panthema / 2012 / 1119-eSAIS-Inducing-Suffix-and-LCP-Arrays-in-External-Memory / eSAIS-DC3-LCP-0.5.0 / stxxl / include / stxxl / bits / mng / typed_block.h (Download File)
 *  include/stxxl/bits/mng/typed_block.h
 *  Part of the STXXL. See
 *  Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Roman Dementiev <>
 *  Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Andreas Beckmann <>
 *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 *  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


#include <stxxl/bits/io/request.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/common/aligned_alloc.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/mng/bid.h>



//! \ingroup mnglayer
//! \{

template <unsigned bytes>
class filler_struct__
    typedef unsigned char byte_type;
    byte_type filler_array_[bytes];

    filler_struct__() { STXXL_VERBOSE_TYPED_BLOCK("[" << (void *)this << "] filler_struct__ is constructed"); }

template <>
class filler_struct__<0>
    typedef unsigned char byte_type;

    filler_struct__() { STXXL_VERBOSE_TYPED_BLOCK("[" << (void *)this << "] filler_struct__<> is constructed"); }

//! \brief Contains data elements for \c stxxl::typed_block , not intended for direct use
template <class T, unsigned Size_>
class element_block
    typedef T type;
    typedef T value_type;
    typedef T & reference;
    typedef const T & const_reference;
    typedef type * pointer;
    typedef pointer iterator;
    typedef const type * const_iterator;

        size = Size_ //!< number of elements in the block

    //! Array of elements of type T
    T elem[size];

    element_block() { STXXL_VERBOSE_TYPED_BLOCK("[" << (void *)this << "] element_block is constructed"); }

    //! An operator to access elements in the block
    reference operator [] (int i)
        return elem[i];

    //! \brief Returns \c iterator pointing to the first element
    iterator begin()
        return elem;

    //! \brief Returns \c const_iterator pointing to the first element
    const_iterator begin() const
        return elem;

    //! \brief Returns \c const_iterator pointing to the first element
    const_iterator cbegin() const
        return begin();

    //! \brief Returns \c iterator pointing to the end element
    iterator end()
        return elem + size;

    //! \brief Returns \c const_iterator pointing to the end element
    const_iterator end() const
        return elem + size;

    //! \brief Returns \c const_iterator pointing to the end element
    const_iterator cend() const
        return end();

//! \brief Contains BID references for \c stxxl::typed_block , not intended for direct use
template <class T, unsigned Size_, unsigned RawSize_, unsigned NBids_ = 0>
class block_w_bids : public element_block<T, Size_>
        raw_size = RawSize_,
        nbids = NBids_

    typedef BID<raw_size> bid_type;

    //! Array of BID references
    bid_type ref[nbids];

    //! An operator to access bid references
    bid_type & operator () (int i)
        return ref[i];

    block_w_bids() { STXXL_VERBOSE_TYPED_BLOCK("[" << (void *)this << "] block_w_bids is constructed"); }

template <class T, unsigned Size_, unsigned RawSize_>
class block_w_bids<T, Size_, RawSize_, 0>: public element_block<T, Size_>
        raw_size = RawSize_,
        nbids = 0

    typedef BID<raw_size> bid_type;

    block_w_bids() { STXXL_VERBOSE_TYPED_BLOCK("[" << (void *)this << "] block_w_bids<> is constructed"); }

//! \brief Contains per block information for \c stxxl::typed_block , not intended for direct use
template <class T_, unsigned RawSize_, unsigned NBids_, class InfoType_ = void>
class block_w_info :
    public block_w_bids<T_, ((RawSize_ - sizeof(BID<RawSize_>) * NBids_ - sizeof(InfoType_)) / sizeof(T_)), RawSize_, NBids_>
    //! \brief Type of per block information element
    typedef InfoType_ info_type;

    //! \brief Per block information element
    info_type info;

    block_w_info() { STXXL_VERBOSE_TYPED_BLOCK("[" << (void *)this << "] block_w_info is constructed"); }

template <class T_, unsigned RawSize_, unsigned NBids_>
class block_w_info<T_, RawSize_, NBids_, void>:
    public block_w_bids<T_, ((RawSize_ - sizeof(BID<RawSize_>) * NBids_) / sizeof(T_)), RawSize_, NBids_>
    typedef void info_type;

    block_w_info() { STXXL_VERBOSE_TYPED_BLOCK("[" << (void *)this << "] block_w_info<> is constructed"); }

//! \brief Contains per block filler for \c stxxl::typed_block , not intended for direct use
template <typename BaseType_, unsigned FillSize_ = 0>
class add_filler :
    public BaseType_
    //! \brief Per block filler element
    filler_struct__<FillSize_> filler;

    add_filler() { STXXL_VERBOSE_TYPED_BLOCK("[" << (void *)this << "] add_filler is constructed"); }

template <typename BaseType_>
class add_filler<BaseType_, 0>:
    public BaseType_
    add_filler() { STXXL_VERBOSE_TYPED_BLOCK("[" << (void *)this << "] add_filler<> is constructed"); }

//! \brief Helper to compute the size of the filler , not intended for direct use
template <typename Tp_, unsigned RawSize_>
class expand_struct :
    public add_filler<Tp_, RawSize_ - sizeof(Tp_)>
{ };

//! \brief Block containing elements of fixed length

//! \tparam RawSize_ size of block in bytes
//! \tparam T_ type of block's records
//! \tparam NRef_ number of block references (BIDs) that can be stored in the block (default is 0)
//! \tparam InfoType_ type of per block information (default is no information - void)
//! The data array of type T_ is contained in the parent class \c stxxl::element_block, see related information there.
//! The BID array of references is contained in the parent class \c stxxl::block_w_bids, see related information there.
//! The "per block information" is contained in the parent class \c stxxl::block_w_info, see related information there.
//!  \warning If \c RawSize_ > 2MB object(s) of this type can not be allocated on the stack (as a
//! function variable for example), because Linux POSIX library limits the stack size for the
//! main thread to (2MB - system page size)
template <unsigned RawSize_, class T_, unsigned NRef_ = 0, class InfoType_ = void>
class typed_block :
    public expand_struct<block_w_info<T_, RawSize_, NRef_, InfoType_>, RawSize_>
    typedef expand_struct<block_w_info<T_, RawSize_, NRef_, InfoType_>, RawSize_> Base;

    typedef T_ value_type;
    typedef value_type & reference;
    typedef const value_type & const_reference;
    typedef value_type * pointer;
    typedef pointer iterator;
    typedef const value_type * const_pointer;
    typedef const_pointer const_iterator;

    enum constants
        raw_size = RawSize_,                                        //!< size of block in bytes
        size = Base::size,                                          //!< number of elements in block
        has_only_data = (raw_size == (size * sizeof(value_type)))   //!< no meta info, bids or (non-empty) fillers included in the block, allows value_type array addressing across block boundaries

    typedef BID<raw_size> bid_type;

        STXXL_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typed_block) == raw_size);
        STXXL_VERBOSE_TYPED_BLOCK("[" << (void *)this << "] typed_block is constructed");
#if 0
        assert(((long)this) % BLOCK_ALIGN == 0);

#if 0
    typed_block(const typed_block & tb)
        STXXL_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typed_block) == raw_size);
        STXXL_MSG("[" << (void *)this << "] typed_block is copy constructed from [" << (void *)&tb << "]");

    /*! \brief Writes block to the disk(s)
     *! \param bid block identifier, points the file(disk) and position
     *! \param on_cmpl completion handler
     *! \return \c pointer_ptr object to track status I/O operation after the call
    request_ptr write(const bid_type & bid,
                      completion_handler on_cmpl = default_completion_handler())
        STXXL_VERBOSE_BLOCK_LIFE_CYCLE("BLC:write  " << FMT_BID(bid));
        return>awrite(this, bid.offset, raw_size, on_cmpl);

    /*! \brief Reads block from the disk(s)
     *! \param bid block identifier, points the file(disk) and position
     *! \param on_cmpl completion handler
     *! \return \c pointer_ptr object to track status I/O operation after the call
    request_ptr read(const bid_type & bid,
                     completion_handler on_cmpl = default_completion_handler())
        STXXL_VERBOSE_BLOCK_LIFE_CYCLE("BLC:read   " << FMT_BID(bid));
        return>aread(this, bid.offset, raw_size, on_cmpl);

    static void * operator new (size_t bytes)
        unsigned_type meta_info_size = bytes % raw_size;
        STXXL_VERBOSE1("typed::block operator new: Meta info size: " << meta_info_size);

        void * result = aligned_alloc<BLOCK_ALIGN>(bytes - meta_info_size, meta_info_size);
        memset(result, 0, bytes);
        char * tmp = (char *)result;
        tmp += RawSize_;
        while (tmp < ((char *)result) + bytes)
            tmp += RawSize_;
        return result;

    static void * operator new[] (size_t bytes)
        unsigned_type meta_info_size = bytes % raw_size;
        STXXL_VERBOSE1("typed::block operator new[]: Meta info size: " << meta_info_size);

        void * result = aligned_alloc<BLOCK_ALIGN>(bytes - meta_info_size, meta_info_size);
        memset(result, 0, bytes);
        char * tmp = (char *)result;
        tmp += RawSize_;
        while (tmp < ((char *)result) + bytes)
            tmp += RawSize_;
        return result;

    static void * operator new (size_t /*bytes*/, void * ptr)     // construct object in existing memory
        return ptr;

    static void operator delete (void * ptr)

    static void operator delete[] (void * ptr)

    static void operator delete (void *, void *)
    { }

#if 1
    // STRANGE: implementing destructor makes g++ allocate
    // additional 4 bytes in the beginning of every array
    // of this type !? makes aligning to 4K boundaries difficult
    // :
    // "One interesting thing is the array allocator requires more memory
    //  than the array size multiplied by the size of an element, by a
    //  difference of delta for metadata a compiler needs. It happens to
    //  be 8 bytes long in g++."
        STXXL_VERBOSE_TYPED_BLOCK("[" << (void *)this << "] typed_block is destructed");

//! \}


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