panthema / 2012 / 1119-eSAIS-Inducing-Suffix-and-LCP-Arrays-in-External-Memory / eSAIS-DC3-LCP-0.5.0 / stxxl / include / stxxl / bits / algo / adaptor.h (Download File)
 *  include/stxxl/bits/algo/adaptor.h
 *  Part of the STXXL. See
 *  Copyright (C) 2002 Roman Dementiev <>
 *  Copyright (C) 2010 Andreas Beckmann <>
 *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 *  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


#include <stxxl/bits/mng/bid.h>
#include <stxxl/bits/mng/adaptor.h>


template <unsigned _blk_sz, typename _run_type, class __pos_type = int_type>
struct RunsToBIDArrayAdaptor : public TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<_run_type *, BID<_blk_sz>, __pos_type>
    typedef RunsToBIDArrayAdaptor<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> _Self;
    typedef BID<_blk_sz> data_type;

    enum    { block_size = _blk_sz };

    unsigned_type dim_size;

    typedef TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<_run_type *, BID<_blk_sz>, __pos_type> _Parent;
    using _Parent::array;
    using _Parent::pos;

    RunsToBIDArrayAdaptor(_run_type ** a, __pos_type p, unsigned_type d)
        : TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<_run_type *, BID<_blk_sz>, __pos_type>(a, p), dim_size(d)
    { }
    RunsToBIDArrayAdaptor(const _Self & a)
        : TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<_run_type *, BID<_blk_sz>, __pos_type>(a), dim_size(a.dim_size)
    { }

    const _Self & operator = (const _Self & a)
        array = a.array;
        pos = a.pos;
        dim_size = a.dim_size;
        return *this;

    data_type & operator * ()
        return (BID<_blk_sz>&)((*(array[(pos) % dim_size]))[(pos) / dim_size].bid);

    const data_type * operator -> () const
        return &((*(array[(pos) % dim_size])[(pos) / dim_size].bid));

    data_type & operator [] (__pos_type n) const
        n += pos;
        return (BID<_blk_sz>&)((*(array[(n) % dim_size]))[(n) / dim_size].bid);


template <unsigned _blk_sz, typename _run_type, class __pos_type = int_type>
struct RunsToBIDArrayAdaptor2
    : public TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<_run_type *, BID<_blk_sz>, __pos_type>
    typedef RunsToBIDArrayAdaptor2<_blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type> _Self;
    typedef BID<_blk_sz> data_type;

    typedef TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<_run_type *, BID<_blk_sz>, __pos_type> ParentClass_;

    using ParentClass_::pos;
    using ParentClass_::array;

    { block_size = _blk_sz };

    __pos_type w, h, K;

    RunsToBIDArrayAdaptor2(_run_type ** a, __pos_type p, int_type _w, int_type _h)
        : TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<_run_type *, BID<_blk_sz>, __pos_type>(a, p),
          w(_w), h(_h), K(_w * _h)
    { }

    RunsToBIDArrayAdaptor2(const _Self & a)
        : TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase<_run_type *, BID<_blk_sz>, __pos_type>(a),
          w(a.w), h(a.h), K(a.K)
    { }

    const _Self & operator = (const _Self & a)
        array = a.array;
        pos = a.pos;
        w = a.w;
        h = a.h;
        K = a.K;
        return *this;

    data_type & operator * ()
        register __pos_type i = pos - K;
        if (i < 0)
            return (BID<_blk_sz>&)((*(array[(pos) % w]))[(pos) / w].bid);

        register __pos_type _w = w;
        return (BID<_blk_sz>&)((*(array[(i) % _w]))[h + (i / _w)].bid);

    const data_type * operator -> () const
        register __pos_type i = pos - K;
        if (i < 0)
            return &((*(array[(pos) % w])[(pos) / w].bid));

        register __pos_type _w = w;
        return &((*(array[(i) % _w])[h + (i / _w)].bid));

    data_type & operator [] (__pos_type n) const
        n += pos;
        register __pos_type i = n - K;
        if (i < 0)
            return (BID<_blk_sz>&)((*(array[(n) % w]))[(n) / w].bid);

        register __pos_type _w = w;
        return (BID<_blk_sz>&)((*(array[(i) % _w]))[h + (i / _w)].bid);


template <typename trigger_iterator_type>
struct trigger_entry_iterator
    typedef trigger_entry_iterator<trigger_iterator_type> _Self;
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<trigger_iterator_type>::value_type::bid_type bid_type;

    // STL typedefs
    typedef bid_type value_type;
    typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
    typedef int_type difference_type;
    typedef value_type * pointer;
    typedef value_type & reference;

    trigger_iterator_type value;

    trigger_entry_iterator(const _Self & a) : value(a.value) { }
    trigger_entry_iterator(trigger_iterator_type v) : value(v) { }

    bid_type & operator * ()
        return value->bid;
    bid_type * operator -> () const
        return &(value->bid);
    const bid_type & operator [] (int_type n) const
        return (value + n)->bid;
    bid_type & operator [] (int_type n)
        return (value + n)->bid;

    _Self & operator ++ ()
        return *this;
    _Self operator ++ (int)
        _Self __tmp = *this;
        return __tmp;
    _Self & operator -- ()
        return *this;
    _Self operator -- (int)
        _Self __tmp = *this;
        return __tmp;
    bool operator == (const _Self & a) const
        return value == a.value;
    bool operator != (const _Self & a) const
        return value != a.value;
    _Self operator += (int_type n)
        value += n;
        return *this;
    _Self operator -= (int_type n)
        value -= n;
        return *this;
    int_type operator - (const _Self & a) const
        return value - a.value;
    int_type operator + (const _Self & a) const
        return value + a.value;

template <typename Iterator>
make_bid_iterator(Iterator iter)
    return trigger_entry_iterator<Iterator>(iter);