panthema / 2012 / 1119-eSAIS-Inducing-Suffix-and-LCP-Arrays-in-External-Memory / eSAIS-DC3-LCP-0.5.0 / stxxl / include / stxxl / bits / mng / adaptor.h (Download File)
 *  include/stxxl/bits/mng/adaptor.h
 *  Part of the STXXL. See
 *  Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Roman Dementiev <>
 *  Copyright (C) 2007 Johannes Singler <>
 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Andreas Beckmann <>
 *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 *  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


#include <iterator>

#include <stxxl/bits/common/types.h>


//! \addtogroup mnglayer
//! \{

template <unsigned_type modulo>
class blocked_index
    unsigned_type pos;
    unsigned_type block;
    unsigned_type offset;

    //! \invariant block * modulo + offset = pos

    void set(unsigned_type pos)
        this->pos = pos;
        block = pos / modulo;
        offset = pos % modulo;


    blocked_index(unsigned_type pos)

    blocked_index(unsigned_type block, unsigned_type offset)
        this->block = block;
        this->offset = offset;
        pos = block * modulo + offset;

    void operator = (unsigned_type pos)

    //pre-increment operator
    blocked_index & operator ++ ()
        if (offset == modulo)
            offset = 0;
        return *this;

    //post-increment operator
    blocked_index operator ++ (int)
        blocked_index former(*this);
        operator ++ ();
        return former;

    //pre-increment operator
    blocked_index & operator -- ()
        if (offset == 0)
            offset = modulo;
        return *this;

    //post-increment operator
    blocked_index operator -- (int)
        blocked_index former(*this);
        operator -- ();
        return former;

    blocked_index & operator += (unsigned_type addend)
        set(pos + addend);
        return *this;

    blocked_index & operator >>= (unsigned_type shift)
        set(pos >> shift);
        return *this;

    operator unsigned_type () const
        return pos;

    const unsigned_type & get_block() const
        return block;

    const unsigned_type & get_offset() const
        return offset;

    bool operator == (const _Self & a) const \
    { \
        return (a.pos == pos); \
    } \
    bool operator != (const _Self & a) const \
    { \
        return (a.pos != pos); \
    } \
    bool operator < (const _Self & a) const \
    { \
        return (pos < a.pos); \
    } \
    bool operator > (const _Self & a) const \
    { \
        return (pos > a.pos); \
    } \
    bool operator <= (const _Self & a) const \
    { \
        return (pos <= a.pos); \
    } \
    bool operator >= (const _Self & a) const \
    { \
        return (pos >= a.pos); \
    } \
    _Self operator + (pos_type off) const \
    { \
        return _Self(array, pos + off); \
    } \
    _Self operator - (pos_type off) const \
    { \
        return _Self(array, pos - off); \
    } \
    _Self & operator ++ () \
    { \
        pos++; \
        return *this; \
    } \
    _Self operator ++ (int) \
    { \
        _Self tmp = *this; \
        pos++; \
        return tmp; \
    } \
    _Self & operator -- () \
    { \
        pos--; \
        return *this; \
    } \
    _Self operator -- (int) \
    { \
        _Self tmp = *this; \
        pos--; \
        return tmp; \
    } \
    pos_type operator - (const _Self & a) const \
    { \
        return pos - a.pos; \
    } \
    _Self & operator -= (pos_type off) \
    { \
        pos -= off; \
        return *this; \
    } \
    _Self & operator += (pos_type off) \
    { \
        pos += off; \
        return *this; \

template <class one_dim_array_type, class data_type, class pos_type>
struct TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase
    : public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, data_type, unsigned_type>
    one_dim_array_type * array;
    pos_type pos;
    typedef pos_type _pos_type;
    typedef TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<one_dim_array_type,
                                        data_type, pos_type> _Self;

    { }

    TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase(one_dim_array_type * a, pos_type p)
        : array(a), pos(p)
    { }
    TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase(const TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase & a)
        : array(a.array), pos(a.pos)
    { }



#define BLOCK_ADAPTOR_OPERATORS(two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base) \
    template <unsigned _blk_sz, typename _run_type, class __pos_type> \
    inline two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> & operator ++ ( \
        two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> & a) \
    { \
        a.pos++; \
        return a; \
    } \
    template <unsigned _blk_sz, typename _run_type, class __pos_type> \
    inline two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> operator ++ ( \
        two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> & a, int) \
    { \
        two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> tmp = a; \
        a.pos++; \
        return tmp; \
    } \
    template <unsigned _blk_sz, typename _run_type, class __pos_type> \
    inline two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> & operator -- ( \
        two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> & a) \
    { \
        a.pos--; \
        return a; \
    } \
    template <unsigned _blk_sz, typename _run_type, class __pos_type> \
    inline two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> operator -- ( \
        two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> & a, int) \
    { \
        two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> tmp = a; \
        a.pos--; \
        return tmp; \
    } \
    template <unsigned _blk_sz, typename _run_type, class __pos_type> \
    inline two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> & operator -= ( \
        two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> & a, \
        typename two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type>::_pos_type off) \
    { \
        a.pos -= off; \
        return a; \
    } \
    template <unsigned _blk_sz, typename _run_type, class __pos_type> \
    inline two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> & operator += ( \
        two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> & a, \
        typename two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type>::_pos_type off) \
    { \
        a.pos += off; \
        return a; \
    } \
    template <unsigned _blk_sz, typename _run_type, class __pos_type> \
    inline two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> operator + ( \
        const two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> & a, \
        typename two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type>::_pos_type off) \
    { \
        return two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type>(a.array, a.pos + off); \
    } \
    template <unsigned _blk_sz, typename _run_type, class __pos_type> \
    inline two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> operator + ( \
        typename two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type>::_pos_type off, \
        const two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> & a) \
    { \
        return two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type>(a.array, a.pos + off); \
    } \
    template <unsigned _blk_sz, typename _run_type, class __pos_type> \
    inline two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> operator - ( \
        const two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> & a, \
        typename two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type>::_pos_type off) \
    { \
        return two_to_one_dim_array_adaptor_base<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type>(a.array, a.pos - off); \

#if 0
template <class one_dim_array_type, class data_type,
          unsigned dim_size, class pos_type = blocked_index<dim_size> >
struct TwoToOneDimArrayRowAdaptor :
    public TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<one_dim_array_type, data_type, pos_type>
    typedef TwoToOneDimArrayRowAdaptor<one_dim_array_type,
                                       data_type, dim_size, pos_type> _Self;

    typedef TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<one_dim_array_type,
                                        data_type, pos_type> _Parent;
    using _Parent::array;
    using _Parent::pos;

    { }
    TwoToOneDimArrayRowAdaptor(one_dim_array_type * a, pos_type p)
        : TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<one_dim_array_type, data_type, pos_type>(a, p)
    { }
    TwoToOneDimArrayRowAdaptor(const TwoToOneDimArrayRowAdaptor & a)
        : TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<one_dim_array_type, data_type, pos_type>(a)
    { }

    data_type & operator * ()
        return array[(pos).get_block()][(pos).get_offset()];

    data_type * operator -> () const
        return &(array[(pos).get_block()][(pos).get_offset()]);

    data_type & operator [] (pos_type n)
        n += pos;
        return array[(n) / dim_size][(n) % dim_size];

    const data_type & operator [] (pos_type n) const
        n += pos;
        return array[(n) / dim_size][(n) % dim_size];

template <class one_dim_array_type, class data_type,
          unsigned dim_size, class pos_type = blocked_index<dim_size> >
struct TwoToOneDimArrayColumnAdaptor
    : public TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<one_dim_array_type, data_type, pos_type>
    typedef TwoToOneDimArrayColumnAdaptor<one_dim_array_type,
                                          data_type, dim_size, pos_type> _Self;

    using TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<one_dim_array_type, data_type, pos_type>::pos;
    using TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<one_dim_array_type, data_type, pos_type>::array;

    TwoToOneDimArrayColumnAdaptor(one_dim_array_type * a, pos_type p)
        : TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<one_dim_array_type, data_type, pos_type>(a, p)
    { }
    TwoToOneDimArrayColumnAdaptor(const _Self & a)
        : TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<one_dim_array_type, data_type, pos_type>(a)
    { }

    data_type & operator * ()
        return array[(pos).get_offset()][(pos).get_block()];

    data_type * operator -> () const
        return &(array[(pos).get_offset()][(pos).get_block()]);

    const data_type & operator [] (pos_type n) const
        n += pos;
        return array[(n) % dim_size][(n) / dim_size];

    data_type & operator [] (pos_type n)
        n += pos;
        return array[(n) % dim_size][(n) / dim_size];

template <typename array_type, typename value_type, unsigned_type modulo>
class ArrayOfSequencesIterator : public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, value_type, unsigned_type>
    unsigned_type pos;
    unsigned_type offset;
    array_type * arrays;
    array_type * base;
    value_type * base_element;

    //! \invariant block * modulo + offset = pos

    void set(unsigned_type pos)
        this->pos = pos;
        offset = pos % modulo;
        base = arrays + pos / modulo;
        base_element = base->elem;

        this->arrays = NULL;

    ArrayOfSequencesIterator(array_type * arrays)
        this->arrays = arrays;

    ArrayOfSequencesIterator(array_type * arrays, unsigned_type pos)
        this->arrays = arrays;

    void operator = (unsigned_type pos)

    //pre-increment operator
    ArrayOfSequencesIterator & operator ++ ()
        if (offset == modulo)
            offset = 0;
            base_element = base->elem;
        return *this;

    //post-increment operator
    ArrayOfSequencesIterator operator ++ (int)
        ArrayOfSequencesIterator former(*this);
        operator ++ ();
        return former;

    //pre-increment operator
    ArrayOfSequencesIterator & operator -- ()
        if (offset == 0)
            offset = modulo;
            base_element = base->elem;
        return *this;

    //post-increment operator
    ArrayOfSequencesIterator operator -- (int)
        ArrayOfSequencesIterator former(*this);
        operator -- ();
        return former;

    ArrayOfSequencesIterator & operator += (unsigned_type addend)
        set(pos + addend);
        return *this;

    ArrayOfSequencesIterator & operator -= (unsigned_type addend)
        set(pos - addend);
        return *this;

    ArrayOfSequencesIterator operator + (unsigned_type addend) const
        return ArrayOfSequencesIterator(arrays, pos + addend);

    ArrayOfSequencesIterator operator - (unsigned_type subtrahend) const
        return ArrayOfSequencesIterator(arrays, pos - subtrahend);

    unsigned_type operator - (const ArrayOfSequencesIterator & subtrahend) const
        return pos - subtrahend.pos;

    bool operator == (const ArrayOfSequencesIterator & aoai) const
        return pos == aoai.pos;

    bool operator != (const ArrayOfSequencesIterator & aoai) const
        return pos != aoai.pos;

    bool operator < (const ArrayOfSequencesIterator & aoai) const
        return pos < aoai.pos;

    bool operator <= (const ArrayOfSequencesIterator & aoai) const
        return pos <= aoai.pos;

    bool operator > (const ArrayOfSequencesIterator & aoai) const
        return pos > aoai.pos;

    bool operator >= (const ArrayOfSequencesIterator & aoai) const
        return pos >= aoai.pos;

    const value_type & operator * () const
        return base_element[offset];

    value_type & operator * ()
        return base_element[offset];

    const value_type & operator -> () const
        return &(base_element[offset]);

    value_type & operator -> ()
        return &(base_element[offset]);

    const value_type & operator [] (unsigned_type index) const
        return arrays[index / modulo][index % modulo];

    value_type & operator [] (unsigned_type index)
        return arrays[index / modulo][index % modulo];

namespace helper
    template <typename BlockType, bool can_use_trivial_pointer>
    class element_iterator_generator
    { };

    // default case for blocks with fillers or other data: use ArrayOfSequenceIterator
    template <typename BlockType>
    class element_iterator_generator<BlockType, false>
        typedef BlockType block_type;
        typedef typename block_type::value_type value_type;

        typedef ArrayOfSequencesIterator<block_type, value_type, block_type::size> iterator;

        iterator operator () (block_type * blocks, unsigned_type offset) const
            return iterator(blocks, offset);

    // special case for completely filled blocks: use trivial pointers
    template <typename BlockType>
    class element_iterator_generator<BlockType, true>
        typedef BlockType block_type;
        typedef typename block_type::value_type value_type;

        typedef value_type * iterator;

        iterator operator () (block_type * blocks, unsigned_type offset) const
            return blocks[0].elem + offset;

template <typename BlockType>
struct element_iterator_traits
    typedef typename helper::element_iterator_generator<BlockType, BlockType::has_only_data>::iterator element_iterator;

template <typename BlockType>
typename element_iterator_traits<BlockType>::element_iterator
make_element_iterator(BlockType * blocks, unsigned_type offset)
    helper::element_iterator_generator<BlockType, BlockType::has_only_data> iter_gen;
    return iter_gen(blocks, offset);

//! \}


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