panthema / 2012 / 1119-eSAIS-Inducing-Suffix-and-LCP-Arrays-in-External-Memory / eSAIS-DC3-LCP-0.5.2 / stxxl / include / stxxl / bits / containers / btree / node.h (Download File)
 *  include/stxxl/bits/containers/btree/node.h
 *  Part of the STXXL. See
 *  Copyright (C) 2006 Roman Dementiev <>
 *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 *  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


#include <stxxl/bits/containers/btree/iterator.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/containers/btree/node_cache.h>


namespace btree
    template <class NodeType, class BTreeType>
    class node_cache;

    template <class KeyType_, class KeyCmp_, unsigned RawSize_, class BTreeType>
    class normal_node : private noncopyable
        typedef normal_node<KeyType_, KeyCmp_, RawSize_, BTreeType> SelfType;

        friend class node_cache<SelfType, BTreeType>;

        typedef KeyType_ key_type;
        typedef KeyCmp_ key_compare;

        enum {
            raw_size = RawSize_
        typedef BID<raw_size> bid_type;
        typedef bid_type node_bid_type;
        typedef SelfType node_type;
        typedef std::pair<key_type, bid_type> value_type;
        typedef value_type & reference;
        typedef const value_type & const_reference;

        struct InfoType
            bid_type me;
            unsigned cur_size;
        typedef typed_block<raw_size, value_type, 0, InfoType> block_type;

        enum {
            nelements = block_type::size - 1,
            max_size = nelements,
            min_size = nelements / 2
        typedef typename block_type::iterator block_iterator;
        typedef typename block_type::const_iterator block_const_iterator;

        typedef BTreeType btree_type;
        typedef typename btree_type::size_type size_type;
        typedef typename btree_type::iterator iterator;
        typedef typename btree_type::const_iterator const_iterator;

        typedef typename btree_type::value_type btree_value_type;
        typedef typename btree_type::leaf_bid_type leaf_bid_type;
        typedef typename btree_type::leaf_type leaf_type;

        typedef node_cache<normal_node, btree_type> node_cache_type;

        struct value_compare : public std::binary_function<value_type, value_type, bool>
            key_compare comp;

            value_compare(key_compare c) : comp(c) { }

            bool operator () (const value_type & x, const value_type & y) const
                return comp(x.first, y.first);

        block_type * block_;
        btree_type * btree_;
        key_compare cmp_;
        value_compare vcmp_;

        std::pair<key_type, bid_type> insert(const std::pair<key_type, bid_type> & splitter,
                                             const block_iterator & place2insert)
            std::pair<key_type, bid_type> result(key_compare::max_value(), bid_type());

            // splitter != *place2insert
            assert(vcmp_(*place2insert, splitter) || vcmp_(splitter, *place2insert));

            block_iterator cur = block_->begin() + size() - 1;
            for ( ; cur >= place2insert; --cur)
                *(cur + 1) = *cur;
            // copy elements to make space for the new element

            *place2insert = splitter;           // insert


            if (size() > max_nelements())       // overflow! need to split
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("btree::normal_node::insert overflow happened, splitting");

                bid_type NewBid;
                btree_->node_cache_.get_new_node(NewBid);                         // new (left) node
                normal_node * NewNode = btree_->node_cache_.get_node(NewBid, true);

                const unsigned end_of_smaller_part = size() / 2;

                result.first = ((*block_)[end_of_smaller_part - 1]).first;
                result.second = NewBid;

                const unsigned old_size = size();
                // copy the smaller part
                std::copy(block_->begin(), block_->begin() + end_of_smaller_part, NewNode->block_->begin());
                NewNode->block_->info.cur_size = end_of_smaller_part;
                // copy the larger part
                std::copy(block_->begin() + end_of_smaller_part,
                          block_->begin() + old_size, block_->begin());
                block_->info.cur_size = old_size - end_of_smaller_part;
                assert(size() + NewNode->size() == old_size);


                STXXL_VERBOSE1("btree::normal_node split leaf " << this
                                                                << " splitter: " << result.first);

            return result;

        template <class CacheType>
        void fuse_or_balance(block_iterator UIt, CacheType & cache_)
            typedef typename CacheType::node_type local_node_type;
            typedef typename local_node_type::bid_type local_bid_type;

            block_iterator leftIt, rightIt;
            if (UIt == (block_->begin() + size() - 1))                  // UIt is the last entry in the root
                assert(UIt != block_->begin());
                rightIt = UIt;
                leftIt = --UIt;
                leftIt = UIt;
                rightIt = ++UIt;
                assert(rightIt != (block_->begin() + size()));

            // now fuse or balance nodes pointed by leftIt and rightIt
            local_bid_type LeftBid = (local_bid_type)leftIt->second;
            local_bid_type RightBid = (local_bid_type)rightIt->second;
            local_node_type * LeftNode = cache_.get_node(LeftBid, true);
            local_node_type * RightNode = cache_.get_node(RightBid, true);

            const unsigned TotalSize = LeftNode->size() + RightNode->size();
            if (TotalSize <= RightNode->max_nelements())
                // fuse
                RightNode->fuse(*LeftNode);                                     // add the content of LeftNode to RightNode

                cache_.delete_node(LeftBid);                                    // 'delete_node' unfixes LeftBid also

                std::copy(leftIt + 1, block_->begin() + size(), leftIt);        // delete left BID from the root
                // balance

                key_type NewSplitter = RightNode->balance(*LeftNode);

                leftIt->first = NewSplitter;                         // change key
                assert(vcmp_(*leftIt, *rightIt));


        virtual ~normal_node()
            delete block_;

        normal_node(btree_type * btree__,
                    key_compare cmp) :
            block_(new block_type),
            assert(min_nelements() >= 2);
            assert(2 * min_nelements() - 1 <= max_nelements());
            assert(max_nelements() <= nelements);
            assert(unsigned(block_type::size) >= nelements + 1);                   // extra space for an overflow

        block_type & block()
            return *block_;

        bool overflows() const { return block_->info.cur_size > max_nelements(); }
        bool underflows() const { return block_->info.cur_size < min_nelements(); }

        unsigned max_nelements() const { return max_size; }
        unsigned min_nelements() const { return min_size; }

           template <class InputIterator>
           normal_node(InputIterator begin_, InputIterator end_,
                btree_type * btree__,
                key_compare cmp):
                block_(new block_type),
                assert(min_nelements() >=2);
                assert(2*min_nelements() - 1 <= max_nelements());
                assert(max_nelements() <= nelements);
                assert(unsigned(block_type::size) >= nelements +1); // extra space for an overflow

                unsigned new_size = end_ - begin_;
                assert(new_size <= max_nelements());
                assert(new_size >= min_nelements());

                assert(stxxl::is_sorted(block_->begin(),block_->begin() + new_size, vcmp_));
                block_->info.cur_size = new_size;

        unsigned size() const
            return block_->info.cur_size;

        bid_type my_bid() const
            return block_->;

        void save()
            request_ptr req = block_->write(my_bid());

        request_ptr load(const bid_type & bid)
            request_ptr req = block_->read(bid);
            assert(bid == my_bid());
            return req;

        request_ptr prefetch(const bid_type & bid)
            return block_->read(bid);

        void init(const bid_type & my_bid_)
            block_-> = my_bid_;
            block_->info.cur_size = 0;

        reference operator [] (int i)
            return (*block_)[i];

        const_reference operator [] (int i) const
            return (*block_)[i];

        reference back()
            return (*block_)[size() - 1];

        reference front()
            return *(block_->begin());

        const_reference back() const
            return (*block_)[size() - 1];

        const_reference front() const
            return *(block_->begin());

        std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(
            const btree_value_type & x,
            unsigned height,
            std::pair<key_type, bid_type> & splitter)
            assert(size() <= max_nelements());
            splitter.first = key_compare::max_value();

            value_type Key2Search(x.first, bid_type());
            block_iterator it =
                std::lower_bound(block_->begin(), block_->begin() + size(), Key2Search, vcmp_);

            assert(it != (block_->begin() + size()));

            bid_type found_bid = it->second;

            if (height == 2)                    // found_bid points to a leaf
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("btree::normal_node Inserting new value into a leaf");
                leaf_type * Leaf = btree_->leaf_cache_.get_node((leaf_bid_type)it->second, true);
                std::pair<key_type, leaf_bid_type> BotSplitter;
                std::pair<iterator, bool> result = Leaf->insert(x, BotSplitter);
                //if(key_compare::max_value() == BotSplitter.first)
                if (!(cmp_(key_compare::max_value(), BotSplitter.first) ||
                      cmp_(BotSplitter.first, key_compare::max_value())))
                    return result;
                // no overflow/splitting happened

                STXXL_VERBOSE1("btree::normal_node Inserting new value in *this");

                splitter = insert(std::make_pair(BotSplitter.first, bid_type(BotSplitter.second)), it);

                return result;
            {                           // found_bid points to a node
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("btree::normal_node Inserting new value into a node");
                node_type * Node = btree_->node_cache_.get_node((node_bid_type)it->second, true);
                std::pair<key_type, node_bid_type> BotSplitter;
                std::pair<iterator, bool> result = Node->insert(x, height - 1, BotSplitter);
                //if(key_compare::max_value() == BotSplitter.first)
                if (!(cmp_(key_compare::max_value(), BotSplitter.first) ||
                      cmp_(BotSplitter.first, key_compare::max_value())))
                    return result;
                // no overflow/splitting happened

                STXXL_VERBOSE1("btree::normal_node Inserting new value in *this");

                splitter = insert(BotSplitter, it);

                return result;

        iterator begin(unsigned height)
            bid_type FirstBid = block_->begin()->second;
            if (height == 2)                    // FirstBid points to a leaf
                assert(size() > 1);
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("btree::node retrieveing begin() from the first leaf");
                leaf_type * Leaf = btree_->leaf_cache_.get_node((leaf_bid_type)FirstBid);
                return Leaf->begin();
            {                     // FirstBid points to a node
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("btree: retrieveing begin() from the first node");
                node_type * Node = btree_->node_cache_.get_node((node_bid_type)FirstBid, true);
                iterator result = Node->begin(height - 1);
                return result;

        const_iterator begin(unsigned height) const
            bid_type FirstBid = block_->begin()->second;
            if (height == 2)                    // FirstBid points to a leaf
                assert(size() > 1);
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("btree::node retrieveing begin() from the first leaf");
                leaf_type const * Leaf = btree_->leaf_cache_.get_const_node((leaf_bid_type)FirstBid);
                return Leaf->begin();
            {                     // FirstBid points to a node
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("btree: retrieveing begin() from the first node");
                node_type const * Node = btree_->node_cache_.get_const_node((node_bid_type)FirstBid, true);
                const_iterator result = Node->begin(height - 1);
                return result;

        iterator find(const key_type & k, unsigned height)
            value_type Key2Search(k, bid_type());

            block_iterator it =
                std::lower_bound(block_->begin(), block_->begin() + size(), Key2Search, vcmp_);

            assert(it != (block_->begin() + size()));

            bid_type found_bid = it->second;

            if (height == 2)            // found_bid points to a leaf
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("Searching in a leaf");
                leaf_type * Leaf = btree_->leaf_cache_.get_node((leaf_bid_type)found_bid, true);
                iterator result = Leaf->find(k);

                return result;

            // found_bid points to a node
            STXXL_VERBOSE1("Searching in a node");
            node_type * Node = btree_->node_cache_.get_node((node_bid_type)found_bid, true);
            iterator result = Node->find(k, height - 1);

            return result;

        const_iterator find(const key_type & k, unsigned height) const
            value_type Key2Search(k, bid_type());

            block_iterator it =
                std::lower_bound(block_->begin(), block_->begin() + size(), Key2Search, vcmp_);

            assert(it != (block_->begin() + size()));

            bid_type found_bid = it->second;

            if (height == 2)            // found_bid points to a leaf
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("Searching in a leaf");
                leaf_type const * Leaf = btree_->leaf_cache_.get_const_node((leaf_bid_type)found_bid, true);
                const_iterator result = Leaf->find(k);

                return result;

            // found_bid points to a node
            STXXL_VERBOSE1("Searching in a node");
            node_type const * Node = btree_->node_cache_.get_const_node((node_bid_type)found_bid, true);
            const_iterator result = Node->find(k, height - 1);

            return result;

        iterator lower_bound(const key_type & k, unsigned height)
            value_type Key2Search(k, bid_type());
            assert(!vcmp_(back(), Key2Search));
            block_iterator it =
                std::lower_bound(block_->begin(), block_->begin() + size(), Key2Search, vcmp_);

            assert(it != (block_->begin() + size()));

            bid_type found_bid = it->second;

            if (height == 2)            // found_bid points to a leaf
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("Searching lower bound in a leaf");
                leaf_type * Leaf = btree_->leaf_cache_.get_node((leaf_bid_type)found_bid, true);
                iterator result = Leaf->lower_bound(k);

                return result;

            // found_bid points to a node
            STXXL_VERBOSE1("Searching lower bound in a node");
            node_type * Node = btree_->node_cache_.get_node((node_bid_type)found_bid, true);
            iterator result = Node->lower_bound(k, height - 1);

            return result;

        const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type & k, unsigned height) const
            value_type Key2Search(k, bid_type());
            assert(!vcmp_(back(), Key2Search));
            block_iterator it =
                std::lower_bound(block_->begin(), block_->begin() + size(), Key2Search, vcmp_);

            assert(it != (block_->begin() + size()));

            bid_type found_bid = it->second;

            if (height == 2)            // found_bid points to a leaf
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("Searching lower bound in a leaf");
                leaf_type const * Leaf = btree_->leaf_cache_.get_const_node((leaf_bid_type)found_bid, true);
                const_iterator result = Leaf->lower_bound(k);

                return result;

            // found_bid points to a node
            STXXL_VERBOSE1("Searching lower bound in a node");
            node_type const * Node = btree_->node_cache_.get_const_node((node_bid_type)found_bid, true);
            const_iterator result = Node->lower_bound(k, height - 1);

            return result;

        iterator upper_bound(const key_type & k, unsigned height)
            value_type Key2Search(k, bid_type());
            assert(vcmp_(Key2Search, back()));
            block_iterator it =
                std::upper_bound(block_->begin(), block_->begin() + size(), Key2Search, vcmp_);

            assert(it != (block_->begin() + size()));

            bid_type found_bid = it->second;

            if (height == 2)            // found_bid points to a leaf
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("Searching upper bound in a leaf");
                leaf_type * Leaf = btree_->leaf_cache_.get_node((leaf_bid_type)found_bid, true);
                iterator result = Leaf->upper_bound(k);

                return result;

            // found_bid points to a node
            STXXL_VERBOSE1("Searching upper bound in a node");
            node_type * Node = btree_->node_cache_.get_node((node_bid_type)found_bid, true);
            iterator result = Node->upper_bound(k, height - 1);

            return result;

        const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type & k, unsigned height) const
            value_type Key2Search(k, bid_type());
            assert(vcmp_(Key2Search, back()));
            block_iterator it =
                std::upper_bound(block_->begin(), block_->begin() + size(), Key2Search, vcmp_);

            assert(it != (block_->begin() + size()));

            bid_type found_bid = it->second;

            if (height == 2)            // found_bid points to a leaf
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("Searching upper bound in a leaf");
                leaf_type const * Leaf = btree_->leaf_cache_.get_const_node((leaf_bid_type)found_bid, true);
                const_iterator result = Leaf->upper_bound(k);

                return result;

            // found_bid points to a node
            STXXL_VERBOSE1("Searching upper bound in a node");
            node_type const * Node = btree_->node_cache_.get_const_node((node_bid_type)found_bid, true);
            const_iterator result = Node->upper_bound(k, height - 1);

            return result;

        void fuse(const normal_node & Src)
            assert(vcmp_(Src.back(), front()));
            const unsigned SrcSize = Src.size();

            block_iterator cur = block_->begin() + size() - 1;
            block_const_iterator begin = block_->begin();

            for ( ; cur >= begin; --cur)
                *(cur + SrcSize) = *cur;
            // move elements to make space for Src elements

            // copy Src to *this leaf
            std::copy(Src.block_->begin(), Src.block_->begin() + SrcSize, block_->begin());

            block_->info.cur_size += SrcSize;

        key_type balance(normal_node & Left)
            const unsigned TotalSize = Left.size() + size();
            unsigned newLeftSize = TotalSize / 2;
            assert(newLeftSize <= Left.max_nelements());
            assert(newLeftSize >= Left.min_nelements());
            unsigned newRightSize = TotalSize - newLeftSize;
            assert(newRightSize <= max_nelements());
            assert(newRightSize >= min_nelements());

            assert(vcmp_(Left.back(), front()) || size() == 0);

            if (newLeftSize < Left.size())
                const unsigned nEl2Move = Left.size() - newLeftSize;                        // #elements to move from Left to *this

                block_iterator cur = block_->begin() + size() - 1;
                block_const_iterator begin = block_->begin();

                for ( ; cur >= begin; --cur)
                    *(cur + nEl2Move) = *cur;
                // move elements to make space for Src elements

                // copy Left to *this leaf
                std::copy(Left.block_->begin() + newLeftSize,
                          Left.block_->begin() + Left.size(), block_->begin());
                assert(newRightSize < size());

                const unsigned nEl2Move = size() - newRightSize;                        // #elements to move from *this to Left

                // copy *this to Left
                          block_->begin() + nEl2Move, Left.block_->begin() + Left.size());
                // move elements in *this
                std::copy(block_->begin() + nEl2Move,
                          block_->begin() + size(), block_->begin());

            block_->info.cur_size = newRightSize;                         // update size
            Left.block_->info.cur_size = newLeftSize;                     // update size

            return Left.back().first;

        size_type erase(const key_type & k, unsigned height)
            value_type Key2Search(k, bid_type());

            block_iterator it =
                std::lower_bound(block_->begin(), block_->begin() + size(), Key2Search, vcmp_);

            assert(it != (block_->begin() + size()));

            bid_type found_bid = it->second;

            assert(size() >= 2);

            if (height == 2)                    // 'found_bid' points to a leaf
                STXXL_VERBOSE1("btree::normal_node Deleting key from a leaf");
                leaf_type * Leaf = btree_->leaf_cache_.get_node((leaf_bid_type)found_bid, true);
                size_type result = Leaf->erase(k);
                if (!Leaf->underflows())
                    return result;
                // no underflow or root has a special degree 1 (too few elements)

                STXXL_VERBOSE1("btree::normal_node Fusing or rebalancing a leaf");
                fuse_or_balance(it, btree_->leaf_cache_);

                return result;

            // 'found_bid' points to a node
            STXXL_VERBOSE1("btree::normal_node Deleting key from a node");
            node_type * Node = btree_->node_cache_.get_node((node_bid_type)found_bid, true);
            size_type result = Node->erase(k, height - 1);
            if (!Node->underflows())
                return result;
            // no underflow happened

            STXXL_VERBOSE1("btree::normal_node Fusing or rebalancing a node");
            fuse_or_balance(it, btree_->node_cache_);

            return result;

        void deallocate_children(unsigned height)
            if (height == 2)
                // we have children leaves here
                block_const_iterator it = block().begin();
                for ( ; it != block().begin() + size(); ++it)
                    // delete from leaf cache and deallocate bid
                block_const_iterator it = block().begin();
                for ( ; it != block().begin() + size(); ++it)
                    node_type * Node = btree_->node_cache_.get_node((node_bid_type)it->second);
                    Node->deallocate_children(height - 1);
                    // delete from node cache and deallocate bid

        void push_back(const value_type & x)
            (*this)[size()] = x;