const elem_size_type col)
        return iterator(*this, row, col);

    void transpose()
        std::swap(height, width);

    void set_zero()
        if (data.unique())
            data = new swappable_block_matrix_type
                    (data->bs, div_ceil(height, BlockSideLength), div_ceil(width, BlockSideLength));

    matrix_type operator + (const matrix_type & right) const
        assert(height == right.height && width == right.width);
        matrix_type res(data->bs, height, width);
        Ops::element_op(*, *data, *, typename Ops::addition()); // more efficient than copying this and then adding right
        return res;

    matrix_type operator - (const matrix_type & right) const
        assert(height == right.height && width == right.width);
        matrix_type res(data->bs, height, width);
        Ops::element_op(*, *data, *, typename Ops::subtraction()); // more efficient than copying this and then subtracting right
        return res;

    matrix_type operator * (const matrix_type & right) const
    { return multiply(right); }

    matrix_type operator * (const ValueType scalar) const
        matrix_type res(data->bs, height, width);
        Ops::element_op(*, *data, typename Ops::scalar_multiplication(scalar));
        return res;

    matrix_type & operator += (const matrix_type & right)
        assert(height == right.height && width == right.width);
        Ops::element_op(*data, *, typename Ops::addition());
        return *this;

    matrix_type & operator -= (const matrix_type & right)
        assert(height == right.height && width == right.width);
        Ops::element_op(*data, *, typename Ops::subtraction());
        return *this;

    matrix_type & operator *= (const matrix_type & right)
    { return *this = operator * (right); } // implicitly unifies by constructing a result-matrix

    matrix_type & operator *= (const ValueType scalar)
        Ops::element_op(*data, typename Ops::scalar_multiplication(scalar));
        return *this;

    column_vector_type operator * (const column_vector_type & right) const
        assert(elem_size_type(right.size()) == width);
        column_vector_type res(height);
        Ops::recursive_matrix_col_vector_multiply_and_add(*data, right, res);
        return res;

    row_vector_type multiply_from_left(const row_vector_type & left) const
        assert(elem_size_type(left.size()) == height);
        row_vector_type res(width);
        Ops::recursive_matrix_row_vector_multiply_and_add(left, *data, res);
        return res;

    //! \brief multiply with another matrix
    //! \param multiplication_algorithm allows to choose the applied algorithm
    //! \param scheduling_algorithm  allows to choose the applied algorithm
    //! Available algorithms are: \n
    //!    0: naive_multiply_and_add (I/O inefficient, slow) \n
    //!    1: recursive_multiply_and_add (recommended, default, stable time and I/O complexity) \n
    //!    2: strassen_winograd_multiply_and_add (sometimes fast but unstable time and I/O complexity) \n
    //!    3: multi_level_strassen_winograd_multiply_and_add (sometimes fast but unstable time and I/O complexity) \n
    //!    4: strassen_winograd_multiply, optimized pre- and postadditions (sometimes fast but unstable time and I/O complexity) \n
    //!    5: strassen_winograd_multiply_and_add_interleaved, optimized preadditions (sometimes fast but unstable time and I/O complexity) \n
    //!    6: multi_level_strassen_winograd_multiply_and_add_block_grained (sometimes fast but unstable time and I/O complexity)
    matrix_type multiply (const matrix_type & right, const int_type multiplication_algorithm = 1, const int_type scheduling_algorithm = 2) const
        assert(width == right.height);
        assert(& data->bs == &>bs);
        matrix_type res(data->bs, height, right.width);

        if (scheduling_algorithm > 0)
            // all offline algos need a simulation-run
            delete data->bs.switch_algorithm_to(new
            switch (multiplication_algorithm)
            case 0:
                Ops::naive_multiply_and_add(*data, *, *;
            case 1:
                Ops::recursive_multiply_and_add(*data, *, *;
            case 2:
                Ops::strassen_winograd_multiply_and_add(*data, *, *;
            case 3:
                Ops::multi_level_strassen_winograd_multiply_and_add(*data, *, *;
            case 4:
                Ops::strassen_winograd_multiply(*data, *, *;
            case 5:
                Ops::strassen_winograd_multiply_and_add_interleaved(*data, *, *;
            case 6:
                Ops::multi_level_strassen_winograd_multiply_and_add_block_grained(*data, *, *;
                STXXL_ERRMSG("invalid multiplication-algorithm number");
        switch (scheduling_algorithm)
        case 0:
            delete data->bs.switch_algorithm_to(new
        case 1:
            delete data->bs.switch_algorithm_to(new
        case 2:
            delete data->bs.switch_algorithm_to(new
            STXXL_ERRMSG("invalid scheduling-algorithm number");
        switch (multiplication_algorithm)
        case 0:
            Ops::naive_multiply_and_add(*data, *, *;
        case 1:
            Ops::recursive_multiply_and_add(*data, *, *;
        case 2:
            Ops::strassen_winograd_multiply_and_add(*data, *, *;
        case 3:
            Ops::multi_level_strassen_winograd_multiply_and_add(*data, *, *;
        case 4:
            Ops::strassen_winograd_multiply(*data, *, *;
        case 5:
            Ops::strassen_winograd_multiply_and_add_interleaved(*data, *, *;
        case 6:
            Ops::multi_level_strassen_winograd_multiply_and_add_block_grained(*data, *, *;
            STXXL_ERRMSG("invalid multiplication-algorithm number");
        delete data->bs.switch_algorithm_to(new
        return res;

    //! \brief Use internal memory multiplication. Designated for testing. May exceed memory limitations.
    matrix_type multiply_internal (const matrix_type & right, const int_type scheduling_algorithm = 2) const
        assert(width == right.height);
        assert(& data->bs == &>bs);
        matrix_type res(data->bs, height, right.width);

        if (scheduling_algorithm > 0)
            // all offline algos need a simulation-run
            delete data->bs.switch_algorithm_to(new
            multiply_internal(right, res);
        switch (scheduling_algorithm)
        case 0:
            delete data->bs.switch_algorithm_to(new
        case 1:
            delete data->bs.switch_algorithm_to(new
        case 2:
            delete data->bs.switch_algorithm_to(new
            STXXL_ERRMSG("invalid scheduling-algorithm number");
        multiply_internal(right, res);
        delete data->bs.switch_algorithm_to(new
        return res;

    void multiply_internal(const matrix_type & right, matrix_type & res) const
        ValueType * A = new ValueType[height * width];
        ValueType * B = new ValueType[right.height * right.width];
        ValueType * C = new ValueType[res.height * res.width];
        ValueType * vit;
        vit = A;
        for(const_row_major_iterator mit = cbegin(); mit != cend(); ++mit, ++vit)
            *vit = *mit;
        vit = B;
        for(const_row_major_iterator mit = right.cbegin(); mit != right.cend(); ++mit, ++vit)
            *vit = *mit;
        if (!>bs.is_simulating())
            #if STXXL_BLAS
                gemm_wrapper(height, width, res.width,
                        ValueType(1), false, A,
                                      false, B,
                        ValueType(0), false, C);
                assert(false /* internal multiplication is only available for testing with blas */);
        vit = C;
        for(row_major_iterator mit = res.begin(); mit != res.end(); ++mit, ++vit)
            *mit = *vit;
        delete A;
        delete B;
        delete C;


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