panthema / 2012 / 1119-eSAIS-Inducing-Suffix-and-LCP-Arrays-in-External-Memory / eSAIS-DC3-LCP-0.5.0 / stxxl / include / stxxl / bits / containers / map.h (Download File)
 *  include/stxxl/bits/containers/map.h
 *  Part of the STXXL. See
 *  Copyright (C) 2006 Roman Dementiev <>
 *  Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Andreas Beckmann <>
 *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 *  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


#include <stxxl/bits/noncopyable.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/containers/btree/btree.h>


namespace btree
    template <class KeyType,
              class DataType,
              class CompareType,
              unsigned LogNodeSize,
              unsigned LogLeafSize,
              class PDAllocStrategy
    class btree;

//! \addtogroup stlcont
//! \{

//! \brief External associative container.

//! \tparam KeyType key type (POD with no references to internal memory)
//! \tparam DataType data type (POD with no references to internal memory)
//! \tparam CompareType comparison type used to determine
//! whether a key is smaller than another one.
//! If CompareType()(x,y) is true, then x is smaller than y.
//! CompareType must also provide a static \c max_value method, that returns
//! a value of type KeyType that is
//! larger than any key stored in map : i.e. for all \b x in map holds
//! CompareType()(x,CompareType::max_value())
//! <BR>
//! Example: :
//! \verbatim
//! struct CmpIntGreater
//! {
//!   bool operator () (const int & a, const int & b) const { return a>b; }
//!   static int max_value() { return std::numeric_limits<int>::min(); }
//! };
//! \endverbatim
//! Another example:
//! \verbatim
//! struct CmpIntLess
//! {
//!   bool operator () (const int & a, const int & b) const { return a<b; }
//!   static int max_value() const  { return std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); }
//! };
//! \endverbatim
//! Note that CompareType must define a strict weak ordering.
//! (<A HREF="">see what it is</A>)
//! \tparam RawNodeSize size of internal nodes of map in bytes (btree implementation).
//! \tparam RawLeafSize size of leaves of map in bytes (btree implementation).
//! \tparam PDAllocStrategy parallel disk allocation strategy (\c stxxl::SR is recommended and default)
template <class KeyType,
          class DataType,
          class CompareType,
          unsigned RawNodeSize = 16 * 1024,     // 16 KBytes default
          unsigned RawLeafSize = 128 * 1024,    // 128 KBytes default
          class PDAllocStrategy = stxxl::SR
class map : private noncopyable
    typedef btree::btree<KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy> impl_type;

    impl_type Impl;

    typedef typename impl_type::node_block_type node_block_type;
    typedef typename impl_type::leaf_block_type leaf_block_type;

    typedef typename impl_type::key_type key_type;
    typedef typename impl_type::data_type data_type;
    typedef typename impl_type::data_type mapped_type;
    typedef typename impl_type::value_type value_type;
    typedef typename impl_type::key_compare key_compare;
    typedef typename impl_type::value_compare value_compare;
    typedef typename impl_type::pointer pointer;
    typedef typename impl_type::const_pointer const_pointer;
    typedef typename impl_type::reference reference;
    typedef typename impl_type::const_reference const_reference;
    typedef typename impl_type::size_type size_type;
    typedef typename impl_type::difference_type difference_type;
    typedef typename impl_type::iterator iterator;
    typedef typename impl_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
    typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
    typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;

    iterator begin() { return Impl.begin(); }
    iterator end() { return Impl.end(); }
    const_iterator begin() const { return Impl.begin(); }
    const_iterator end() const { return Impl.end(); }
    const_iterator cbegin() const { return begin(); }
    const_iterator cend() const { return end(); }

    reverse_iterator rbegin()
        return reverse_iterator(end());
    const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
        return const_reverse_iterator(end());
    const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
        return const_reverse_iterator(end());
    reverse_iterator rend()
        return reverse_iterator(begin());
    const_reverse_iterator rend() const
        return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
    const_reverse_iterator crend() const
        return const_reverse_iterator(begin());

    size_type size() const { return Impl.size(); }
    size_type max_size() const { return Impl.max_size(); }
    bool empty() const { return Impl.empty(); }
    key_compare key_comp() const { return Impl.key_comp(); }
    value_compare value_comp() const { return Impl.value_comp(); }

    //! \brief A constructor
    //! \param node_cache_size_in_bytes size of node cache in bytes (btree implementation)
    //! \param leaf_cache_size_in_bytes size of leaf cache in bytes (btree implementation)
    map(unsigned_type node_cache_size_in_bytes,
        unsigned_type leaf_cache_size_in_bytes
        ) : Impl(node_cache_size_in_bytes, leaf_cache_size_in_bytes)
    { }

    //! \brief A constructor
    //! \param c_ comparator object
    //! \param node_cache_size_in_bytes size of node cache in bytes (btree implementation)
    //! \param leaf_cache_size_in_bytes size of leaf cache in bytes (btree implementation)
    map(const key_compare & c_,
        unsigned_type node_cache_size_in_bytes,
        unsigned_type leaf_cache_size_in_bytes
        ) : Impl(c_, node_cache_size_in_bytes, leaf_cache_size_in_bytes)
    { }

    //! \brief Constructs a map from a given input range
    //! \param b beginning of the range
    //! \param e end of the range
    //! \param node_cache_size_in_bytes size of node cache in bytes (btree implementation)
    //! \param leaf_cache_size_in_bytes size of leaf cache in bytes (btree implementation)
    //! \param range_sorted if \c true than the constructor assumes that the range is sorted
    //! and performs a fast bottom-up bulk construction of the map (btree implementation)
    //! \param node_fill_factor node fill factor in [0,1] for bulk construction
    //! \param leaf_fill_factor leaf fill factor in [0,1] for bulk construction
    template <class InputIterator>
    map(InputIterator b,
        InputIterator e,
        unsigned_type node_cache_size_in_bytes,
        unsigned_type leaf_cache_size_in_bytes,
        bool range_sorted = false,
        double node_fill_factor = 0.75,
        double leaf_fill_factor = 0.6
        ) : Impl(b, e, node_cache_size_in_bytes, leaf_cache_size_in_bytes,
                 range_sorted, node_fill_factor, leaf_fill_factor)
    { }

    //! \brief Constructs a map from a given input range
    //! \param b beginning of the range
    //! \param e end of the range
    //! \param c_ comparator object
    //! \param node_cache_size_in_bytes size of node cache in bytes (btree implementation)
    //! \param leaf_cache_size_in_bytes size of leaf cache in bytes (btree implementation)
    //! \param range_sorted if \c true than the constructor assumes that the range is sorted
    //! and performs a fast bottom-up bulk construction of the map (btree implementation)
    //! \param node_fill_factor node fill factor in [0,1] for bulk construction
    //! \param leaf_fill_factor leaf fill factor in [0,1] for bulk construction
    template <class InputIterator>
    map(InputIterator b,
        InputIterator e,
        const key_compare & c_,
        unsigned_type node_cache_size_in_bytes,
        unsigned_type leaf_cache_size_in_bytes,
        bool range_sorted = false,
        double node_fill_factor = 0.75,
        double leaf_fill_factor = 0.6
        ) : Impl(b, e, c_, node_cache_size_in_bytes, leaf_cache_size_in_bytes,
                 range_sorted, node_fill_factor, leaf_fill_factor)
    { }

    void swap(map & obj) { std::swap(Impl, obj.Impl); }
    std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type & x)
        return Impl.insert(x);
    iterator insert(iterator pos, const value_type & x)
        return Impl.insert(pos, x);
    template <class InputIterator>
    void insert(InputIterator b, InputIterator e)
        Impl.insert(b, e);
    void erase(iterator pos)
    size_type erase(const key_type & k)
        return Impl.erase(k);
    void erase(iterator first, iterator last)
        Impl.erase(first, last);
    void clear()
    iterator find(const key_type & k)
        return Impl.find(k);
    const_iterator find(const key_type & k) const
        return Impl.find(k);
    size_type count(const key_type & k)
        return Impl.count(k);
    iterator lower_bound(const key_type & k)
        return Impl.lower_bound(k);
    const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type & k) const
        return Impl.lower_bound(k);
    iterator upper_bound(const key_type & k)
        return Impl.upper_bound(k);
    const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type & k) const
        return Impl.upper_bound(k);
    std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type & k)
        return Impl.equal_range(k);
    std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const key_type & k) const
        return Impl.equal_range(k);
    data_type & operator [] (const key_type & k)
        return Impl[k];

    //! \brief Enables leaf prefetching during scanning
    void enable_prefetching()

    //! \brief Disables leaf prefetching during scanning
    void disable_prefetching()

    //! \brief Returns the status of leaf prefetching during scanning
    bool prefetching_enabled()
        return Impl.prefetching_enabled();

    //! \brief Prints cache statistics
    void print_statistics(std::ostream & o) const

    //! \brief Resets cache statistics
    void reset_statistics()

    template <class KeyType_,
              class DataType_,
              class CompareType_,
              unsigned RawNodeSize_,
              unsigned RawLeafSize_,
              class PDAllocStrategy_>
    friend bool operator == (const map<KeyType_, DataType_, CompareType_, RawNodeSize_, RawLeafSize_, PDAllocStrategy_> & a,
                             const map<KeyType_, DataType_, CompareType_, RawNodeSize_, RawLeafSize_, PDAllocStrategy_> & b);
    template <class KeyType_,
              class DataType_,
              class CompareType_,
              unsigned RawNodeSize_,
              unsigned RawLeafSize_,
              class PDAllocStrategy_>
    friend bool operator < (const map<KeyType_, DataType_, CompareType_, RawNodeSize_, RawLeafSize_, PDAllocStrategy_> & a,
                            const map<KeyType_, DataType_, CompareType_, RawNodeSize_, RawLeafSize_, PDAllocStrategy_> & b);
    template <class KeyType_,
              class DataType_,
              class CompareType_,
              unsigned RawNodeSize_,
              unsigned RawLeafSize_,
              class PDAllocStrategy_>
    friend bool operator > (const map<KeyType_, DataType_, CompareType_, RawNodeSize_, RawLeafSize_, PDAllocStrategy_> & a,
                            const map<KeyType_, DataType_, CompareType_, RawNodeSize_, RawLeafSize_, PDAllocStrategy_> & b);
    template <class KeyType_,
              class DataType_,
              class CompareType_,
              unsigned RawNodeSize_,
              unsigned RawLeafSize_,
              class PDAllocStrategy_>
    friend bool operator != (const map<KeyType_, DataType_, CompareType_, RawNodeSize_, RawLeafSize_, PDAllocStrategy_> & a,
                             const map<KeyType_, DataType_, CompareType_, RawNodeSize_, RawLeafSize_, PDAllocStrategy_> & b);
    template <class KeyType_,
              class DataType_,
              class CompareType_,
              unsigned RawNodeSize_,
              unsigned RawLeafSize_,
              class PDAllocStrategy_>
    friend bool operator <= (const map<KeyType_, DataType_, CompareType_, RawNodeSize_, RawLeafSize_, PDAllocStrategy_> & a,
                             const map<KeyType_, DataType_, CompareType_, RawNodeSize_, RawLeafSize_, PDAllocStrategy_> & b);
    template <class KeyType_,
              class DataType_,
              class CompareType_,
              unsigned RawNodeSize_,
              unsigned RawLeafSize_,
              class PDAllocStrategy_>
    friend bool operator >= (const map<KeyType_, DataType_, CompareType_, RawNodeSize_, RawLeafSize_, PDAllocStrategy_> & a,
                             const map<KeyType_, DataType_, CompareType_, RawNodeSize_, RawLeafSize_, PDAllocStrategy_> & b);

template <class KeyType,
          class DataType,
          class CompareType,
          unsigned RawNodeSize,
          unsigned RawLeafSize,
          class PDAllocStrategy
inline bool operator == (const map<KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy> & a,
                         const map<KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy> & b)
    return a.Impl == b.Impl;

template <class KeyType,
          class DataType,
          class CompareType,
          unsigned RawNodeSize,
          unsigned RawLeafSize,
          class PDAllocStrategy
inline bool operator < (const map<KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy> & a,
                        const map<KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy> & b)
    return a.Impl < b.Impl;

template <class KeyType,
          class DataType,
          class CompareType,
          unsigned RawNodeSize,
          unsigned RawLeafSize,
          class PDAllocStrategy
inline bool operator > (const map<KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy> & a,
                        const map<KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy> & b)
    return a.Impl > b.Impl;

template <class KeyType,
          class DataType,
          class CompareType,
          unsigned RawNodeSize,
          unsigned RawLeafSize,
          class PDAllocStrategy
inline bool operator != (const map<KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy> & a,
                         const map<KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy> & b)
    return a.Impl != b.Impl;

template <class KeyType,
          class DataType,
          class CompareType,
          unsigned RawNodeSize,
          unsigned RawLeafSize,
          class PDAllocStrategy
inline bool operator <= (const map<KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy> & a,
                         const map<KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy> & b)
    return a.Impl <= b.Impl;

template <class KeyType,
          class DataType,
          class CompareType,
          unsigned RawNodeSize,
          unsigned RawLeafSize,
          class PDAllocStrategy
inline bool operator >= (const map<KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy> & a,
                         const map<KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy> & b)
    return a.Impl >= b.Impl;

//! \}


namespace std
    template <class KeyType,
              class DataType,
              class CompareType,
              unsigned RawNodeSize,
              unsigned RawLeafSize,
              class PDAllocStrategy
    void swap(stxxl::map<KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy> & a,
              stxxl::map<KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy> & b