Stxxl  1.4.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
bulk< n >
bulk< 0 >
stxxl::add_filler< BaseType_, FillSize_ >Contains per block filler for stxxl::typed_block , not intended for direct use
stxxl::add_filler< BaseType_, 0 >
stxxl::addressable_fifo_queue< KeyType >An internal fifo queue that allows removing elements addressed with (a copy of) themselves
stxxl::addressable_priority_queue< KeyType, PriorityType, Cmp >An internal priority queue that allows removing elements addressed with (a copy of) themselves
stxxl::addressable_priority_queue< KeyType, PriorityType, Cmp >::cmp
stxxl::aligned_alloc_settings< must_be_int >
stxxl::ArrayOfSequencesIterator< array_type, value_type, modulo >
stxxl::basic_allocation_strategyExample disk allocation scheme functor
stxxl::BID< SIZE >Block identifier class
stxxl::BID< 0 >Specialization of block identifier class (BID) for variable size block size
stxxl::bid_vector< BlkSize_ >
stxxl::BIDArray< BLK_SIZE >
stxxl::block_managerBlock manager class
stxxl::block_prefetcher< block_type, bid_iterator_type >Encapsulates asynchronous prefetching engine
stxxl::block_scheduler< SwappableBlockType >Schedules swapping of blocks and provides blocks for temporary storage
stxxl::block_scheduler< SwappableBlockType >::prediction_sequence_element
stxxl::block_scheduler_algorithm< SwappableBlockType >Interface of a block scheduling algorithm
stxxl::block_scheduler_algorithm_offline_lfd< SwappableBlockType >Block scheduling algorithm caching via the longest forward distance policy (offline)
stxxl::block_scheduler_algorithm_offline_lfd< SwappableBlockType >::priority
stxxl::block_scheduler_algorithm_offline_lru_prefetching< SwappableBlockType >Block scheduling algorithm caching via the least recently used policy (offline), and prefetching in addition
stxxl::block_scheduler_algorithm_offline_lru_prefetching< SwappableBlockType >::read_after_write
stxxl::block_scheduler_algorithm_offline_lru_prefetching< SwappableBlockType >::scheduled_block_meta
stxxl::block_scheduler_algorithm_offline_lru_prefetching< SwappableBlockType >::write_read_request
stxxl::block_scheduler_algorithm_online_lru< SwappableBlockType >Block scheduling algorithm caching via the least recently used policy (online)
stxxl::block_scheduler_algorithm_simulation< SwappableBlockType >Pseudo block scheduling algorithm only recording the request sequence
stxxl::block_w_bids< T, Size_, RawSize_, NBids_ >Contains BID references for stxxl::typed_block , not intended for direct use
stxxl::block_w_bids< T, Size_, RawSize_, 0 >
stxxl::block_w_info< T_, RawSize_, NBids_, InfoType_ >Contains per block information for stxxl::typed_block , not intended for direct use
stxxl::block_w_info< T_, RawSize_, NBids_, void >
stxxl::blocked_index< modulo >
stxxl::btree::btree< KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy >
stxxl::btree::btree_const_iterator< BTreeType >
stxxl::btree::btree_iterator< BTreeType >
stxxl::btree::btree_iterator_base< BTreeType >
stxxl::btree::iterator_map< BTreeType >
stxxl::btree::iterator_map< BTreeType >::bid_comp
stxxl::btree::iterator_map< BTreeType >::Key
stxxl::btree::iterator_map< BTreeType >::KeyCmp
stxxl::btree::node_cache< NodeType, BTreeType >
stxxl::btree::node_cache< NodeType, BTreeType >::bid_hash
stxxl::btree::normal_leaf< KeyType_, DataType_, KeyCmp_, RawSize_, BTreeType >
stxxl::btree::normal_leaf< KeyType_, DataType_, KeyCmp_, RawSize_, BTreeType >::InfoType
stxxl::btree::normal_leaf< KeyType_, DataType_, KeyCmp_, RawSize_, BTreeType >::value_compare
stxxl::btree::normal_node< KeyType_, KeyCmp_, RawSize_, BTreeType >
stxxl::btree::normal_node< KeyType_, KeyCmp_, RawSize_, BTreeType >::InfoType
stxxl::btree::normal_node< KeyType_, KeyCmp_, RawSize_, BTreeType >::value_compare
stxxl::btree::root_node< KeyType, BIDType >
stxxl::buf_istream< BlkTp_, BIDIteratorTp_ >Buffered input stream
stxxl::buf_ostream< BlkTp_, BIDIteratorTp_ >Buffered output stream
stxxl::buffered_writer< block_type >Encapsulates asynchronous buffered block writing engine
stxxl::buffered_writer< block_type >::batch_entry
stxxl::buffered_writer< block_type >::batch_entry_cmp
stxxl::CASE< tag_, Type_, Next_ >
stxxl::choose_int_types< PtrSize >
stxxl::choose_int_types< 4 >
stxxl::choose_int_types< 8 >
stxxl::column_vector< ValueType >External column-vector container for matrix multiplication
stxxl::compat::remove_const< _Tp >
stxxl::compat::remove_const< _Tp const >
stxxl::completion_handlerCompletion handler class (Loki-style)
stxxl::completion_handler1< handler_type >
stxxl::configAccess point to disks properties
stxxl::const_deque_iterator< DequeType >
stxxl::const_matrix_col_major_iterator< ValueType, BlockSideLength >Column-major const_iterator that points to single elements inside a matrix
stxxl::const_matrix_iterator< ValueType, BlockSideLength >General const_iterator type that points to single elements inside a matrix
stxxl::const_matrix_row_major_iterator< ValueType, BlockSideLength >Row-major const_iterator that points to single elements inside a matrix
stxxl::const_shared_object_pointer< C >Behaves much like a Pointer, plus deleteing the referred object with it's last reference and ability to unify, i.e. make and refer a copy if the original object was shared
stxxl::const_vector_iterator< Tp_, AllocStr_, SzTp_, DiffTp_, BlkSize_, PgTp_, PgSz_ >Const external vector iterator, model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
stxxl::default_completion_handlerDefault completion handler class
stxxl::deque< T, VectorType >A deque container
stxxl::deque2< ValueType, BlockSize, AllocStrategy, SizeType >External deque container without random access
stxxl::deque2< ValueType, BlockSize, AllocStrategy, SizeType >::reverse_stream
stxxl::deque2< ValueType, BlockSize, AllocStrategy, SizeType >::stream
stxxl::deque_iterator< DequeType >
stxxl::disk_queued_fileImplementation of some file methods based on serving_request
stxxl::disk_queuesEncapsulates disk queues
stxxl::double_blocked_index< size_type, modulo2, modulo1 >
stxxl::element_block< T, Size_ >Contains data elements for stxxl::typed_block , not intended for direct use
stxxl::element_iterator_traits< BlockType >
stxxl::expand_struct< Tp_, RawSize_ >Helper to compute the size of the filler , not intended for direct use
stxxl::feedable_strassen_winograd< ValueType, BlockSideLength, Level, AExists, BExists >
stxxl::feedable_strassen_winograd< ValueType, BlockSideLength, 0, AExists, BExists >
stxxl::feedable_strassen_winograd_block_grained< ValueType, BlockSideLength, Level, AExists, BExists >
stxxl::feedable_strassen_winograd_block_grained< ValueType, BlockSideLength, 0, AExists, BExists >
stxxl::fileDefines interface of file
stxxl::fileperblock_file< base_file_type >Implementation of file based on other files, dynamically allocate one file per block. Allows for dynamic disk space consumption
stxxl::filler_struct__< bytes >
stxxl::filler_struct__< 0 >
stxxl::FRFully randomized disk allocation scheme functor
stxxl::grow_shrink_stack< Config_ >Efficient implementation that uses prefetching and overlapping using internal buffers
stxxl::grow_shrink_stack2< Config_ >Efficient implementation that uses prefetching and overlapping using (shared) buffers pools
stxxl::helper::element_iterator_generator< BlockType, can_use_trivial_pointer >
stxxl::helper::element_iterator_generator< BlockType, false >
stxxl::helper::element_iterator_generator< BlockType, true >
stxxl::IF< Flag, Type1, Type2 >IF template metaprogramming statement
stxxl::IF< false, Type1, Type2 >
stxxl::IF_N< Flag, Num1, Num2 >
stxxl::IF_N< false, Num1, Num2 >
stxxl::interleaved_alloc_traits< scheme >
stxxl::interleaved_alloc_traits< FR >
stxxl::interleaved_alloc_traits< RC >
stxxl::interleaved_alloc_traits< RC_disk >
stxxl::interleaved_alloc_traits< RC_flash >
stxxl::interleaved_alloc_traits< single_disk >
stxxl::interleaved_alloc_traits< SR >
stxxl::interleaved_alloc_traits< striping >
stxxl::ksort_defaultkey< record_type >
stxxl::ksort_local::key_comparison< record_type, key_extractor >
stxxl::ksort_local::run_cursor2_cmp< block_type, prefetcher_type, key_extractor >
stxxl::ksort_local::trigger_entry< _BIDTp, _KeyTp >
stxxl::ksort_local::type_key< type, key_type1 >
stxxl::ksort_local::write_completion_handler< block_type, bid_type >
stxxl::LOG2< Input >
stxxl::LOG2< 0 >
stxxl::LOG2< 1 >
stxxl::LOG2_floor< Input >
stxxl::LOG2_floor< 0 >
stxxl::LOG2_floor< 1 >
stxxl::loser_tree< run_cursor_type, run_cursor_cmp_type >
stxxl::low_level_matrix_binary_ass_op< ValueType, BlockSideLength, a_transposed, b_transposed, Op >C = a <op> b; for arbitrary entries
stxxl::low_level_matrix_multiply_and_add< ValueType, BlockSideLength >Multiplies matrices A and B, adds result to C, for arbitrary entries param pointer to blocks of A,B,C; elements in blocks have to be in row-major
stxxl::low_level_matrix_unary_ass_op< ValueType, BlockSideLength, a_transposed, Op >C <op>= a; for arbitrary entries
stxxl::low_level_matrix_unary_op< ValueType, BlockSideLength, a_transposed, Op >C = <op>a; for arbitrary entries
stxxl::lru_pager< npages_ >Pager with LRU replacement strategy
stxxl::malloc_statsAccess to some useful malloc statistics
stxxl::map< KeyType, DataType, CompareType, RawNodeSize, RawLeafSize, PDAllocStrategy >External associative container
stxxl::matrix< ValueType, BlockSideLength >External matrix container
stxxl::matrix_col_major_iterator< ValueType, BlockSideLength >Column-major iterator that points to single elements inside a matrix
stxxl::matrix_iterator< ValueType, BlockSideLength >General iterator type that points to single elements inside a matrix
stxxl::matrix_operations< ValueType, BlockSideLength >
stxxl::matrix_operations< ValueType, BlockSideLength >::addition
stxxl::matrix_operations< ValueType, BlockSideLength >::scalar_multiplication
stxxl::matrix_operations< ValueType, BlockSideLength >::subtraction
stxxl::matrix_operations< ValueType, BlockSideLength >::swappable_block_matrix_approximative_quarterer
stxxl::matrix_operations< ValueType, BlockSideLength >::swappable_block_matrix_padding_quarterer
stxxl::matrix_operations< ValueType, BlockSideLength >::swappable_block_matrix_quarterer
stxxl::matrix_row_major_iterator< ValueType, BlockSideLength >Row-major iterator that points to single elements inside a matrix
stxxl::matrix_swappable_block< ValueType, BlockSideLength >Specialized swappable_block that interprets uninitialized as containing zeros
stxxl::matrix_to_quadtree< ValueType, BlockSideLength, Level >
stxxl::matrix_to_quadtree< ValueType, BlockSideLength, 0 >
stxxl::matrix_to_quadtree_block_grained< ValueType, BlockSideLength, Level, Granularity >
stxxl::matrix_to_quadtree_block_grained< ValueType, BlockSideLength, 0, Granularity >
stxxl::mem_fileImplementation of file based on new[] and memcpy
stxxl::migrating_stack< CritSize, ExternalStack, InternalStack >A stack that migrates from internal memory to external when its size exceeds a certain threshold
stxxl::mmap_fileImplementation of memory mapped access file
stxxl::new_alloc< T >
stxxl::new_alloc< T >::rebind< U >
stxxl::new_alloc_rebind< T, U >
stxxl::new_alloc_rebind< T, T >
stxxl::normal_stack< Config_ >External stack container
stxxl::offset_allocator< BaseAllocator_ >Allocator functor adaptor
stxxl::prefetch_pool< BlockType >Implements dynamically resizable prefetching pool
stxxl::prefetch_pool< BlockType >::bid_hash
stxxl::priority_queue< Config_ >External priority queue data structure
stxxl::priority_queue_config< Tp_, Cmp_, BufferSize1_, N_, IntKMAX_, IntLevels_, BlockSize_, ExtKMAX_, ExtLevels_, AllocStr_ >
stxxl::PRIORITY_QUEUE_GENERATOR< Tp_, Cmp_, IntM_, MaxS_, Tune_ >Priority queue type generator
stxxl::priority_queue_local::compute_N< AI_, X_, CriticalSize_ >
stxxl::priority_queue_local::compute_N< 1, X_, CriticalSize_ >
stxxl::priority_queue_local::ext_merger< BlockType_, Cmp_, Arity_, AllocStr_ >External merger, based on the loser tree data structure. !
stxxl::priority_queue_local::ext_merger< BlockType_, Cmp_, Arity_, AllocStr_ >::sequence_state
stxxl::priority_queue_local::find_B_m< E_, IntM_, MaxS_, B_, m_, stop >
stxxl::priority_queue_local::find_B_m< E_, IntM_, MaxS_, 2048, 1, stop >
stxxl::priority_queue_local::find_B_m< E_, IntM_, MaxS_, B_, m_, true >
stxxl::priority_queue_local::find_settings< E_, IntM_, MaxS_ >
stxxl::priority_queue_local::internal_bounded_stack< Tp_, max_size_ >Similar to std::stack, with the following differences:
stxxl::priority_queue_local::internal_priority_queue< _Tp, _Sequence, _Compare >Similar to std::priority_queue, with the following differences:
stxxl::priority_queue_local::invert_order< Predicate, first_argument_type, second_argument_type >Inverts the order of a comparison functor by swapping its arguments
stxxl::priority_queue_local::loser_tree< ValTp_, Cmp_, KNKMAX >Loser tree from Knuth, "Sorting and Searching", Section 5.4.1 !
stxxl::priority_queue_local::short_sequence< Iterator >
stxxl::queue< ValTp, BlkSz, AllocStr, SzTp >External FIFO queue container
stxxl::random_number< UniformRGen_ >Uniform [0, N) pseudo-random generator
stxxl::random_number32Fast uniform [0, 2^32) pseudo-random generator with period 2^32, random bits: 32
stxxl::random_number32_rFast uniform [0, 2^32) pseudo-random generator with period 2^32, random bits: 32. Reentrant variant of random_number32 that keeps it's private state
stxxl::random_number64Slow and precise uniform [0, 2^64) pseudo-random generator
stxxl::random_pager< npages_ >Pager with random replacement strategy
stxxl::random_uniform_fastFast uniform [0.0, 1.0) pseudo-random generator
stxxl::random_uniform_slowSlow and precise uniform [0.0, 1.0) pseudo-random generator period: at least 2^48, random bits: at least 31
stxxl::RCRandomized cycling disk allocation scheme functor
stxxl::read_write_pool< BlockType >Implements dynamically resizable buffered writing and prefetched reading pool
stxxl::requestRequest with basic properties like file and offset
stxxl::request_interfaceFunctional interface of a request
stxxl::request_ptrImplemented as reference counting smart pointer
stxxl::request_with_stateRequest with completion state
stxxl::request_with_waitersRequest that is aware of threads waiting for it to complete
stxxl::row_vector< ValueType >External row-vector container for matrix multiplication
stxxl::run_cursor< block_type >
stxxl::run_cursor2< block_type, prefetcher_type_ >
stxxl::RunsToBIDArrayAdaptor< _blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type >
stxxl::RunsToBIDArrayAdaptor2< _blk_sz, _run_type, __pos_type >
stxxl::scoped_mutex_lockAquire a lock that's valid until the end of scope
stxxl::serving_requestRequest which serves an I/O by calling the synchronous routine of the file
stxxl::settings< must_be_int >
stxxl::shared_objectProvides reference counting abilities for use with shared_object_pointer
stxxl::shared_object_pointer< C >Behaves much like a Pointer, plus deleteing the referred object with it's last reference and ability to unify, i.e. make and refer a copy if the original object was shared
stxxl::sim_disk_fileImplementation of disk emulation
stxxl::simple_vector< _Tp >
stxxl::single_disk'single disk' disk allocation scheme functor
stxxl::sort_helper::run_cursor2_cmp< block_type, prefetcher_type, value_cmp >
stxxl::sort_helper::trigger_entry< BlockTp_, ValTp_ >
stxxl::sort_helper::trigger_entry_cmp< TriggerEntryTp_, ValueCmp_ >
stxxl::sort_local::read_next_after_write_completed< block_type, bid_type >
stxxl::sorter< ValueType, CompareType, BlockSize, AllocStrategy >External Sorter: use stream package objects to keep a sorted container
stxxl::SRSimple randomized disk allocation scheme functor
stxxl::stable_ksort_local::bid_sequence< BIDType_, AllocStrategy_ >
stxxl::stable_ksort_local::type_key< type >
stxxl::stack_config_generator< ValTp, BlocksPerPage, BlkSz, AllocStr, SzTp >
stxxl::STACK_GENERATOR< ValTp, Externality, Behaviour, BlocksPerPage, BlkSz, IntStackTp, MigrCritSize, AllocStr, SzTp >Stack type generator
stxxl::state< Tp >
stxxl::static_quadtree< ValueType, Level >A static_quadtree holds 4^Level elements arranged in a quad tree
stxxl::static_quadtree< ValueType, 0 >
stxxl::statsCollects various I/O statistics
stxxl::stream::basic_runs_creator< Input_, CompareType_, BlockSize_, AllocStr_ >Forms sorted runs of data from a stream
stxxl::stream::basic_runs_merger< RunsType_, CompareType_, AllocStr_ >Merges sorted runs
stxxl::stream::choose< Input_, Which >
stxxl::stream::choose< Input_, 1 >Creates stream from a tuple stream taking the first component of each tuple
stxxl::stream::choose< Input_, 2 >Creates stream from a tuple stream taking the second component of each tuple
stxxl::stream::choose< Input_, 3 >Creates stream from a tuple stream taking the third component of each tuple
stxxl::stream::choose< Input_, 4 >Creates stream from a tuple stream taking the fourth component of each tuple
stxxl::stream::choose< Input_, 5 >Creates stream from a tuple stream taking the fifth component of each tuple
stxxl::stream::choose< Input_, 6 >Creates stream from a tuple stream taking the sixth component of each tuple
stxxl::stream::compute_sorted_runs_type< ValueType_, BlockSize_ >Computes sorted runs type from value type and block size
stxxl::stream::from_sorted_sequences< ValueType_ >Input strategy for runs_creator class
stxxl::stream::generator2stream< Generator_, T >A model of stream that outputs data from an adaptable generator functor For convenience use streamify function instead of direct instantiation of generator2stream
stxxl::stream::iterator2stream< InputIterator_ >A model of stream that retrieves the data from an input iterator For convenience use streamify function instead of direct instantiation of iterator2stream
stxxl::stream::make_tuple< Input1_, Input2_, Input3_, Input4_, Input5_, Input6_ >Creates stream of 6-tuples from 6 input streams
stxxl::stream::make_tuple< Input1_, Input2_, Input3_, Input4_, Input5_, Stopper >Creates stream of 5-tuples from 5 input streams
stxxl::stream::make_tuple< Input1_, Input2_, Input3_, Input4_, Stopper, Stopper >Creates stream of 4-tuples from 4 input streams
stxxl::stream::make_tuple< Input1_, Input2_, Input3_, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper >Creates stream of 3-tuples from 3 input streams
stxxl::stream::make_tuple< Input1_, Input2_, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper >Creates stream of 2-tuples (pairs) from 2 input streams
stxxl::stream::runs_creator< Input_, CompareType_, BlockSize_, AllocStr_ >Forms sorted runs of data from a stream
stxxl::stream::runs_creator< from_sorted_sequences< ValueType_ >, CompareType_, BlockSize_, AllocStr_ >Forms sorted runs of data taking elements in sorted order (element by element)
stxxl::stream::runs_creator< use_push< ValueType_ >, CompareType_, BlockSize_, AllocStr_ >Forms sorted runs of elements passed in push() method
stxxl::stream::runs_merger< RunsType_, CompareType_, AllocStr_ >Merges sorted runs
stxxl::stream::sort< Input_, CompareType_, BlockSize_, AllocStr_, runs_creator_type >Produces sorted stream from input stream
stxxl::stream::sorted_runs< TriggerEntryType, CompareType_ >All sorted runs of a sort operation
stxxl::stream::streamify_traits< InputIterator_ >Traits class of streamify function
stxxl::stream::streamify_traits< stxxl::const_vector_iterator< Tp_, AllocStr_, SzTp_, DiffTp_, BlkSize_, PgTp_, PgSz_ > >
stxxl::stream::streamify_traits< stxxl::vector_iterator< Tp_, AllocStr_, SzTp_, DiffTp_, BlkSize_, PgTp_, PgSz_ > >
stxxl::stream::transform< Operation_, Input1_, Input2_, Input3_, Input4_, Input5_, Input6_ >Processes (up to) 6 input streams using given operation functor
stxxl::stream::transform< Operation_, Input1_, Input2_, Input3_, Input4_, Input5_, Stopper >Processes 5 input streams using given operation functor
stxxl::stream::transform< Operation_, Input1_, Input2_, Input3_, Input4_, Stopper, Stopper >Processes 4 input streams using given operation functor
stxxl::stream::transform< Operation_, Input1_, Input2_, Input3_, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper >Processes 3 input streams using given operation functor
stxxl::stream::transform< Operation_, Input1_, Input2_, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper >Processes 2 input streams using given operation functor
stxxl::stream::transform< Operation_, Input1_, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper, Stopper >Processes an input stream using given operation functor
stxxl::stream::unique< Input, BinaryPredicate >Equivalent to std::unique algorithms
stxxl::stream::unique< Input, dummy_cmp_unique_ >Equivalent to std::unique algorithms
stxxl::stream::use_push< ValueType_ >Input strategy for runs_creator class
stxxl::stream::vector_iterator2stream< InputIterator_ >A model of stream that retrieves data from an external stxxl::vector iterator. It is more efficient than generic iterator2stream thanks to use of overlapping For convenience use streamify function instead of direct instantiation of vector_iterator2stream
stxxl::stream::vector_iterator2stream_sr< InputIterator_ >Version of iterator2stream. Switches between vector_iterator2stream and iterator2stream
stxxl::stripingStriping disk allocation scheme functor
stxxl::swappable_block< ValueType, BlockSize >Virtualization of a block of data. Holds information for allocating and swapping. To use in cooperation with block_scheduler
stxxl::swappable_block_matrix< ValueType, BlockSideLength >External container for a (sub)matrix. Not intended for direct use
stxxl::SWITCH< tag, Case >
stxxl::SWITCH< tag, NilCase >
stxxl::switch_major_index< BlockSideLength, false >
stxxl::switch_major_index< BlockSideLength, true >
stxxl::syscall_fileImplementation of file based on UNIX syscalls
stxxl::trigger_entry_iterator< trigger_iterator_type >
stxxl::tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 >K-Tuple data type
stxxl::tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 >::item_type< I >
stxxl::tuple< T1, Plug, Plug, Plug, Plug >Partial specialization for 1- tuple
stxxl::tuple< T1, Plug, Plug, Plug, Plug >::item_type< I >
stxxl::tuple< T1, T2, Plug, Plug, Plug, Plug >Partial specialization for 2- tuple (equivalent to std::pair)
stxxl::tuple< T1, T2, Plug, Plug, Plug, Plug >::item_type< I >
stxxl::tuple< T1, T2, T3, Plug, Plug, Plug >Partial specialization for 3- tuple (triple)
stxxl::tuple< T1, T2, T3, Plug, Plug, Plug >::item_type< I >
stxxl::tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, Plug, Plug >Partial specialization for 4- tuple
stxxl::tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, Plug, Plug >::item_type< I >
stxxl::tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, Plug >Partial specialization for 5- tuple
stxxl::tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, Plug >::item_type< I >
stxxl::tuple_base< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 >
stxxl::tuple_base< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 >::item_type< I >
stxxl::TwoToOneDimArrayAdaptorBase< one_dim_array_type, data_type, pos_type >
stxxl::typed_block< RawSize_, T_, NRef_, InfoType_ >Block containing elements of fixed length
stxxl::ufs_file_baseBase for UNIX file system implementations
stxxl::vector< Tp_, PgSz_, PgTp_, BlkSize_, AllocStr_, SzTp_ >External vector container
stxxl::vector_bufwriter< VectorType >Buffered sequential writer to a vector using overlapped I/O
stxxl::VECTOR_GENERATOR< Tp_, PgSz_, Pages_, BlkSize_, AllocStr_, Pager_ >External vector type generator
stxxl::vector_iterator< Tp_, AllocStr_, SzTp_, DiffTp_, BlkSize_, PgTp_, PgSz_ >External vector iterator, model of ext_random_access_iterator concept
stxxl::wbtl_fileImplementation of file based on buffered writes and block remapping via a translation layer
stxxl::write_pool< BlockType >Implements dynamically resizable buffered writing pool
stxxl::write_pool< BlockType >::busy_entry
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